Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Central america ground border (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-advisories-safety-security-road/central-america-ground-border-101873)

adventure 209 28 Apr 2021 20:47

Central america ground border
Good day riders

I will like to know if all the central america country the ground border are open to travelling in a motorcycles.

Also I will like to know what is the covid 19 situation there.

Is it complicated to change the country by the ground.


Djimny 9 May 2021 22:22


Originally Posted by adventure 209 (Post 619816)
Good day riders

I will like to know if all the central america country the ground border are open to travelling in a motorcycles.

Also I will like to know what is the covid 19 situation there.

Is it complicated to change the country by the ground.


From Suriname to the both sides the borders are closed.


Erik_G 11 May 2021 19:05

Suriname ?
if you go for Central America and end up in Suriname ?

Are you not pretty lost ?

brclarke 13 May 2021 18:21

Honestly, I think you will need to visit the government sites for each country, and monitor on a regular basis as the COVID situation seems to be very fluid.

FreedomTraveler 28 Jun 2021 22:02

Central America may be open to you.
Search Curt and Snow on YouTube.com they as well as another couple have been crossing the borders from the USA to Costa Rica on four wheels this year.

They have had to get C-19 test at there own cost and have documented the process at each border crossing.

Cavet: Curt and Snow are citizens of the USA, you want to check to make sure your passport allows you to cross in the same manner.

Safe travels,

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