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-   -   looking for info on Cambodia/Vietnam (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-advisories-safety-security-road/looking-for-info-cambodia-vietnam-3069)

Jonathan Segel 22 Jun 2000 01:17

looking for info on Cambodia/Vietnam
does anybody know the current status of size limitations on moto-engines for entry into cambodia or vietnam? are they still at 200cc? and perhaps any other concerns!

Grant Johnson 22 Jun 2000 01:36


What sort of entry are you talking - as a traveller passing through or permanent importation?

As a traveller, it's on-again off again.

Some travellers have gotten through (no size restriction) some haven't.

The Ratays were recently rejected at the Moc Bai (Cambodia/Vietnam) border crossing.

Anke & Jan (R1100GS's) got in at the Laos/Vietnam border in April.

Philippe (phjanowski@yahoo.com) got in recently on a Transalp at the same Laos/Vietnam border -- near Vinh.

Good luck, and do let us know how you go!

Grant Johnson

Share the Dream!
at: www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

[This message has been edited by Grant Johnson (edited 21 June 2000).]

Jonathan Segel 22 Jun 2000 02:47

my intention is simply travel (and maybe to record some street musicians) - i was hoping to ride from bangkok through to cambodia -angkor of course - and then on to saigon. but carrying a passenger!
are there problems entering vietnam from cambodia?

Russell 23 Jun 2000 16:39

Try David Unkovich (davidfl@loxinfo.co.th) in Northern Thailand -- he ought to know the latest situation. He also runs an excellent site at http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/5354/index.html

chan 12 Aug 2000 04:24

Hi Jonathan

I'd recently rode my Africa Twin with my girlfriend as pillion from Singapore to Cambodia & Vietnam.

I'd rode to Cambodia from Bangkok alone as the road conditions are too bad for carrying a pillion.It's not impossible with pillion but it'll be very tough,with the bike bottoming out frequently & the pillion will had to walk at many sections.

As I'm from S'pore(member nation of ASEAN),I do not require a carnet for my S'pore registered bike.Others will need a Carnet,that's what the customs officer at the Poipet border told me.The Quarantine & Health section asked for the International Certificate of Vaccination,which I had,but I think it's still possible to get through without one.

Like Chris & Erin before me,I failed to enter Vietnam at Moc Bai border.Same reason:no bikes above 175cc.

With the recent successes of Anke & Jan as well as Phillipe,I decided to try the Nam Phao(Laos)/Cau Treo(Vietnam)border along route 8 with my girlfriend.We breezed through the Vietnamese border in 20 minutes.There's no paperwork for the bike,just get it inspected.I asked about any documents/paperwork required for the bike twice & was told by the Customs officer that"OK,no problem,just inspect bike & go".

When we tried to exit Vietnam at the Lao Bao border,my bike was not allowed to leave as it do not have a "Baggage Declaration" form.I told the Customs that the Cau Treo Customs told me it's not required but they just wouldn't care.The Vietnamese Customs at Lao Bao are extremely problematic.They wouldn't help nor tell you how you can go about getting the neccessary documents or permits.When we persisted,they told us different & contradicting procedures which made us even more confused.After 2 days at the border from morning till night,& trying all other means including bribes,we'd no choice but to get help from the S'pore Embassy at Hanoi.

The Embassy advised us that in Vietnam,everybody,including the Embassy,are at their mercy.And wether you like it or not,giving bribes is still the best & easiest way through.After another 5 days of going round the bureaucracy,diplomatic notes & meeting the high officials by the S'pore Embassy,we're finally allowed to exit.

Since you prefer a continous loop,the only route would be to enter Vietnam through Laos at Nam Phao,ride to the North(Hanoi etc)& go South to Ho Chi Minh City,where you can enter Cambodia at Moc Bai.From there,ride West along route 6 through Phnom Penh & Siem Reap.Then exit Cambodia to Thailand at Poi Pet/Aranyaprathet.

You can visit Chris & Erin's homepage(add from links page)for a glimpse of Cambodian roads.David Unkovich would be updating infos on these countries at his website as well.


jorwik 8 Sep 2000 02:42

Hi se-asian riders. I'll try for a ride Thailand - Laos - Vietnam and back next year. Got an Yamaha 1000 TR 1 with Thai plates, the papers are in my name. Any good info, anyone?
Jorgen www.geocities.com/jorwik/isanriders.html


chan 8 Sep 2000 12:51

Hello Jorwik

Nice to know another rider in the region.Since you stay at Udon Thani,the Friendship bridge at Nong Khai would be your nearest border entry to Laos.From personal experience,this border is more hassle & expensive than Nakhon Phanom,Mukdahan & Chong Mek.This is due to the paperwork & permits required(for individual province)& the need to transport the bike over the bridge on the back of a pickup(600 baht).The Southern borders had virtually no extra paperwork or fees required for the bike.

From the border,you can proceed North to Vientiane/Vang Vieng/Luang Prabang,all along paved highway.I supposed your's a road bike,so not advisable to venture beyond Luang Prabang.

To get into Vietnam,the only possible(not 100% though)crossing is Nam Phao.Getting out should not be a problem at the rest of the Vietnam/Laos borders.You can refer to my earlier reply in this thread.

Have an enjoyable journey.

hsta 4 Dec 2000 07:52

Hi All

I Live in Ho Chi Minh i a from New Zealand
The stories here are very there seems to be no rime or reason who gets over the border and who does not.
The reason they will not let big bike in is they are afraid the street robers will get a hold of them.
I myself have five bikes here of which one is a ZXR and even though it is correctly licensed here i still have problems with police.
On the bright side there is so much to see here and is well worth the ride. I ride every day and go somewhere every weekend Vietnam is a great country and the people are really easy to get along with so don't
let the stories put you off.
Hey and if you are here look me up

Daniel 19 Dec 2000 16:12

Hello all

Last March I entered with a friend on two BMW's Vietnam from Cambodia and back. We have done this before.

I know that 3 groups with bikes on different days were turned back. Benka, shortly after the Ratays and another group of 2 bikes about 1-2 months before them.
I guess the Vietnamese are now informed about the correct laws and this will change as soon as the custom crew is replaced. When ever this will be.

Correctly a permit should be organized in Hanoi at the Ministry for sport, youth,... Similar to China a trip would be guided.
The cc of the bike does not matter.

As in the mails above I succeded as well at the Cautreo border and it worked for many others too.

This concerns foreign registered bikes with Carne de Passage. They stamped our Carne each time.

For more info of the area please visit: http://www.geocities.com/bkkriders/


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