Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Vicks7 31 May 2007 18:31

Where to store Travel Docs/Credit Cards
Hi All,
I would be interested to hear where people tend to carry their travel documents (passport, driver's licence, insurance etc) and credit cards and cash when on the road. I had thought the tank bag would be an ideal place but on reflection perhaps best to keep them on your person, maybe even using a money belt.

Stephano 31 May 2007 18:37

inside zipped pocket

Originally Posted by Vicks7 (Post 138254)
Hi All,
I would be interested to hear where people tend to carry their travel documents (passport, driver's licence, insurance etc) and credit cards and cash when on the road. I had thought the tank bag would be an ideal place but on reflection perhaps best to keep them on your person, maybe even using a money belt.

Personally I keep them in the inside zipped pocket of my jacket which I rarely take off while travelling. I find that money belts close to the skin tend to get a bit sweaty and uncomfortable.

Tim Cullis 31 May 2007 20:35

Personally I think a jacket is the worst place. One of the guys on our 'Chase the Dakar' trip in 2006 put his jacket over a chair in a cafe and when he came to leave, his wallet with cash and credit cards had gone.

I have a small wallet in my zipped trouser pocket in which I carry a day's cash, a credit card and an ATM debit card. My mobile phone goes into other trouser pocket.

I keep the other money, cards and documents on the bike in as secure place as possible. It helps if you have metal panniers and a bike alarm.

I also have a trembler alarm (that's used to protect laptop PC cases) to provide security for my tank bag. I can thread the wire through the sleeve of my jacket and then leave the jacket on the bike if I want.


Danquart 31 May 2007 20:53

safe and smelly
Hi ,:thumbup1:
I feel very safe with the leggy belt thing. I tend to forget where I put things, but using the leg wallet or whatever it·s called, I know where the really important documents ad cash are/is.:clap:
Only problem is that it·s smelly after long days of riding:oops2: but washes well.
Smelly but more or less safe.:rolleyes3:

Love .... Dan:tongue_smilie:

jkrijt 31 May 2007 22:06

When I am traveling in very foreign countries:
I have a wallet that I carry under my clothes on my body with my passport, drivers license, spare creditcard some cash, spare bike keys etc.
I have a "normal" wallet with a creditcard, my bank card and some cash and a copy of my drivers license and passport
I have a dummy wallet with €10, some small local currency and some worthless and/or expired cards. If the rob me, I'll try to give them my dummy wallet and hope they leave me alone.

I also leave a copy of my drivers license and passport at home so if everything is lost or stolen, they can fax it to me so I have all the information to go to the police, Dutxch embassy etc.

Lotjamie 1 Jun 2007 10:43

Various copies
I am also intending to place several copies of important documents in the car, in the back as well as in the cab.

And at the moment I am opening another bankaccount so that I can place the different cards in different places and if one gets stolen/lost I have money at another account.


Jeffr726 1 Jun 2007 15:31

I haven't read much on the documentation side of things so this may have been previously suggested or discouraged. Whenever I travel I scan copies of all my important documents, credit cards, etc on to my computer. I attach the files to an email and send them to myself.

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