Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   How does one afford this lifestyle? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-questions-dont-fit-anywhere/how-does-one-afford-lifestyle-458)

Tony LEE 18 Feb 2017 02:34


No need to sell everything. In fact you may even make some money if you did it right.
Probably hard to do if you are young and have nothing to sell (material possessions or job skills) anyway, but one of the advantages of doing the conventional stodgy path through life until the career has lost its shine and the kids have flown the nest, and then doing the travel bit is you might have a house that can be rented out and a self-funded pension that actually increases in value while you are on the road.

No one path that is optimum for all.

CalDriver 13 Mar 2017 22:13

A little inspiration...
Just thought I'd chime in on this for some inspiration that I like. It's a quote from Sterling Hayden, writing about setting sail to explore the seas, but it seems just as applicable to a long overland ride/drive:

“To be truly challenging, a voyage, like a life, must rest on a firm foundation of financial unrest. Otherwise, you are doomed to a routine traverse, the kind known to yachtsmen who play with their boats at sea... "cruising" it is called. Voyaging belongs to seamen, and to the wanderers of the world who cannot, or will not, fit in. If you are contemplating a voyage and you have the means, abandon the venture until your fortunes change. Only then will you know what the sea is all about.

"I've always wanted to sail to the south seas, but I can't afford it." What these men can't afford is not to go. They are enmeshed in the cancerous discipline of "security." And in the worship of security we fling our lives beneath the wheels of routine - and before we know it our lives are gone.

What does a man need - really need? A few pounds of food each day, heat and shelter, six feet to lie down in - and some form of working activity that will yield a sense of accomplishment. That's all - in the material sense, and we know it. But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention for the sheer idiocy of the charade.

The years thunder by, The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience. Before we know it, the tomb is sealed.

Where, then, lies the answer? In choice. Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life? ”
― Sterling Hayden, Wanderer

Summary: Just go for it.

tmotten 14 Mar 2017 00:09

I'm all for going and finding out how far you get but the first sections is total wank IMHO.

mcguyver 14 Mar 2017 00:13


Originally Posted by tmotten (Post 559458)
I'm all for going and finding out how far you get but the first sections is total wank IMHO.

I agree.

I cant stand these hypothetical crap postings about how you can go and "just do it"

Its all rubbish. Would prefer to see practical info rather than pie in the sky bullshit.

CalDriver 14 Mar 2017 00:46


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 559460)
I agree.

I cant stand these hypothetical crap postings about how you can go and "just do it"

Its all rubbish. Would prefer to see practical info rather than pie in the sky bullshit.

Wow, sorry guys. Just meant to share what I thought was a nice piece of writing. Not meant as literal advice to get rid of your savings and then head off, that would be stupid.

To me this means that you might not have every detail figured out and every dollar perfectly budgeted. I think it's aimed at the person (and serves as a reminder to me) that is forever prepping for the "big trip" and is never actually going to go, because they're "not quite ready," or "just need to make a few more preparations."

And to your point, it was written by a highly eccentric part time movie star that was perpetually bankrupt, but also always able to pick up another acting gig to refill the coffers, which isn't an option for most of us. But I think he is a pretty good writer as well.

Anyway feel free to disregard if it doesn't resonate with you.

mollydog 14 Mar 2017 19:13


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 559460)
I agree.

I cant stand these hypothetical crap postings about how you can go and "just do it"
Its all rubbish. Would prefer to see practical info rather than pie in the sky bullshit.

I found Hayden's words inspirational ... and prescient in a way. "Rubbish"?:innocent:
It's good to dream, even if you can't hope to make the dream happen yet. Got to start somewhere. :Beach:

You got Practical? Lets hear it mate. ?c?
What's your plan for travel? Work 30 years until retirement? Then hit the road and discover you hate it and just want a nice cup of tea like at home? Seen this IN PERSON many times.

So don't wait ... do something, get out there ... who knows ... might learn something.

It's amazing how creative folks get when up against a tight budget. Been there, done that.

During my 7 years in Mexico, Central America and S. America I thought I was on a tight budget ... then I'd run into travelers doing it for HALF of what I was spending. No idea how they did it ... but there they were, living the dream.

Sure, it's harder, uglier travel, no luxuries. But the more you do it ... the better you get at it.

Some of the true scroungers I met on the road I was not impressed with. Lots of scams, some smuggling and other dodgy activities to keep them alive often at the expense of others. Other low budget folks did it on the UP and UP ... and somehow survived on AIR, not much more.

I think the essence of Hayden's advice is somehow get out there and go, so yes, it's a "Just Do It" mantra, but carries some inspiration too. bier

Tony LEE 14 Mar 2017 21:23


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 559460)
I agree.

I cant stand these hypothetical crap postings about how you can go and "just do it"

Its all rubbish. Would prefer to see practical info rather than pie in the sky bullshit.

There are no practical informations that really help everyone, but Nike's "Just do it!!!" and this one by someone nobody has ever heard of --


"No matter how deep a study you make, what you really have to rely on is your own intuition, and when it comes down to it, you really don't know what's going to happen until you do it."
Konosuke Matsushita
are probably as good a practical advice as you are every going to get - possibly because both sayings put the onus squarely on the would-be whatever so they then have no excuses for not doing what they think they want to do.

xfiltrate 16 Mar 2017 04:52

Perhaps not giving anyone anything they cannot have easily explains more than the obvious. The really angry people posting here might consider that their anger blockades their happiness which after all is simply overcoming known barriers or obstacles to a goal. Yes, I said it, with no goal there can be no happiness. For it is the struggle, the slow conquering on the way to the goal that is happiness. Achieving the goal is a fleeting memory - little more and without another goal, very little chance of having more happiness.

So, relax your anger, your need to destroy the hard won beliefs of others, (after all it is true for them) and perhaps , just perhaps your path might be a little less rough and maybe, just maybe you will eventually let go the anger, find a goal, start toward it and know happiness.

And, oh yeah, did you ever bother to ask if your angry remarks are just boring or interesting to most folks? I think you know my opinion. And yes you strike a chord with all the other angry people, but is that what you really want?

xfiltrate and a bottle of Spanish Rioja wine

tmotten 16 Mar 2017 05:47

Not really. But i find self-righteous coombajah stuff really boring and impractical for what is a thread asking about something outside the main box.

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk

xfiltrate 16 Mar 2017 05:58


Originally Posted by tmotten (Post 559622)
Not really. But i find self-righteous coombajah stuff really boring and impractical for what is a thread asking about something outside the main box.

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk

This certainly is a campfire of sorts we are all sitting around and singing our own tunes.... and if you are looking for outside the box alternatives, please re-read my last post. You see, it is not all "stuff" that is important, matter of fact as I see it...the emphasis on "stuff" is the problem. While you display an interesting insight, and your words do ring true for you , I am sure. I maintain that the anger is counter productive in or out of the box. And. the less "stuff" the better.


An After thought: For tmotten. it is the escape from the "Cargo Culture" that is the first step, in or out of the box. Can we agree on this? And, "Cargo Culture" not only consists of "stuff" but emotions. You wear anger around and it weighs more and restricts more than your debt and financial obligations. Is that out of the box enough for you?

abhijith.rao 16 Mar 2017 07:31

Subscribing to this thread to get all points of view based on your experience.

tmotten 16 Mar 2017 14:48


Originally Posted by xfiltrate (Post 559624)
This certainly is a campfire of sorts we are all sitting around and singing our own tunes.... and if you are looking for outside the box alternatives, please re-read my last post. You see, it is not all "stuff" that is important, matter of fact as I see it...the emphasis on "stuff" is the problem. While you display an interesting insight, and your words do ring true for you , I am sure. I maintain that the anger is counter productive in or out of the box. And. the less "stuff" the better.


An After thought: For tmotten. it is the escape from the "Cargo Culture" that is the first step, in or out of the box. Can we agree on this? And, "Cargo Culture" not only consists of "stuff" but emotions. You wear anger around and it weighs more and restricts more than your debt and financial obligations. Is that out of the box enough for you?

This thread turned from instructive to motivational. Most people are already motivated. They just need to be made to see a way.

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk

brclarke 16 Mar 2017 15:58


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 559460)
Its all rubbish. Would prefer to see practical info rather than pie in the sky bullshit.

LOL - yes, because the HUBB clearly suffers from a lack of practical information...

tmotten 16 Mar 2017 16:38

There is room for improvement.

grumpy geezer 16 Mar 2017 18:00

I never listen to movie actors for advice on money or love. I am amazed at the amount of prep work some people go in for, but while you are sitting around waiting for the savings to mount, I guess its a as good way to pass the time as any. All travel needs time and money, lack of one keeps you grounded. Everyone has their own things that need to be considered. Back when I was young, unattached, free of all debt I remember a supervisor complaining about his job, and I said , well I would just quit. He mentioned his wife, kids, house and dog, I still did not understand the problem(dumb me). This site is for people who have an interest in travel, we all have our limits. and we should respect others(less dumb me)

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