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A trip "half" the world - a finacial statistic!
Hi Guys!
We just finished a "half" worldtrip (we call it Part I...). :thumbup1: It took us 15 month, from Septembre 2005 to Decembre 2006. We started in Auckland (NZ) and drove as much as possible the overland-route back home to Germany. After we reach our homecountry we spend some time on the computer and made a fine statistic. Meaby it is a helpful advice for planning a tour close to our route... We drove one old Africa Twin, spend a lot of time in the tent in NZ and AUS. From Malaysia and further on we mostly used the ultracheap, typically asian accomodations and eat in restaurants. We have had 5 transports (a mount of money!!!). Here it is: Completely Costs: 33.448 € ( = 74,49 € daily ) That are all the cost around our trip, including everything. Pure Travelcosts: 29.436 € ( = 65,56 € daily ) Complete Costs without Presents, personell Items, Souvenirs, etc. Pure Daycosts: 18.886 € ( = 42,06 € daily ) Pure Travelcosts without the costs for Motorbike and Flights, Transports, Visa etc. Call it an advice for backpacker.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Traveltime: 449 Days Kilometre: 49042km Travelled Countrys: 13 Continents: 3 A good "slide" into the next year:clap: from Tanja and Christian www.enduroreisende.de |
I would be very interested to know how many miles you rode, and how much you spent on fuel.. even how much fuel did you use. Thanks
Excellent info :clap: Tanja and Christian, thanks for posting it - I look forward to hearing about part 2! :)
Some answers...
Hi Guys!
To "OLDBMW": 49042km means 39473miles. We don't count the fuel. But we had an average from about 5,6li per 100km. That could be about 2750liters all together. The fuel price on our route was extremely different. From extrem expensive in Turkey (1,91US-$ p. li.:mad2: ) to extremly cheap in Iran (00,9US-$ p.li.:clap: ). I AUS and NZ we spent most of the time (and miles) and there we pay mostly roundabout 1 Buck per litre. To "Grant": We are also looking forward to plan the trip II. But,....unfortunately we have to work for the money first and that will take a lot of time. We hope that we can start again in 4-6 years....:scooter: Have a good "slide" Christian |
Thank you for your valuable information. It really helps to get a handle on expenses to be expected
While planning a trip involves lots of variables it's great to get average costs to understand if I am in the ball-park.
Accepting of course that no trip will ever be the same. :thumbup1: |
Travel cost
Hi all
Very interesting to see the cost of 2 bikes. To compare, in one Iveco 4x4 in 7 months around the Med. we spent £7000, about £33 per day or 25 Euro each over 21000 km. The cost of fuel in Turkey was a shock, but well balanced by Libya! I had budgeted on £15 per day each, so not too far out, well if the Olympics come in 10% over I will be impressed! Bruce |
Some more facts to our costs...
Hi Guys!
I just want to explain :smartass: why we have had this pretty high costs, with only one bike:
Christian |
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