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jjohn 23 Mar 2009 22:19

Rough Camp
Hi one and all, anyone know if you can you rough camp in Scotland?

pictish 23 Mar 2009 23:17

You will get moved on if on private land[estates,forrestry ect] or public beaches near villages , but depending on where you go theres alot of places with very few folk about up here. Its easy enough done if you stay off the tracks or camp further down the beaches away from houses. Fires are generally not a good idea during the summer as gamekeepers and rangers look out for them. On the beach its not so much a problem. I know on my local beach we often get folk camping, police only really turn up if theres 50 folk and a PA system.
North west coast is probably easier to camp than central or North east far less folks up there.

MikeS 24 Mar 2009 00:03

Sure, just set your tent up in Sighthill...:blushing:


Originally Posted by jjohn (Post 234686)
Hi one and all, anyone know if you can you rough camp in Scotland?

Linzi 24 Mar 2009 09:51

Think twice about sleeping on a beach though-sand is almost as hard as concrete. Even with a self inflating mat it is likely to be an unpleasant night. Also sand makes a mess of the tent etc. Granted I have a back problem and it might not be so bad for others. Wild camping in Scotland, certainly in the highlands is one of the joys of travelling there. Best to use a discrete tent and leave no trace. I've never had a problem. Linzi.

steved1969 24 Mar 2009 09:57

Some good info on Wild Camping in Scotland can be found at MCofS Guide to Wild Camping

stuxtttr 24 Mar 2009 12:22

How good that they have produced a guide to help people do it right, pitty we cant follow suit in England. I have done plenty of wild camps all over and never had any problems the key is stay out of site nice nuetral nature colours for all your kit, cover up shiny reflective bits on the bike.

This has always worked for me had a farmer drive past me in a landy once he cant have been more than a few metres from me the tent and the bike and he never even noticed by the time he came back down the hill I'd packed up my kit and cleared the site.

steved1969 24 Mar 2009 12:33

I think the reason they have produced a guide for Scotland and not for England is that in Scotland it is legal to wild camp. Strictly speaking in England all land is owned by someone so wild camping is not legal.

Caminando 24 Mar 2009 19:50

Unfortunately Steve, all land is owned in Scotland too. But for generations Scots have insisted on walking wild country and there is no simple law of trespass.

But as for wild camping, I did that over 20 years in Scotland; the usual discretion applies as for all countries. Be discreet, be invisible, leave no trace. If confronted, don't stress, just agree to go and all will be well.

I admit I find England very difficult for wild/free camping as it is so heavily built up. Linzi is right IMO, such camping is one of the pleasures of Scotland.

jjohn 24 Mar 2009 22:02

Thankyou for your replies. I have been to the highlands many times but never rough camping, always on a site, so i plan to rough camp this time.
Thanks again.

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