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-   -   Motorcycle Explorer Magazine (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-questions-dont-fit-anywhere/motorcycle-explorer-magazine-78530)

Jamesmem 3 Oct 2014 14:59

Motorcycle Explorer Magazine

I couldn't find a better place to let you all know about the FREE digital magazine MEM (Motorcycle Explorer Magazine). Issue 2 is out now and you can subscribe to the magazine, all free. Your email won't be used for spam, just to let you know that issue 2 is out and give you link to get there.

MEM works on all mobile/cell devices and has stories from some of the best writers around. Just a glimpse of who is in MEM Issue 2 :D

Graham Field
Sam Manicom
Ants Bolingbroke-Kent
Lisa and Jason from Two Wheeled Nomad
Paul Holroyd
Bob Goddard
Paul Pitchfork

You can read your copy free HERE


You can also visit Motorcycle Explorer Magazine: Home to access the magazine.

We hope you enjoy it :scooter:

Jamesmem 8 Oct 2014 06:47

MEM added the option to print off the pages for you to read later - it was mentioned that you had to print each set of pages off one at a time ... boring! :)

So, we have added the feature that you can download the entire magazine as a PDF file, meaning that you can read MEM even when offline! You can also select from the PDF file to print MEM off in one go ... check the printer for paper as you are looking at a lot of pages.


If there is anything we can do to make your magazine more fun or easier to read then just let us know and we will do our best :)

Don't forget to subscribe! Check your issue now by going to the 'Magazine' page and open a copy.

Motorcycle Explorer Magazine: Home


Jamesmem 4 Feb 2015 14:20

Issue 4 Feb/Mar 2015 -
Graham Field - Has adventure the brand gone too far?
Find out what it's like at the Dakar with Lisa Morris.
Get the story on Nick Sanders' life.
Sjaak Lucassen and his R1 legend.
The best in winter glove gear reviews.
Dr Pat Garrod gives us Healthy Overlanding and snake bites!
Sam Manicom looks back at Columbia
And so much more in this 288 page bonanza ...

Jamesmem 4 Apr 2015 17:05

Welcome to issue 5 April 2015 of Motorcycle Explorer Magazine. The FREE digital magazine for those with a passion for overland exploring, both near and far! In this issue we have tales from Bolivia, South Africa and America. Tips and tricks on making your own tour, how to get the best from your gear by Kevin Turner. There’s rider’s health with what is AMS and of course the reviews of the kit that is out there. All of this is provided free of charge from the editorial team and the contributing authors – we share your passion for riding. Enjoy MEM.

Mumbo68 4 Apr 2015 19:35

Ace, free too !!

Jamesmem 5 Apr 2015 11:12


Originally Posted by Mumbo68 (Post 500818)
Ace, free too !!

Hope you enjoyed it :)

Jamesmem 4 Jun 2015 20:10

Issue 6 of Motorcycle Explorer

210 pages rammed with stories from around the world. Top tips on bike security and how to get a great shot from your camera. We have an in depth look at the Aprilia Caponord 1200 Rally and we also turn the spotlight on the Online retailers... who MEM is happy to work with. Then we have interviews for you to check out. Of course we show you want gear is about from our world class leading stores, helmets, boots and jeans. All for FREE.

Any questions or submissions - james@motorcycleexplorermag.com

backofbeyond 5 Jun 2015 11:40

Just wanted to say thanks for the mag and for all the effort you've put into producing it. It's a good read with interesting articles and I've enjoyed thumbing through all the issues so far.

Only downside for me is that as an e-mag it's not quite as easy to read as a paper one would be but I suspect that bypassing the world of printing has a substantial impact on the economics of production.

One day I'll do a trip worthy of being featured .... :rofl:

Gallos 6 Jun 2015 09:49

Bravo !!!


Jamesmem 7 Jun 2015 20:02

Thanks for the support guys! :thumbup1:

I do hope you're having fun with the articles and features :D

Jamesmem 18 Aug 2015 11:47

August issue of MEM :)


Dear Explorers!
A free, digitally responsive magazine for motorcycle travel. Motorcycle Explorer has just brought issue 7. We have stories that range from Libya to Australia and packed with features on top rides to play on, events plus videos for you to enjoy. We have prizes to give away as you get involved with the magazine too!
So please enjoy your free issue.
All back issues are on our site Motorcycle Explorer

trackdayrider 18 Aug 2015 16:20

bookmarked and once I get a decent connection I'll download and take a look :thumbup1:

Jamesmem 18 Aug 2015 16:31


Originally Posted by trackdayrider (Post 513655)
bookmarked and once I get a decent connection I'll download and take a look :thumbup1:

Thanks! :mchappy: they can all be downloaded but also they will all open in software that is reactive to whatever device your on. If you have a free supply of paper they can also be printed off!

I hope you enjoy the magazine :thumbup1:

Jamesmem 1 Sep 2015 05:49

Just so you riders know that all magazines are loaded into the new website, we have also added a translate feature for the site so the news stroies translate into over 80 languages.



GenXrider 2 Sep 2015 05:29

Very nice, congratulations!

As a part time publisher, I can appreciate the amount of work that goes into a product like this.

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