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-   -   How does one afford this lifestyle? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-questions-dont-fit-anywhere/how-does-one-afford-lifestyle-458)

liammons 25 Feb 2014 09:45

I've never sat down and read this thread from start to finish, but there seem to be a few misconceptions from people who think it is 'impossible' to save money either in the UK or elsewhere.

The whole thing is a lifestyle choice, and its not only related to travel.

I make about 30k a year, and for the last 3 years I have also been paying for my partner to do her 2nd degree (accommodation, car etc, not fees thankfully).

In that time I have saved a fair bit of money, travelled for at least a month a year and kept up all my commitments.
I also still go for a few beer when I feel like it and I smoke.

What I don't do is spend a fortune running a shiny new car, buying designer clothes and changing all the furniture every other year.

Its the 'western lifestyle' of spend, spend, spend; consume, consume, consume; borrow, borrow, borrow that prevents people from saving money. Quite simple, despite what the idiot box (probably 60 inch and brand new with surround sound:nono:) tells you, you don't need a new xxxxxx or a magic xxxxxxx to survive. My 1997 car, bought for 350 has done 30000 miles in the last year at a total maintainance cost of about 100.

If you want to save up and travel, well you will have to sacrifice the wonders of the property ladder, designer homeware and new cars. Buy a small house and just keep it, buy an old car, fix it yourself. Its amazing what you can do and how much fun and how rewarding it can be if you sacrifice the magpie instinct for 'shiny stuff'. Even cook your own food instead of spending a fortune on supermarket crap!

It is possible, its not illegal (yet:innocent:), not to live like a mindless member of the sheeple consumer community.

Sit down and ask yourself what you spent the last 20k on, actually gather the receipts etc and the statements. Then ask yourself
(a)what you NEEDED that you bought/spent (food, basic clothes, rent/mortgage, transport, leisure)
(b)what you wasted (shiny stuff, car loans, things you could have fixed yourself, food that was overpriced, designer clothes you wore once/never...)
Remember, a 250 a month car loan costs you 3k a year PLUS the depreciation on the car (at least another 3k) so there is 6k you could have saved and one less noose about your neck!
Then see what you COULD have saved!

Oh and folks, little Timmy DOESNT NEED 3 Xboxes, buy him a bike on ebay for 50 quid and get him outside, that way he won't be morbidly obese and he might just learn to interact with people instead of machinesdoh

nDyimi 27 Feb 2014 06:07


Originally Posted by Geoff van de Merwe (Post 2514)
Become a filmstar, then call up BMW and tell them they're paying.

great quote :-)

RLTGOLETA 6 Mar 2014 04:18

Young Man with a 990 Adventure ready to diassapear
I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of you responses to this issue of How to make it happen financially. I have been researching and obsessively studying how one could make a very long distance or RTW trip happen at a younger age without many assets or income to lean on. Im immensely curious as to how you would be able to create an outside funded trip; meaning a trip supported by sponsorship, writing, photography, non profits etc... This method is extremely attractive to me as I am a 27 year old, hard working American a decent wage with bills out the wazoo. I spent every last dime to buy a late model KTM 990 Adventure with low miles, ready to explore the great beyond. But knowingly spending every last dime and letting bills run late to aquire this dream machine makes it hard to depart for the coveted dream trip. Obviously patience and penny pinching is the way to reach any wild goal; but what Im asking you all is how you could possibly do it using unorthodox methods of finance and support I.E sponsorship, Writing, photography etc...

I am at the extreme point in my life where selling all my possessions and abandoning debts seem like the way to depart and pursue the dream in the short term view; knowing that it is the irresponsible and reckless way to go about it.

*Touring Ted* 6 Mar 2014 07:03

Selling possessions is rarely reckless unless you are selling the tools of your trade, sentimental keep sakes or long term investments...

Don't let your possessions own you. If you can sell your car for $1000 then be certain you can buy another one for $800 if needed in the future.

Sent from my XT1032 using Tapatalk

chris gale 6 Mar 2014 13:44

i think you may be married to / living with my wifes soul mate by the sound of your finances :thumbup1: Have to say if i didnt have bought lots of naughty new sports bikes i would have lots more cash in the bank but then on the other hand i have owned the bikes most people droll over and would give their right arm for so i cant complain :funmeteryes: Saving is posible if you dont stretch your self toooooo much but as you say in the west its all about beating the joneses . I have lots of friends who have sodding great big 5 bed houses , but are relaying on them for their pensions :(

Slightly off thread - Touring Ted have you seen the thread about the job with Motorworks BMW ? No idea where the Wirral is mate but we are going to have to meet up for a jar midway some time me thinks - as long as the chaps are left behind :thumbup1:

*Touring Ted* 6 Mar 2014 13:46

Breaking bikes.... I prefer putting them back together. Breaking is boooooorrriiiinnnnngg ;)

Sent from my XT1032 using Tapatalk

chris gale 6 Mar 2014 13:48

Yer but if it means you can save the cash for a world trip then its got to be worth it ?c? Hows that idea panning out for you ?
Sent from a computer with a very nice view of the beach :funmeteryes:

*Touring Ted* 6 Mar 2014 17:55

I'm working now..As a BMW tech.. I doubt motorworks pay well for unscrewing panels and shelving broken ASB units ??

I think I'd go stir crazy just breaking bikes down all day. Where's the satisfaction eh ??? As a tech, taking the bike apart is the worst part of the job. But knowing that you'll be fixing it and re-building it better than it was gives you the satisfaction and makes the stripping down bearable.

And working on BMW's, it can takes HOURS to strip a bike down just to change a switch or sensor... Something the Jap's would of made accessible.

Cheers for the heads up all the same.. I few people have given me the nod for this. ;)


twowheels03 7 Mar 2014 08:55

Had a nice car,van, sports bike and dirt bike. Sold them all - worked 12 hour days for a year building a new house. Got a contract in Majorca, four months of 6am till 5pm days. Rented out our house, Spent little money. It's now 11 days till I leave to ride for 18 months. I'll get home skint and start all over again. It will be my third time. To me this life style is work hard and long until you can't stand it any more - then bugger off for a year or more living in a tent and crap accommodation - it's when I feel most alive.

10 sleeps !!

RLTGOLETA 10 Mar 2014 07:17

Outside funded/ sponsored trip
Any suggestions on gaining sponsors or outside funding for a trip? My idea is based on blogging, writing, photography, etc... If anyone has acquired support from these outlets I'd be very interested. I'd love to be supported by these outlets to travel the world. (Of course quite a fantasy but not un thinkable) I am interested in doing a RTW trip with a support group of followers and media. I feel in this day and age of social media and technology it can be done. I'm rocking a 09 KTM 990 with all the gear to make it happen, and the will to get through anything. Your comments are greatly appreciated.

twowheels03 10 Mar 2014 09:03


Originally Posted by RLTGOLETA (Post 457505)
Any suggestions on gaining sponsors or outside funding for a trip? My idea is based on blogging, writing, photography, etc... If anyone has acquired support from these outlets I'd be very interested. I'd love to be supported by these outlets to travel the world. (Of course quite a fantasy but not un thinkable) I am interested in doing a RTW trip with a support group of followers and media. I feel in this day and age of social media and technology it can be done. I'm rocking a 09 KTM 990 with all the gear to make it happen, and the will to get through anything. Your comments are greatly appreciated.

If you do something big first - then you have more chances of financial help. Lots of people got the same idea and would give all to the media for free.

It's nice to get an offer of help but don't bank on it paying for a trip - more likely get some free gear if anything.

Good luck though

TM1-SS 14 Apr 2014 02:31

Brilliantly stated!!

mollydog 14 Apr 2014 04:23


Originally Posted by twowheels03 (Post 457238)
Had a nice car,van, sports bike and dirt bike. Sold them all - worked 12 hour days for a year building a new house. Got a contract in Majorca, four months of 6am till 5pm days. Rented out our house, Spent little money. It's now 11 days till I leave to ride for 18 months. I'll get home skint and start all over again. It will be my third time. To me this life style is work hard and long until you can't stand it any more - then bugger off for a year or more living in a tent and crap accommodation - it's when I feel most alive.

10 sleeps !!

Excellent plan!
How's it working out now? Where are you? Got a Ride report or blog on?


twowheels03 15 Apr 2014 08:28


Originally Posted by mollydog (Post 462009)
Excellent plan!
How's it working out now? Where are you? Got a Ride report or blog on?



We are in the south Island now, Down in Fiord land NP. Very wet weather last few days and back country camping. Backpackers tonight to dry gear out. Been getting good pics and video and will update our blog in a week or so.

Welcome to Two Bikes Running

WesleyDRZ400 16 Apr 2014 22:02


Originally Posted by liammons (Post 455974)
actually gather the receipts etc and the statements.

No way will give myself a heart attack!:innocent:

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