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Fuchur 29 Nov 2002 20:51

Dutch and Australian Missing in Nigeria
Newsletter No. 2002-7 (special edition)
Consulaat-Generaal der Nederlanden Lagos
November 2002

To whoever may read this,

With this extra newsletter I would like to inform you about the following:
Mr. Paul Hesselink (30 y.), a Dutch Citizen, accompanied by Kaye J. MacMillan, Australian Citizen , are doing an Africa Overland. They travel with a Nissan Patrol (VH-LB-60 Dutch Numberplate). Since some time no one has heard from them.

If you know these persons or there where abouts, could you please inform me about this. Also I would like you to look out for these persons or have any news about them or where you might have seen them last and if yu see them, please ask Mr. Paul Hesselink to contaxt his Family ASAP, and the Dutch Embassy at Abuja or the Consulate at Lagos.

Thank you for your effords,
G. van Hemert
(Freely translated to some sort of English)

CU under the Cu

http://www.crossing-africa.com .:. The Ultimate Travel on a Yamaha XT600Z

[This message has been edited by Fuchur (edited 29 November 2002).]

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