Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   No money=Need Sponsorship...is it possible? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-questions-dont-fit-anywhere/no-money-need-sponsorship-possible-24976)

mikeb8man 6 Jan 2007 21:32

No money=Need Sponsorship...is it possible?
I am planning to ride from p.e (in s.a) to paris up the east coast of africa in August 2007. However i was wondering if any others had success in applying for sponsorship from companies for equipment etc... or if it is just a waste of time..Oh yeah anyone got any idea of costs for a trip like this of three months?

Steve Pickford 10 Jan 2007 21:48

Can't help with costs.

Sponsorship - I'd imagine that unless you're doing something exceptionally different, you're unlikely get much at all. After all, they'll basically be paying for your holiday....

If money's tight, think about raising money through a second job, selling off unwanted gear or do what I did when I needed cash for a house deposit, I bought older used bikes, tidied them up, got them legally roadworthy & sold them on for a profit. Probably raised £3,000 or so? The pitfalls are obvious, you need a certain level of mechanical aptitude, tools & a garage plus the ability to know when a bike is not worth buying & being able to walk away from it.

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