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Translation Table and Glossary for Motorcycle Terms
Translation Table of Motorcycle Terms in several languages, also Glossary to explain what the words mean! Also there, Common phrases for the road for vehicle travellers! |
Russian in both cyrillic and roman (latin) alphabet would be nice.
If you want to add Japanese, I can translate that. Japanese is a 'minor' language, but it is the only one I am fluent in other than English! Some common phrases used in traveling not found in regular phrase books would be good too. i.e. "may I camp here tonight?" "can you fix..." "can you recommend a good mechanic?" "I want to ship a motorcycle to..." |
+1 on the common phrases - that would be incredibly useful.
Russian and Portuguese added!
Waterfox - ok, so what are they? And in what country? It CAN be different depending on which country. Corrections: Please let us know what country the terms are DEFINITELY valid in! Chris, please send in the Japanese - that would be great! Common Terms - yes! Anyone volunteering to start it out? There is probably a starting point out there somewhere on the web we can use without copyright problems - wikipedia? |
The HUBB does not handle double-byte characters well (I wish it did, even if I can't read the content. It would allow use of translation software at least.). I will send Japanese and suggestions for additions later. I have been meaning to do so for like a year now. With all my clients taking the week off for a natural disaster, I may just have the time.... |
Here is the link for the file, in case you could not find it. Download the file to your computer first. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tec...ranslation.xls Of course, this assumes you have Excel (Microsoft Office) installed on your computer. If not, try Open Office, a free alternative. I was able use Open Office with no problem. |
well i also want that you add their japenese because i can speak it very well and i could help here all the user in Japanese language however they need any type of translation or else i am their for them so i request you plz add japenese language but thanks of your nice effort in this forum
How do I get to read the translations? |
Translation Table and Glossary for Motorcycle Terms | Horizons Unlimited Anyone who can contribute to this, please download the Excel file at that page and add to/correct items. |
I could do a Sesotho version if there is any interest. Limited usefulness, though. Just Lesotho, Free State and parts of Gaunteng in South Africa, and maybe some overlap with Setswana (Botswana) or other Bantu languages.
thanks! |
In the link at the beginning there is a list of motorcycle terms. it refers to "air fuel mixture" and quotes that the air to fuel ratio is about 15:1
At 50 mph my Enfield 500 is turning over at about 3,000 Rpm. Which means 1500 induction strokes per minute. This is 750 litres of fuel/air per minute. a 1/15th of this is 50 litres per minute. Now I have to say, perhaps because it lacks fuel injection my Enfield uses considerably less than 50 litres of fuel a minute. So where is the error? |
google "stoichiometric ratio gasoline engine" and you ought to get all you want and much more... |
Grant I just updated with the Common Bike Travel Phrases in Brazilian Portuguese.
Como se diz (isso)? Encha o tanque com gasolina comum (aditivada) por favor. Vou pagar com dinheiro (cartão de crédito). Por favor, você poderia me mostrar como usar isso? Onde fica o XXX. Eu posso acampar aqui? Posso parar a minha moto aqui? Estou com um pneu furado. O motor não está ligando. Quanto custa a diária? Você tem um quarto disponível? Oficina mecânica de motos. Polícia Ambulância Mapa I´m sending the XLS file through the e-mail too. |
Excellent stuff, thanks!
will post asap, but we're moving house this week so it will be a while. :( |
Thanks Grant, I had guessed this just had to be the case, but no one ever qualifies the ratio by stating mass. With the exception of CV carbs like SU and Bing all the adjustments change volume without any feedback from mass. I dont think even modern FI systems monitor or adjust for fuel temperature and therefore density..
I am not being pernickity, I just read things literally. It helped me with programming but sometimes I have to manually correct the information I am given. for instance whenever I see a sign saying "disabled toilet", my first thought is why don't they fix it :) Even though I KNOW what the real meaning is I have to consciously change what I read into what they mean. Some of the english translations have become suspect as it is trying to serve two languages, English and Amercan which have diverged from one another as to be ifferent. There was a time when all Euope had a common language ( Latin) but that is now gone and most European languages are unintelligible to the rest. I worked for an Amercan computer company for many years and some of their engineering terms are really archaic Shakesperian Olde Worlde. Other terms are completely different as are some expressions which have entirely different meanings in each language due to each country having had a different history since they started to diverge. It might be better to have a column for each language. |
i'll soon do Turkish translation. still working on it!
Turkish has been added!
Thanks to Ozhan - delay was me not having tome to add it - he had it done in no time, so thanks!
Any other languages anyone? |
Just saw this now,,
Very good idea. I am attaching Korean next to English, only because it was easier for my neck ,, you can move it down further, since it is a minor language. At same I was amazed to notice, how much of Korean has been adulterated by English, when it comes to mechanical things. Sent it ,, |
Thanks for the Korean, Joe.
Can you put the the reading of the Korean in latin letters too? Maybe the page hasn't been updated yet, but now it only has the hangul alphabet. Most of us can't read hungul, though... See the example for Japanese and Greek. Thanks! Quote:
The page is up-to-date.
I've also asked Joe for a phonetic version to help us language challenged folks! :) |
Ok....italian common phrases done...
Spanish Common Phrases done!
:oops2: didn't notice it was not done...
Ready for those heading to SAm (and Spain)!:D Esteban |
¿Cómo se dice/llama (esto)? Sin Plomo/Súper 95/98, lleno, por favor Pagaré en efectivo (con tarjeta de crédito) Por favor, ¿podría enseñarme como funciona esto? ¿Dónde se encuentra X? ¿Puedo acampar aquí? ¿Puedo aparcar mi moto aquí? He tenido un pinchazo / Tengo una rueda pinchada El motor no arranca ¿Cuánto cuesta una noche? ¿Tiene una habitación libre? Taller de motocicletas Policía Ambulancia Mapa Fronteras con X |
Esteban, thanks for the phrases! I've added them to the spreadsheet.
You may have had trouble because you have to download the spreadsheet, save it locally, edit and email it to me. Or what you've done works fine too! All done though! thanks, Grant |
great, thanks, I'll add it in shortly! :)
in spanish you can also use these words, as they are also very common:
gas station = gasolinera toilets = aseos |
Hey folks!
A little help with Russian untranslated terms: constant velocity jnt. >> ШРУС [SHRUs], which is abbreviation of Шарнир Равных Угловых Скоростей (sharNIR RAVnykh ugloVYKH skoroSTEY) piston slap >> стук в поршневой [STUk v porshneVOI], which is literally can be translated back as "rattling in piston-cilinder group". I hope I got it right. easy out (removes broken screws by drilling a hole into screw and inserting this) >> экстрактор [extRAKtor] \ вывёртыш [vyVYORtysh] overhead valves >> клапана верхнего расположения [klapaNA VERKHnego raspoloZHENiya] also, a little changes I suggest: exhaust valve >> выпускной клапан [vypuskNOI KLApan] filter (air filter) [oil filter] >> воздушный (air) фильтр [vozDUSHniy FIL'tr] \ масло (oil) фильтр [MASlo FIL'tr] fuel lever (petcock lever) >> топливный кран [TOplivnyii KRAN] \ бензокран [benzoKRAN] fuse (fuse box) >> предохранитель [predokhraNItel'] (блок предохранителей [BLOK predokhraNItelei) to loosen >> ослабить [osLAbit'] Hope this helps :) P.S. And for Common Phrases: Can I camp here? >> Можно ли поставить здесь палатку? [MOzhno LI poSTAvit' ZDES' paLATku?], which is literally can be translated back as "can I place a tent here?" UPD: triple clamp >> траверса (TRAversa) |
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