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Channey 15 Apr 2015 01:40


Originally Posted by Dave Nunns (Post 501303)
I'll be there in about a month - so I'm hoping its ok. I'll feed back when I return (early July).

Feedback on other threads suggest the route and the safety situation haven't changed for many years. The advice is always stick to what the police tell you to do (ie, don't go wondering off) and you will be ok.

What I've not been able to pick up so far is how much sight seeing is possible with the police escort, sights such as Mohenjo-Daro and Uch Sharif are on the route, would be a shame to pass by without seeing them.


Hi Dave,

Would love to hear your experience in Pakistan. Let us know if you managed to visit those sites.


Mombassa 5 Jun 2015 07:28

So sad to see all these issues ... when I crossed in 2006, I was intercepted by the Iranian police in Zahedan, brought to the border and released into Pakistan. It was only after Quetta that I saw any escorts, and not even all the way to Peshawar (via DI Kham and DG Kham). That was the last escort before the KKH. Peshawar was considered safe back then...

Pakistan is one of the placed I loved most, for the people, for the wild nature, just stunning ...

I really hope things settle down there...

Mad 28 Jun 2015 12:28

crossing Iran-Pakistan-India to the east
Hi fellas,

heading east (on our motorbikes) from Germany next year.

As we want to spend as little as possible (and China route with a guide etc sounds expensive), the idea was
to cross Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan and continue to India and onwards.

Balochistan area is notorious for being unstable for a long time now, so although our idea looks good on the map - going to south eastern Iran and continuing to south-west Pakistan alongside the coast - is it in fact reasonable?

Any latest news on the subject? Does this route sound feasable at all?

Since we intend to deal with visas as we apporach each border, we'd be in a big trouble if we had to change the route and head back to Iran, cross the Stans and somehow organize all the paperwork for China while on the road.

Or better plan the (our) second option ...-Turkey-Iran-Stans-China-Laos-... from here?!

So it seems it's best to get some reliable info and tips on this bit rather than to improvize (for THIS part of our rtw).

Thanks for your comments!


Channey 16 Sep 2015 19:34

Latest information on Pakistan - Balochistan region
We rode from Taftan to Multan two weeks ago. Once you cross the border into Taftan, you will go through Immigration, then they will lead you to the Police compound (called Leevies) where they will register you. Then they take you to the custom office to fill out your Carnet. Depending on what time it is. you will either stay in the Police compound for the night, or they will organize police escort to the next town - Dalbandin.

We had police escort all the way from Taftan to Dalbandin, Quetta, Sukkur, and Multan. The police escorts are slow - ranging from 40 kph via motorcycles to 80 kph via Toyota Hylux . There are lots of check points where you have to fill in passport details, and also lots of changeovers of police escorts.

You will be stuck in the hotels, and there is a police guard in the hotel 24 hours. You are not free to go outside without police escort.

We did not come across any sign of danger anywhere, but two days after we left Multan (supposed to be a safe city), there was a massive bomb blast near a bus terminal which killed 11 people, and injured 58. So you should stick to the police advise for safety. They are there to protect you.

In Quetta, you will stay at Bloom Star Hotel. You can't leave Quetta until you get a NOC from the Home Office. I think the office closes after 1 pm. Police Escort will take you there, and you can leave with police escort the day after you get the NOC. So make sure you don't arrive in Quetta after 1 pm on Friday, you will be stuck there for 3 days, and can't leave till Tuesday.

In Multan, we stayed with a local adventure biker who offered us accommodation and food for free. His name is Muhammad Iqbal Ghangla. If you have Facebook, try to connect with him. He lives in Multan. We had a great time with him. Pakistan people are extremely friendly to foreigners, and make extra effort to make us feel welcome. We decided to stay in Pakistan longer and visit the Karakorum highway.

Mombassa 16 Sep 2015 21:47


Originally Posted by Channey (Post 515885)
We rode from Taftan to Multan two weeks ago. Once you cross the border into Taftan, you will go through Immigration, then they will lead you to the Police compound (called Leevies) where they will register you. Then they take you to the custom office to fill out your Carnet. Depending on what time it is. you will either stay in the Police compound for the night, or they will organize police escort to the next town - Dalbandin.

We had police escort all the way from Taftan to Dalbandin, Quetta, Sukkur, and Multan. The police escorts are slow - ranging from 40 kph via motorcycles to 80 kph via Toyota Hylux . There are lots of check points where you have to fill in passport details, and also lots of changeovers of police escorts.

You will be stuck in the hotels, and there is a police guard in the hotel 24 hours. You are not free to go outside without police escort.

We did not come across any sign of danger anywhere, but two days after we left Multan (supposed to be a safe city), there was a massive bomb blast near a bus terminal which killed 11 people, and injured 58. So you should stick to the police advise for safety. They are there to protect you.

In Quetta, you will stay at Bloom Star Hotel. You can't leave Quetta until you get a NOC from the Home Office. I think the office closes after 1 pm. Police Escort will take you there, and you can leave with police escort the day after you get the NOC. So make sure you don't arrive in Quetta after 1 pm on Friday, you will be stuck there for 3 days, and can't leave till Tuesday.

In Multan, we stayed with a local adventure biker who offered us accommodation and food for free. His name is Muhammad Iqbal Ghangla. If you have Facebook, try to connect with him. He lives in Multan. We had a great time with him. Pakistan people are extremely friendly to foreigners, and make extra effort to make us feel welcome. We decided to stay in Pakistan longer and visit the Karakorum highway.

So good to see the road is still open. But wow, those are a lot of police escorts!! I didn't see one for the first week I was in Pakistan, but that was 2006.... How times have changed. Is the KKH still open without police escorts? Have fun!

ClaireSel 28 Sep 2015 19:20

Yes, the KKH is open without police escorts, although there are a couple of points where they tried to force us to have an escort (on the way to Besham and when leaving Besham in the morning). We were able to get around this though because we don't have any spare seats in our four wheel drive!

Mombassa 29 Sep 2015 06:42


Originally Posted by ClaireSel (Post 516695)
Yes, the KKH is open without police escorts, although there are a couple of points where they tried to force us to have an escort (on the way to Besham and when leaving Besham in the morning). We were able to get around this though because we don't have any spare seats in our four wheel drive!

Ha ha! How I know that conversation ... At one point in Iran, they dropped a guy off with a machine gun. His idea was to ride on the back. No dice as I had a pack on there and didn't want to take the load on the shock. So he pulls over a car, explains and motions for me to follow the car. At the next police check point, the car pulls off, drops the cop on the side and rumbles off into the desert, bypassing the police road block. I ask the cop what was going on and in a broad smile, he explained "the gentleman did not have his paperwork in order". So he flagged down the next car and off we went. It never got boring, that's for sure.

agranado 13 Oct 2015 16:01


Originally Posted by Channey (Post 515885)

In Quetta, you will stay at Bloom Star Hotel. You can't leave Quetta until you get a NOC from the Home Office. I think the office closes after 1 pm. Police Escort will take you there, and you can leave with police escort the day after you get the NOC. So make sure you don't arrive in Quetta after 1 pm on Friday, you will be stuck there for 3 days, and can't leave till Tuesday.


Be aware this is a scam of the hotel manager! The office on Friday will close at 16.30. He just wants you to stay as long as possible and get as much money out of overlanders' wallet. Don't trust this guy at all!

Last Friday I arrived at Bloomstar hotel at 11.20. I asked about the NOC, the hotel manager looked at the clock and tolled me the office will close at 12.00 and that I was too late. My 'motorcycle spiderman adventure trust senses' tolled me he was lying. After some painful discussion an escort to the NOC office was arranged and I got the NOC at 16.00 on a Friday. I asked people around and they all tolled me the office closes at 16.30.

Right now I'm having a couple days of rest in Sukkur and I will have two more days of escorts to Multan according to the police. But they also tolled me that I was going to be free after the border of Balochistan... Take enough water and food with you. You won't get a lot of breaks or food.

ldorange 17 Oct 2015 06:18

Hi everybody,

I will drive in Pakistan next two weeks the KKH. Anybody on this road at this time ? Will be great to meet some foreigns riders !

Otherwise, any advices, tips (hotel, warning) ?

Have a nice day !


Channey 10 Nov 2015 01:35

I agree that the hotel manager is a untrustworthy. There are only a few quests staying there, all were foreigners taken in from Police Escort. I think there might be a deal done between the police and the manager.

The "city police" who escorted us to Home Office asked us for some " tips", which we paid. Along the way, we stopped at truck stops and had lunch with the police escort, which we also paid. We didn't mind as there were three of us to share the costs, and the leevies were gerneally nice people.

crapxxxx 14 Jan 2016 20:07

Recent story from BBC News......

Bomb near Pakistan polio centre 'kills 15' - BBC News

Adventurism 18 Mar 2016 16:53

Hi ya all,

Is there anybody planning to be in Pakistan around August 2016? I would love to meet up and share the experience.



Omie 19 Mar 2016 06:28


Originally Posted by Adventurism (Post 533563)
Hi ya all,

Is there anybody planning to be in Pakistan around August 2016? I would love to meet up and share the experience.



Hi Nora,
Welcome Nora. Thousands of MAPPERS (Motorcyclists Association of Pakistan) will be here along with millions of other bikers.
Feel free to call when around Pakistan, the world's best kept secret, and explore it for yourself.

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