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-   -   What's your playlist for a 6 month trip? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-questions-dont-fit-anywhere/whats-your-playlist-6-month-75669)

SandroRoma 11 Apr 2014 15:04

What's your playlist for a 6 month trip?
I was just thinking that bikers spend time planning the trip and asking for tips, which is necessary of course. But, how many of us will think about a playlist to listen to whilst riding for hours and days?

I've reached a playlist of 30 songs, for me not enough!doh

C'mon bikers...suggest me some tracks specifying if they are for "race mode" or "touristic mode"

Alessandro :)

markharf 12 Apr 2014 07:05

I don't bring music with me. The voices inside my head are amply entertaining 9 days out of 10. When they dwindle, I discuss matters of import aloud or sing at the top of my lungs. That's sufficed for as long as a year at a time.


Herman Fog Knottle 12 Apr 2014 14:13

Here is a hint for anyone using mp3 devices on their trips.
Before you load your selected music into the device, convert the music files to mp3 files with a 128 bit rate.
The standard bit rate for mp3 & wma files is 320 bits.
By converting your files to the smaller bit rate the files take up less space in the memory of your device. Allowing you to store more files in it's memory, you'll basically double your devices storage.
There are many different audio file converter programs available for free on the net.

Sent from my GT-S5690 using Tapatalk 2

stickysidedown 12 Apr 2014 21:25

One of the great things about Digital media is you can sometimes download whole music libraries from people you meet along the way

This exposes you to sometimes new and interesting musical experiences

However I have found myself listening to the scooby doo theme tune in Polish and a 5 min talk about the process of a water birth delivery before now as a result

anonymous1 12 Apr 2014 21:29

Local live music!

Motokiwi. 7 Nov 2014 18:02

Music on the Road
It's all good till you reach a song you don't like. Rock n roll like AC/DC seems to increase your speed by about 10km/hr. Recommend Buena Vista Social Club Album as pretty cruisy. Try Audiobooks from Amazon. I've just ridden 5000km from Perth to Melbourne and listened to Bill Brysons A Short History of Everything - which helped on those long days.

g6snl 7 Nov 2014 18:24

I was pushed for time when getting ready to leave so I asked my 18yr old daughter to fill my SD card up with "stuff" 32Gb of "stuff"

Some of it was a surprise to say the least, but what really was a surprise was just how much of it was an up-to-date remake of old "stuff" from when I was 18. She was so shocked when I told her I knew most of the words to quite a few ! I got street-cred from loads of 18yr old girls after that, but lost it all very quickly after explaining how and where I had been "On Holiday"

Surfy 10 Nov 2014 13:06

For 6 months you need a big collection of music, otherwise you drive soon without of music.

If you dont have a big own Mp3 collection, or kids who will fill your Smartphone, Tablet or Mp3 Player - i suggest to use something like spotify.

For arround 10 USD a month you can find and download near any track or album.

Also podcasts are helpful.


yokesman 13 Nov 2014 22:55

I like audio-visual, good sounding exhaust and fabulous scenery.

Blommetje 19 Nov 2014 05:55

Two years ago I lost the cd collection with the music for that trip. 1 whole month of one cd. And actually, I did not care much. As long as the silence is broken.. and you have something so Humm along with. Now.. never bring a radio. Sometimes play a song on YouTube on my phone when I can't get it out of my head :)

ta-rider 19 Nov 2014 09:11

What about the local music in the radio? We dont travel to exotic countrys to listen to mainstream music and watch our home tv chanals...

electric_monk 21 Nov 2014 19:44

The sound of an air cooled boxer twin is all I need

DarK_Chili 23 Dec 2014 09:47

As mentioned before try Spotify. You will need the Premium membership so you are allowed to download the music to your phone and listen while offline.
I got 3219 songs on my phone right now (without Spotify) and on the road I always end up to listen to the same let’s say 200 songs.
Don’t just put your favorite songs on your playlist… after 1200km on a long day on the highway you will start to hate them (with just 30 song I guarantee you, you will hate every single one but still sing it out loud haha).
What always works for me is:
Amy Macdonald
Chas & Dave
Willie Nelson
Pink Floyd
Status Quo
Bruce Springsteen
Chris Cornell
And some “punky” stuff like Sum41
If you need some music just tell me I will upload it to Dropbox for you.

PaulD 23 Dec 2014 10:03


Take this one if it doesn't get you going....turn round & go home.:D

Cheers bier

backofbeyond 23 Dec 2014 10:16

Sandro must have finished his six months by about now - I wonder if he ever found my gloves? :rofl:

Scootergal 23 Dec 2014 11:38


Originally Posted by Motokiwi. (Post 485271)
Try Audiobooks from Amazon. I've just ridden 5000km from Perth to Melbourne and listened to Bill Brysons A Short History of Everything - which helped on those long days.

+1 for Audio books.

Download for free from the library - i like mostly non-fiction, so I got an education along the way.

AntonioVdE 23 Dec 2014 11:44

+1 for audio books as well.. sometimes i just had it with all the music.. for boring stretches they are perfect!

backofbeyond 24 Dec 2014 09:44

I'm an audiobooks fan as well but you do need to think about what you want to listen to. I did about 3k km through various Euro countries in Oct listening to Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch and I started to lose the will to live. It's not that it's a bad book but it's so long (about 32hrs for the unabridged version iirc) - I'm still only half way through it.

A selection of shorter stuff, plays etc that last about as long as a tank of fuel is better, or at least gives you a break from the motorway like never endingness of a long book.

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