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-   -   Safety advice Mexico (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-advisories-safety-security-road/safety-advice-mexico-84257)

Meike Huelsmann 15 Nov 2015 18:13

Safety advice Mexico
Hi There
we have been traveling through Mexico last year and had no Problems at all.
But we did not ride through Tamaulipas and Guerrero.
Does anybody have any recent travel advice for us? Is it still not recommended to ride through this Areas?
We are heading from Texas to Panama, and we are not planning to spent too Long in Mexico, but it would be nice to take an other route than last year.

VicMitch 16 Nov 2015 16:47

I entered Mexico at Matamoros in Tamaulipas then cut west to Linares. No probs. No problems at all in Mexico. Now in Guatemala.

Fast103 28 Nov 2015 23:02

If interested check my threads on crossing borders in Central America.
Fast 103

pax maac 29 Nov 2015 04:30

I live in the State of Mexico, and I avoid traveling through Guerrero if at all possible.

I went through Tamaulipas twice back in August without issue.

xfiltrate 6 Dec 2015 20:29

Local News Report - Sunday 06dec2015 Sonora
Today's O6december2015 "El Imparcial" Diario Independiente de Sonora (daily newspaper)

has reported in a front page article with map, that the governments of USA,Canada, France,

United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and Australia have advised citizens to avoid the following

areas in Mexico.

Mexico City - Zona Conurbada
and the Estado de México - various municipalities

The reason listed is kidnappings, murder, etc...... just about every major crime is listed.

We are in Sonora and it is very peaceful and calm here, no problems other than the usual
traffic accidents . We feel very safe.

Please check with your Embassy for updates.....


globatrol 6 Dec 2015 22:29

Some good statistics at the link below regarding Mexico in general!

Mexico Travel Warning in Perspective | BajaInsider.com

Smudger 8 Dec 2015 12:55

Mexico arrests 'gang members' over Australian surfers murders - BBC News

According to the above, the robbers killed them as they resisted... Probably bullshit & we'll never know exactly what happened.

Whilst I found Mexico to be amazing throughout (except for the motorcycle cops trying to extort bribes in Mexico City) it's worth having more than the usual regard for common sense and personal safety.

Meike Huelsmann 17 Dec 2015 23:31

Hi All thanks for your advice we are now in Oaxaca and we had no problems at all. We only met nice people like always.
Now we are heading towards Panama.

christherider 9 Mar 2016 19:18

Hi, I've visited Mexico many times and had any problem. I've been to tijuana and tamaulipas as well, you just need to take the same advice and care as any other trip. Protect your equipment. Another good point for mexico is that it's cheap!

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