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Badgeman111 29 Apr 2013 23:17

Europe in a car, can it be done?
This summer I am interested in travelling around Europe, now the issue is, I have no money or very little of it...
I'm just finishing my university degree and after 17 straight years in education I've had enough of the same 9-5 schedule. I want some freedom, I don't want to be constrained by train times, buses or even when I need to have lunch!

I been thinking about travelling around and living in a car or van on my own and staying wherever I can, truck stops, car parks, etc. Now I've been looking at the best ways to live in a vehicle so I think I've worked that out.

Now here's my question... I don't know if it is illegal to sleep in your car/van in countries other than the UK (its fine here as far as I am aware). If I were to visit the majority of Europe would I have any trouble with the local police in any of those countries?

Thanks for any help you can be.

g6snl 29 Apr 2013 23:47

what ?!
I really wouldn't even begin to worry about sleeping in a car.......??????

oldbmw 30 Apr 2013 00:33

I do. but of course it is better to stop first :)

I set up the boot as my kitchen and use the back seat for storage of tent, sleeping bags etc. in my little hatchback. Although I can sleep in teh front with the seat down and soft luggage in front of the seat to make a full length surface on which to lie. You will find that it is very nice to be able to stretch out straight like on a real bed, not easy unless you have an estate car. My old Citroen XM estate was brilliant for that.

modern little diesel cars often do significantly better mpg and with a much greater range than even dedicated "adventure" bikes.

but please be a bit "choosey" where you set up for the night. And opportunistic. I have slept in barns and once in Czech republic in a bus shelter. Bike inside with me. It was out in the country, but dry and being all glass, well lit :) Generally speaking you can do what you like provided you don't annoy someone or rub their noses it it.

Learn to walk on rice paper grasshopper :)

Badgeman111 30 Apr 2013 00:55

That sounds great, thanks for that advice. The reason I've chosen a car as a bed is literally for the cost. If I do this long term (which I hope to) the cost may add up and so I will try and save money wherever I can even if its only a few euros for the camp site. I will of course try to make money doing free lance work on line whenever I'm short of cash.

I've seen a few guys on YouTube who travel around the US living in a van and they seem to thrive, however some do stay in the same place for more than one night which I wouldn't want to do (I'll see more if I stay moving).

Warin 30 Apr 2013 01:37


Originally Posted by Badgeman111 (Post 420504)
I've seen a few guys on YouTube who travel around the US living in a van and they seem to thrive, however some do stay in the same place for more than one night which I wouldn't want to do (I'll see more if I stay moving).

There is also a security risk with staying for more than one night - people learn you are there.

As 'oldbmw' said be selective as to where you stop overnight. Not in someones face is a good start. And be very considerate as to disposal of your waste.

Some places you will want to stop for more than a day e.g. to see a museum might take 2 days. For those places a campground/YHA might be a good idea - you get a shower and security.

Marlow 30 Apr 2013 01:42

First of all, there are very few places you'll get into trouble if you sleep in your car or a van, basically vehicles, where it's not obvious, that you're camping in them.

With a campervan/motorhome however you'd get into trouble immidiatly in places where they don't like you setting up at the side of the road.

As said by others: if you don't rub it into peoples faces, you'll be alright. Especially in areas like truck stops etc.

I drive home to Denmark once or twice every year from Ireland via UK/NL/Germany and do exactly the same. It's just more comfortable in the back of a van with a madress :)


backofbeyond 30 Apr 2013 07:45

I tried tin tent camping for the same no money reason many years ago and very quickly gave it up as the vehicles I used were phenomenally uncomfortable to sleep in. In the south of Europe (mainly where I headed for) the early sun would often heat the interior beyond the point of comfort and ruin what little sleep I got. I very quickly changed to sleeping outside the car.

I last did it a couple of years ago for one night when I couldn't be bothered to find a hotel and it reminded me of why I stopped and bought a tent. A small (diesel) van would probably be your best bet but make sure you can stretch out full length. I wouldn't do it out of choice in any car I can think of.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 30 Apr 2013 11:44

Before choosing the vehicle, would like to remind you;
Your body travels on 4 wheels but your soul on 2..

This is how you can meet freedom and how I ve done while at your ages....
Were unforgottable trips of my life still with great misses...
Plus 2 wheels have so many advantages..
(on a 125, C-90!! or even a bicycle)

Wish you all the best.

Badgeman111 30 Apr 2013 12:53

Now I know that this site is dedicated to mostly travelling on a bike however if I weren't to stay at organised camp sites how could I go around on a bike? (Sorry if its a stupid question, I am new after all). Surely couch surfing isn't that easy :rofl: or is it ok just to set up a tent in an empty field?

ta-rider 30 Apr 2013 12:57

My girlfriend and i traveled around europa living in a car but allways sleeping in a tent because it was more comfortable. It was great because we even had electricity, music and internet in the car :)
If im traveling alone i use a motorbike and my tent. Its the cheapest way to travel were you can allways decide were you want to go and stay: http://reisemotorrad.eu
Couchsurfing is allso great if you want to get to know people.
In Germany there is a so called mitfahrgelegenheit.de where you can offer a ride for other people and therefore they pay your petrol (5 Euro per 100 km). Wild camping in germany is not officialy allowed but to sleep in your car or tent one night "zum wiedererlangen der Fahrtüchtigkeit" is ok and you can allways ask farmers if you can camp there etc. Trucks have to stop after 8 hours of driving...

Marlow 30 Apr 2013 13:14


Originally Posted by ta-rider (Post 420569)
Couchsurfing is allso great if you want to get to know people.

Couch surfing definatly is a great approach. Friends of mine use it a lot and have good experience with it.


Originally Posted by ta-rider (Post 420569)
In Germany there is a so called mitfahrgelegenheit.de where you can offer a ride for other people and therefore they pay your petrol (5 Euro per 100 km).

Aye. Done that before myself on longer trips for example, when I came from Prague and went to Denmark I had somebody drive with me from near the Czech border to Hamburg. Paid for a good bit of my trip.


reggie3cl 30 Apr 2013 21:42

Get a cheap 250 and a tent. Sorted.

Alexlebrit 1 May 2013 09:54

Yes, as everyone has said, it's generally fine to do this, you can always use the excuse of being too tired to keep driving safely if you need to. I did it for the summer out of an old Citroen 2CV van, but not every night because I got hot sweaty and tired once I'd headed south. Ok baby wipes are fine for a day or two, but you can't beat a shower. In France a lot of the larger services have shower facilities, but they're usually on the autoroutes (which you'll pay to use) so it could well end up cheaper to stay in Campings Municipales for a few euros a night.

If I were doing it again, and were as young and flexible as I used to be I'd be sorely tempted to get hold of an old Bedford Rascal/Daihatsu Hi-Jet/Suzuki Super-Carry/Piaggio Porter (same can, many badges) and fit the back out as a simple camper.


They are so small, and anonymous looking, and found all over the world, that i reckon you could park one anywhere over night and no-one would notice. At one point in their many badged lifetime there was even a 4x4 model, for when the best place to camp is up that forest track. Sure it'll never be fast, but I reckon it could be fun.

Biking of course could be cheaper, but only if you've got a license, without one you'll add hundreds of pounds on to the cost in test fees before you've even started.

Marlow 1 May 2013 14:12


Originally Posted by Alexlebrit (Post 420692)
At one point in their many badged lifetime there was even a 4x4 model, for when the best place to camp is up that forest track. Sure it'll never be fast, but I reckon it could be fun.

Bit offtopic, but they're extreme amount of fun, the 4x4 ones.


greasemonkey 1 May 2013 17:33

I travelled Australia in a car. The first one I had was a Holden Camira estate. I slept in the back of it for three months, until someone gave me a tent. (I knew it would happen if I waited long enough.........)
The tent was a definite improvement in living standards, I wouldn't sleep in the car that long again.
I pulled up in a layby a few times to sleep, but never really felt comfortable doing it. I was younger then, it wouldn't bother me now.
On balance, a tent is better, especially as I am pretty long in the leg. If it was warm enough, I'd think about creating some sort of platform on a roof rack, and sleeping on that, rather than inside the car.

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