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Ceasar 18 Sep 2001 18:10

The following is extracted from the Sun today, WWW.thesun.co.uk



PRESIDENT Bush visited a mosque last night and told America: "Terror is not the true faith of Islam."

Mr Bush visited the Washington Islamic Center to halt a backlash against America's millions of Muslims.

He said: "Muslims were outraged at last Tuesday's attacks.

"These acts violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. It's important for Americans to understand that."

Racists in the US have launched a series of attacks since Tuesday. One man killed a Sikh in Arizona before shooting at Lebanese and Afghan Americans.

Muslim leaders listened as Mr Bush quoted from the Koran: "Evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil."

Mr Bush added: "The faith of Islam is peace. These terrorists represent evil and war."

He said women were now afraid to go out in Muslim dress, adding: "That's not the America I know."

Fury as US is blamed

A BRITISH-based Muslim cleric has caused outrage by claiming the US blew up the World Trade Center to start a war against Islam.

ITV was flooded with complaints after the rant by Egyptian-born Abu Hamza, who lives in West London, on regional show London Tonight on Sunday.

MI5 Stella in book stunt

SECURITY chiefs have accused ex-MI5 boss Dame Stella Rimington of "bad taste" for holding a book signing.

Open Secret - being signed in London today - tells of her 27 years with MI5 and how the service fights terrorism.

Experts fear it will cause huge damage

brclarke 19 Sep 2001 09:26

>Mr Bush visited the Washington Islamic
>Center to halt a backlash against America's
>millions of Muslims.

Finally some good news this week...

Graeme 19 Sep 2001 20:37

Yes but it's the Bush administrations aggressive attitude and handling of this episode that has created increased tension & enflamed attitudes even more on both sides. Remember it is Americas meddling in global affairs, pursuing their own capitalistic agenda and religious dogma bias that lead to the horror of NYC & Washington.
I blame Bush for ruining my nice R.T.W ride.
Thanks a lot Dubya, please try and see some reason and avoid going in there all guns blazing and for God's (everyone's God)sake leave Pakistan alone.

brclarke 21 Sep 2001 01:48

>Remember it is Americas meddling in global
>affairs, pursuing their own capitalistic
>agenda and religious dogma bias that lead
>to the horror of NYC & Washington.

Don't be shy; tell us how you really feel...

Susan Johnson 21 Sep 2001 02:44

We realise that the current situation is creating a lot of inconvenience for travellers, and that it is normal to want to find someone to blame. However, the root causes of the events of September 11 are complex, and this forum is not the place for political or religious debates.

We'd appreciate it if folks just provided factual information for the benefit of other travellers, and post your personal opinions on some other site. CNN, BBC and other news sites are doing regular polls, so tell THEM how you feel. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/wink.gif

From the BBC site - Talking Point http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/tal...nt/default.stm

"...these terrorists are bent on destroying the pillars of civilized behaviour: peace, fairness, justice and genuine respect for each other. We need now, more than ever, to be civilized, mind our language, do what is just and see to it that only wrongdoers are punished. A J Ferrie, Singapore "

Susan Johnson

[This message has been edited by Susan (edited 20 September 2001).]

yoni 22 Sep 2001 20:29

I agree with susane, it's time to hold for a minute, get ready for changes it's really don't matter who is right or wrong now, as a well experienced biker do - watch for changes on the road youre heading .(...WE are ALL heading).
Traveling by bike is going to be different for some time in some parts of the world, belive me, I'm from Israel and I can give a 100 page story of how to plan a trip, taking in consideration that there are places and peopel that wants me dead. There is no quick solution but to flow with the FACTS not with the anger or blame.
Riding a bike to unknown places is an adventure. going to a known hostile zones is not.

Please keep the list free from politics!

Take care

(on our way to Capadokia Turkey for 2 weeks.)

Graeme 24 Sep 2001 22:53

O.K, my knuckles have been rapped with justification. I'm just annoyed at so much planning and expense being jeopardised like this. Adventures of this nature are about accounting for the unexpected I guess, and we are very much the lucky ones alive, kicking and doing it! Sorry for the outburst.

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