Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Erik_G 4 Sep 2019 18:18

Cut the cost at home
The key for me is to avoid costs "at home".

Get rid of the house.
Buy a small apartment with very low fees.
=> low cost at home.
Or even make a plus for renting out the apartment.

On the road:
Sleep in tent (wild camping), prepare your own food.
Do not drink or smoke. Stay with coffee.

Homers GSA 5 Sep 2019 04:37

Just my 2c.

Owning a house/unit outright does two things. It secures you in retirement AND provides an income when you travel.

Buy a place and work your butt off to pay it off. 7-10 years is achievable if you focus.

Rent it out to support your travel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

PrinceHarley 5 Sep 2019 09:06

Cook meth.

Jay_Benson 5 Sep 2019 22:22


Originally Posted by PrinceHarley (Post 603911)
Cook meth.

Sounds interesting. I bet you could make a TV show about that sort of thing.

backofbeyond 10 Sep 2019 11:31

Or hit the road fast if your bank makes this kind of mistake :rofl::


faeem.ali 7 Oct 2019 17:16

I keep working. The internet is a wonderful thing. My clients are on the other side of the world and as long as I keep my work up to date, nobody cares that I travel.

I sold up everything back home so now the only rent I have to pay is for where I'm currently staying. I don't run out of money because I still earn a salary every month.

The downside is my travels are limited to places with decent internet, so I can't just disappear for months on end. Still, it's a huge improvement over staying home.

Erik_G 26 Feb 2020 13:27

Youtube Videos ?
Some travelers spend a lot of time on their YouTube channels.

I have seen complicated formulas about what you can earn on a YouTube channel.
Depends on, viewers, subscribers, clicks on specific links on.....

But i we skip the math. And ask for the reality.

How much income does a good, but not the most popular YouTube channel gives as income ? Without getting paid direct by companies for doing commercials about their products.

Anyone have some real examples ? (Depends on a lot of things is not an answer. I know that)

Without giving any names


poorbuthappy 29 Feb 2020 04:59

The key is not your salary, but to to avoid to pay bills while you work
We retired early retirement and live in an RV on resort we work for from April to October. No rent, hydro, tax, cable, internet, storage and transportation to go to the job site.. The key is to avoid to pay bills while you work.
Everyone think we are miserable because my wife was too young to get a pension, and I left work 8 years short to have full pension which is 70% of my salary.

During those 6 months our expenses are groceries, chlothing, motorcycles expenses (insurance and gas) eat at restaurants a few times a week. We save 80% what we earn and my pension from work adds up to that.

We never live so well. We have lived the remaining 6 months in Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Philipines, thailand and the rent cost about $300 a month.

We have ample money to travel rent or by a motorcycle depending of the country without touching my pension from work.

The last year we worked we had a mortage of 18,000 a year, + taxes, heating, cable, internet, car payment to round up to around $4000 a month. We struggled to keep our head above the water.

We should have left work long before we did.

Snakeboy 3 Mar 2020 16:28


Originally Posted by Erik_G (Post 609410)
Some travelers spend a lot of time on their YouTube channels.

I have seen complicated formulas about what you can earn on a YouTube channel.
Depends on, viewers, subscribers, clicks on specific links on.....

But i we skip the math. And ask for the reality.

How much income does a good, but not the most popular YouTube channel gives as income ? Without getting paid direct by companies for doing commercials about their products.

Anyone have some real examples ? (Depends on a lot of things is not an answer. I know that)

Without giving any names


Thats a very good question. I actually wonder exactly the same....

Erik_G 10 Mar 2020 15:41

Some Ideas from Pablo

(His current trip from Argentina to Alaska is planned for 3½ year !!)

Erik_G 25 Dec 2020 17:46

Start up cost
From Gerald and Austin Vince, the message is clear.
About a long distance trip. (Not life style as nomad forever)

Spend your money on the trip, not before the trip.

Gerlad says that he has seen so many persons with a bike for 20 000£. Plus a lot of extra options for a lot of £. And than personal gear for....
And then they say that they can't afford travelling.

His statement is: Spend 3 grand on the bike. And the rest on the trip.

Homers GSA 26 Dec 2020 01:47

Hi Erik, that is a good point.

I have a mate who is a concreter and has an agreement with his employer that he takes the winter three months off each year as work is slower.

He uses those three months to head somewhere - buys a el cheapo bike and tours around. Sometimes he just gifts the bike away at the end.

I think we focus a bit too much on one big trip a bit.

Merry xmas

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