Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   2015 - Heading east from Europe, add your itinerary / plans (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/2015-heading-east-europe-add-72399)

kim 24 Sep 2013 20:44

2015 - Heading east from Europe, add your itinerary / plans
Update I'm off on my trip now so not going to updating the first post anymore. I hope this thread has been of use to some people. See you on the road.



This is a centralised thread listing rout information and rough itineraries for everyone heading east out of Europe in 2015.

Should make it easier for people to meet up, offer advice and get help.

I will aim to keep the first post updated with peoples rough route and departure date. If you are heading east in 2015 post below and I will add you to the list.

Please use the following format.

Start / Finish:
Main Dates:



Start / Finish: Greece to Australia and back
User: overlandiaries (Rochelle & Yianni)
Rout: Italy-Slovenia-Czech R-Slovakia-Hungary-Romania-Bulgaria-Turkey-Georgia-Armenia-Azerbaijan-Iran (We are at the moment)-UAE-Oman-India(South)-Malaysia-Thailand-Indonesia-Australia(Perth).Back to Indonesia (different Route)-India(North)-Nepal-Pakistan-Iran-Armenia-Georgia-Bulgaria-Greece
Main Dates: Started on 8/8/2014.Crossing to India 15/1/2015.Crossing to Malaysia 1/3/2015 Australia 1/5/2015
Vehicle: Honda HRV 2000
Notes: Happy to team up with others


Start / Finish: Portugal - Mongolia
User: JoaoPCF, Male, PT, 29
Route: EU-Turkey-Georgia-Armenia-Azerbaijan-Iran-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan-Russia-Mongolia
Main Dates: Started in February, currently in Turkey, hoping to be in Mongolia before winter.
Vehicle: Honda Africa Twin 96
Notes: Route not set in stone. Happy to meet others. email: joaofernandes33@gmail.com
Links: www.facebook.com/KangarooRoute


Start / Finish: UK / Australia > RTW
User: dazcarts (Daren)
Rout: UK -> France > Germany > Poland>Romania > Bulgaria > Turkey > Georgia > Azerbaijan > Kazakhstan > Uzbekistan > Russia > Mongolia > South Korea > Aus > (onto NZ and USA)
Main Dates: 22 March 2015 - > for 5 Years?
Vehicle: BMW 1200 GSA
Notes: This is a very flexible route as I have no time scale to complete the trip so happy to meet other travellers along the way

Start / Finish: Vienna/Austria - Sidney/Australia
User: StoffflAustria, Male, 30
Rout: not finished jet - Turkey, Iran, Trkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, (Burma), Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Australia
Main Dates: beginning of March - end of June (4 Month)
Vehicle: KTM 640 Adventure 2006
Notes: I would be happy if someone has the same plans and join me or I can join

Start / Finish: UK to Perth, Australia.
User: 'K3nny' (Kenny), Male, Australia, 32.
Rout: Route: EU, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan*, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan**, China (KKH), Pakistan***, India, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia (poss East Timor), Australia
Main Dates: Depart UK April/May, KKH Aug/Sep I guess, Aus before XMas nice but not essential
Vehicle: 96 Honda Transalp 600
Notes: Looking for travel partner/s through South Asia and share cost KKH. Keen for hiking side trips (Everest Base Camp anyone?).
*alt route via Georgia, Azerbaijan, cross Caspian, but shouldn't be necessary
**easier than Tajikistan by looks for AUS citz, plus the Badahkshan region might be a bit sketchy atm?
***alt route if Pak goes to pie would be to continue through China into Nepal, but cost for KKH alone already seems high

Start / Finish: Netherlands - New Zealand
User: Lilian Van Der Wijngaart & Guido, Netherlands
Rout: Holland - Germany - Turkey - Georgia - Azerbedjan - Iran - Stans - Russia -Mongolia - China - Laos - Thailand - Malaysia - Indonesia - (Oz) - New Zealand. Then shipping the bikes back to Holland.
Main Dates: March 2015 - March 2016
Vehicle: Me Lilian riding a BMW F650gs (twin) and my husband Guido on a Triumph Tiger xc800
Notes: Looking for some company for the trip through China to share the costs. On motorbikes but 4x4/campers/etc not travelling on motorways will be fine.

Start / Finish: UK - Japan
User: Knightsy
Rout: UK -> France -> Switzerland -> Italy -> Austria -> Hungary -> Ukraine -> Russia -> Kazakhstan (Debating on that one) -> Back to Russia -> Mongolia -> Vladivostok -> Japan
Main Dates: March 2015 departure -> Enter Mongolia by May -> As long as it takes to get to Japan
Vehicle: XT660Z Tenere "The Fartmajster"


Start / Finish: Germany to Southeast Asia
User: thomas_hh
Rout: Germany-Russia-Mongolia-Russia-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan*-China-Lao-Thailand-and then we'll see what's next
Main Dates: Start in April, Mongolia May/June, CentralAsia July to September, China October if not first heading to Pakistan, Northern India and Nepal
Vehicle: Mitsubshi L300 4WD, Petrol
Notes:German couple with some overland travel experience looks for nice travel mates particularly for China to share costs, but also for all other countries some company is always highly appreciated!!!
* alternative Route: kyrgyzstan-China-Pakistan-Northern India-Nepal-China-Lao
depends on the costs.

Start / Finish: UK to Vladivostok (or possible UK south east asia if we can sort out where to ship from and find someone to travel through China with!!)
User: Overlandlass & Overlandhusband
Rout: Not set in stone but probably through Europe via Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan across Caspian sea Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, Russia - this is fairly flexible and could add Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan at some point.
We are also considering travelling to China and would probably enter in Mongolia and exit in Laos - although we need others to travel with and at the moment is proving difficult. hence Vlad plan
Main Dates: Leave the UK mid April to arrive in Vlad around
Vehicle: VW Syncro 4x4
Notes: Happy to team up going over stans or defo for China

Start / Finish: Germany to Cambodia
User: Inti
Rout: Germany - Austria - Turkey (by train) - Iran - Turkmenistan - Usbekistan - Tadschikistan - Kirgistan - China - Pakistan - India - Nepal - Thailand - Laos - Cambodia
Main Dates: Start April 2015, July transit into China. (trip 1 year)
Vehicle: 2 x DR650SE

Start / Finish: UK / Australia > RTW
User: trackdayrider (Mark)
Rout: UK -> Belgium > Germany > Italy > Greece > Turkey > Georgia > Azerbaijan > Turkmenistan > Uzbekistan > Kazakhstan > Russian > South Korea > Indonesia > Aus > (onto NZ and USA)
Main Dates: April 2015 - > for 12 months
Vehicle: Kawasaki KLE650 (Ad)Versys
Notes: Delayed from 2014 depart following emergency eye surgery. not planning on any more bits dropping off !
Links: chasingdreams

Start / Finish: France to France
User: jobinardfamily : 2 parents and 3 kids : un tour à cinq - tour d'Eurasie en famille en camping-car
Rout: quite fast from france to ukraine, then Kazakstan, Ouzbékistan, kirgistan, Kazakhstan, russia, mongolia, china,laos, cambodia, thailand, malaysia, burma (?), india, oman, iran, turkey and back to france
Main Dates: leaving april 2015, 16 months long
Vehicle: rv/camper not bought yet (sorry, no motorbikes for us !!)
Notes: Looking for other vehicules to share costs in China (september 2015) and maybe burma later (february 2016?).

Start / Finish: Sagres (Portugal) - Nairobi (Kenya)
User: Mika, Germany/Finnland, at the moment living in Bolivia
Rout: Europe, Russia (to Vladivostok), China, Central Asia, Middle East, East Africa
Main Dates: Start April 2015, End January 2016
Vehicle: Suzuki DR 350 to Vladivostok and maybe a Chinese bike for China and the rest
Notes: Fast ride thru Europe and Russia (6 weeks) to visit friends, 3 months in China, then leaving to Kirgistian and going South to Iran. Oman, Jemen, Djibuti, Addis, Nairobi .... this is only the plan now, it can change tomorrow. Looking for somebody to cross into China mid May 2015 near Vladivostok ... no guides for China ... only experienced travellers.

Start / Finish: Western Europe location TBD to Africa
User: ride-far, US
Rout: Flexible. Thinking Turkey or Ukraine to Russia Kazakhstan to Mongolia, then backtracking (thru Tibet?) Kyrgyzstan Tajikstan Pakistan India Nepal Bangladesh Burma Thailand. From there may think about getting bike to South Africa and riding north thru East Africa.
Main Dates: Start ~April 2015
Vehicle: Suzuki DR650
Notes: Happy to team up with others. Route and timing is flexible. Previous rides: South America circuit, Morocco to Cape Town. Ride Far | Mark Hammond

Start / Finish: UK - Vladivostok - UK
User: Ninothedude, UK
Rout: UK- Balkans-Turkey-Caucasus-Pamir-Altai-Mongolia-RoB.....than ferry/boat to Vladivostok and than ride BAM road all the way, on the way back to UK....
Main Dates: Start mid April 2015, 5-6 months
Vehicle: XT660Z Tenere
Notes: Very easygoing and open to suggestions, love riding and beeing on the go.

Start/Finish Milan/Australia
User TourTube, male, 24, IT
Rout Milan, Balcans, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Pakistan, India, Burma? (seems to be possible!), SE Asia, Australia
Main Dates Leave Milan on april 18 2015, enter in Iran on first days of june than India on half july, SE Asia on end of december or first days of 2016, Australia on about may 2016
Vehicle Suzuki V-Strom 650 k5
Notes I'm going to travel alone, slow and low cost; it should be great to meet along the way or better to share a part of the travel, maybe also in "not so easy" travelling areas like east Turkey or Pakistan.

Start / Finish: Europe to New Zealand
User: Phazael, Peter, 64, Kiwi
Rout: Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal (airfreight) > Thailand
Main Dates: Depart April / May 2015
Vehicle: V Strom 650
Notes: Open to suggestions

Start / Finish: UK to Australia.
User: kiwis-on-tour, ( Kasey Van Lierop), NZ, 33.
Rout: Europe, Turkey, Stan, China, Tibet, Laos,Vietnam,Cambodia,Thailand,Malaysia, Bali, East Timor, Australia*
Main Dates: Depart April 2015*
Vehicle: 06 Mercedes Sprinter - converting it into a camper.
Notes: We are hoping to join other travels along the way and to share cost though china into Laos. There will be three other people in the vehicle. We don't mind joining/being joined by others for various phases.

Start / Finish: Irland > Mongolia > Irland
User: liammons
Rout: Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Kaz, Kyrg, Tajikistan, Kyrg, Russia, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, etc.
Main Dates: April/ 1st week May - Return October
Vehicle: 91 Toyota rust and all!
Notes: All very flexible, may be solo, maybe with herself. Will be avoiding the tourist trail at all times as always. The Pamir, Altai and Tuva are beckoning so I'll be doing a bit of 2 legged travelling as well. Other than that and visas I'll make it up as I go along.

Start / Finish: UK / India
User: Dave Nunns
Route: UK, Western Europe, Dalmatian Coast, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Indian Himalayas
Main Dates: Depart Manchester April 20th 2015. Aim to reach India by May 23rd to meet family. Himalayan loop 2 weeks to end around June 20th.
Vehicle: BMW f800gs
Notes: Currently juggling visa applications. Interested to hear from people with experience of Iran and Pakistan, also travellers (UK / USA / Canadians) interested in sharing guide costs for Iran (early May)
Links: Here's a rough route outline https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer...k.k37wvZE_vmO4


Start / Finish: Dublin, Ireland / New Delhi, India
User: dublin2delhi
Route:Europe - Russia - stan's - China - Nepal - India
Main Dates: entering China from Kyrgyzstan on 28.08.1 5 for 20 day escort
Vehicle: 2008 Toyota HiLux
Notes: running 13 half marathons on the way for Child Nutrition Foundation | Home

Start / Finish: Belarus / Vladivostok
User: louiekiwi
Rout: Ukraine Russia Georgia Azerbaijan, ferry crossing to Kazakhstan (Altay)Russia Vladivostok.
Main Dates: May 2 - June 10
Vehicle: Suzuki V-Strom & Suzuki V-Strom
Notes: Two New Zealanders 45 and 50yo on holiday, been across Russia 3 times before. Meet for a drink or travel partway together. Not interested in Mongolia.
Links: louienicholson@yahoo.co.nz

Start / Finish: Hungary-Russia-Siberia-Hungary
User: turucztibor
Rout: Hungary-Serbia-Bulgaria-Turkey-Georgia-Russia-Kazakhstan-Uzbegistan-Tajikistan-Kirgizistan-Kazakhstan-Russia-Mongolia-Russia (Magadan)-Belorus-Poland-Slovakia-Hungary
Main Dates: Depart 10th of May, Kazak, Uzbeg, Kirgiz, in June, Mongolia mid July, Siberia begining of August, Back to Hungary 10-15th of September)
Vehicle:F650GS Dakar 2004
Notes: Ready to meet up with bikers on the way. E-mail: rentcotel@tolna.net

Start / Finish: Ireland-Mongolia-Ireland solo
User: roo141
Rout: europe-France, Switzerland,Italy,Austria,Romania,Bulgaria,Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Stans, Mongolia, back through russia into Latvia, Poland, Germany, France, Ireland or otherwise ship back from mongolia or vladivostock
Main Dates: 1st May onwards possibly earlier
Vehicle: DR 650
Notes: looking to meet people along the way on motorbikes or car, wether it be travelling for a few days or weeks all very welcome

Start / Finish: Munich
User: pmcl77, swiss, male, 37 (speaking german, english, french and sapnish)
Rout: Munich - Switzerland (my country of origin) - Italy - Slowenia - Albania - Bulgaria - Turkey - Georgia - around the black sea (if possible, russia/ukraine) -
romania - Hungary - ...
Main Dates: Start around 05/2015, no end date
Vehicle: BMW R1200GS
Notes: I like to take my time. I'm not only keen on riding all day, I want to experience the country and culture as well.

Start / Finish: France and go back
User: tiger3 2 /men.
Rout: French/ancone/ Grece/Turkey/Georgia/armenia/Iran/STAN/ China/Mongolia/Russia: irkousk by Train
Main Dates: 9mai/5 July
Vehicle: 800GS/12300GSA
Notes:Happy to team up with others. And happy to team up for: to ride in Mongolia by the north traks (ulangom/Mörön /UB ) to ride in tean to crossing China, Sary Tas or Kara Balta/ to Bulgan in Mongolia)
Links: http://www.lesroutesdailleurs.com/

Start / Finish: UK / Undecided, when the wallet is empty
User: Losjuajos
Rout: Europe -> Turkey -> Georgia -> Azerbaijan -> Stans -> China (KKH) -> Pakistan -> India -> Nepal? -> Burma -> Thailand -> Indo -> OZ
Main Dates: Leave May with no fixed time scale just 6 month visa to get to Pakistan.
Vehicle: DRZ400
Notes: Will be looking to cross China/KKH in September. Then also cross Burma, flexible on that.
Links: China Guid Share - KKH - Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August / September / October 2015

Start / Finish: UK/Asia/NZ/RTW
User: Benmac Male, NZ, 49
Rout: London-Turkey-Stans-KKH-Thailand-Indonesia-Oz-NZ
Main Dates: Leave UK May 2015
Vehicle: Moto Guzzi
Notes: Hoping to share costs for the following:
China/KKH Aug/Sep/Oct 2015 (depending on safety advice nearer the time)
OR Stans/China/Tibet/Laos Sep/Oct 2015.
If I am doing the KKH then would be keen to join a group going from India/Burma/Thailand roughly April 2016
Links: China Guid Share - KKH - Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August / September / October 2015

Start / Finish: Germany - Caspian Sea - Germany
User: johannes_nuremberg, German (36) and Christina, American (29)
Rout: Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Kiev, Odessa, Crimea, Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Moskow, Belarus, Poland, Germany
Main Dates: May to June 2015 (6 - 7 weeks)
Vehicle: 1995 BMW 520i touring (It is a car not a bike, sorry)
Notes: Looking for travel partners preferably with their own car or bike. In the first two weeks we will stay in one place in the Ukraine (Tscherkassy and/or Odessa) for a russian language crash course.
Links: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...780#post476394

Start / Finish: Ireland and back anti clockwise around the Black Sea
User: Declan (Irish, Male 53...going on 18)
Rout: Ireland Romania Bulgaria Turkey Georgia Armenia Georgia Russia Ukraine Moldova Romania Hungary Ireland
Main Dates: 18th May to Mid June
Vehicle: R1200GS
Notes: Fly to Bucharest May 18th to pick up my bike, riding solo from there. PM's welcome

User: DrWolle
Start / Finish: Hamburg-> Ulaan Baatar-> Hamburg
Route: Hamburg-Russia-Kazachstan-Uzbekistan-Tadjikistan/Pamir-Hwy/Bartang Valley-Kyrgisistan-Kazachstan-Russia/Altai-Mongolia-Russia/BAM-Mongolia and flying back home, mostly offroad following parts of this track: Sibirsky Extreme 2012 - The Toughest Ride of Them All - ADVrider
Main Dates: About 90 days on the road, Departure 30. of May 2015, ending up in UB round about 30. August
Vehicle: BMW XChallenge
Notes: Riding with a Friend and hoping to meet a lot of other two wheeled Travellers

Link: Rods to Siberia 2015

Start / Finish:*Switzerland
User: van2wheels Male, 49
Rout: Switzerland - Balkans - Greece - Turkey - Iran - (Azerbaijan - Armenia - Georgia) and back
Main Dates:*Mai/June 2015 (6-8 weeks)
Vehicle: probably R 1200 GS
Notes: route not fixed yet

Start / Finish: Germany to Australia
User: thewaytodawn(Marcel & Greta)
Rout: Kroatia, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia to Vladivostok. After this through Thailand, Indonesia, Australia.
Main Dates: 1st. May 2015 ( 2 years)
Vehicle: 2 Honda XL 600 Transalps (die Motorräder | thewaytodawn)
Notes: If anyone wants to travel through China, it would be glad if you contact us... Maybe we can share the guide?!
After a longer stay in Austalia we would gladly travel again through Southamerika.
Happy to meet other travels along the way. just for a drink, looking for camping, or to do parts of the route together.
and to share cost from Vladivostok to Bankok.

Start / Finish:
User: David 65
Rout: Thinking Poland, Belarus, Russia, Stans
Main Dates: 3rd May 2015
Vehicle: CRF250L
Notes: I struggle with technology and have been on Hubb events and the web site over the years and only today found the Forum. Iv done loads of miles on our little planet and hope to put together a trip too the Pamir Highway. At the Hubb in June and Sept, all opinions welcome.

Start / Finish: UK to UK via Russia
User: Wayne, Caps
Rout: UK, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Baltics, Eastern Europe, then undecided.
Main Dates: Early May 2015 to whenever it finishes
Vehicle: Undecided, probably XT660Z
Notes: Happy to meet up and do some of route with others. Or just for a drink. Looking at camping where i can to save monies My basic planned route is here http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...545#post468601

Start / Finish: Belgium to Japan
User: Bgil, Male, 27
Rout: Europe to Turkey, Caucasus, Iran (probably), the stans, Mongolia, Vlad or Magadan, Japan
Main Dates: From May 2015 to September
Vehicle: Kawasaki KLR 650

Start / Finish: UK to Indonesia
User: Nwildsmith, Male, 45, Australia
Rout: Euro, Pakistan, India, Nepal, maybe on to Thai down to Indo.
Main Dates: may 2015
Vehicle: BMW R100gs
Notes: Shipping bike to UK from Oz. Anyone doing same thing about same time, feel free to get in touch and share the experience.

Start / Finish: France-France
User: monnomania
Route: Paris-Belgium-Germany-Austria-italy-Balkans-Greece-Turkey-Azerbejan-Georgia-Russia-Kazakstan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan-Russia-Mongolia-Russia-Europe (Finland, Sweden, Norway-Denmark-Paris).
Main Dates: Depart Mid-May
Vehicle: 2001 Mercedes Benz Sprinter, Westfalia James Cook, Iglhaut 4x4
Notes: Canadian/France couple, English, French and Spanish able. Feel free to contact us through our blog. We are not in a hurry, taking the long route.
Links: www.bipbipamericas.blogspot.com

Start / Finish: UK back to NZ
User: kiwi-videos, Bryn from NZ
Rout: UK ,Northern Ireland , St Petersburg (Russia) Crimea ,Iran , Stans , Mongolia , Vladivostok too Singapore , East Timor , East Coast Australia too NZ.
Main Dates: May 2015
Vehicle: BMW GS R80
Notes: Shipping NZ bike too the UK ,ride across to Vladivostok and Ship too Singapore ,Thailand and then back down via Indonesia ,East Timor ,Darwin etc to NZ , figure by riding Easterly you,ll met many more and ride for periods with other like minded travellers

Start / Finish: Germany / Germany
User: christian-vogel
Rout: Round The World / Germany - (by plane) USA - Canada – Alaska – USA – (by plane) Russia – Mongolia – Kazakhstan – Kyrgyzstan - Tadzhikistan – Kyrgyzstan – China - Pakistan – India – Pakistan - Iran – Turkey – Bulgaria – Slovenia – Czech Republic - Germany
Main Dates: 19th May 2015 / 19th May 2016
Vehicle: BMW R 1200 GS ADV (2011)
Notes: 1. Like to ride with others. 2. Want to share the costs to travel through China in September/Oktober 2015 (Route: Kyrgyzstan – China - Pakistan)
Links: China Guid Share - KKH - Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August / September / October 2015

Start / Finish: Vladivostok
User: 7days1shower
Rout: Heading East (Russia > Mongolia > Kaz > Kyrgyz (possibly loop in the other Stans) > China > Pakistan > India)
Main Dates: ~ May 2015
Vehicle: Suzuki GSXR600
Notes: Looking to share costs of travel through China into Pakistan late August 2015

Start / Finish: Hamburg-> Magadan-> Hamburg
User: DrWolle
Rout: Hamburg-Mongolia-BAM-RoB-Magadan and back, mostly offroad following this track: Sibirsky Extreme 2012 - The Toughest Ride of Them All - ADVrider
Main Dates: Departure mid/end of May 2015, About 90 to 100 Days
Vehicle: XT660R
Notes: Like to ride with others


Start / Finish: UK to Pakistan and Return
User: David Antrax, Male, British, 49
Rout: France (Calais), Belgium, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan - Iran, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, France, UK
Main Dates: Depart June 2015 (Visas not yet applied for)
Vehicle: Looking at BMW R1150GSA
Notes: Looking for travel partner/s at any point in the journey, Welcome to stay and rest up in Pakistan.

Start / Finish: London to Nepal
User: Kim, Male, British, 30
Rout: Europe, (Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan) or (Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan) Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, China, India...
Main Dates: June 2015 - Pamir August - KKH September - Finish January 2016
Vehicle: BMW G650 GS Sertao 2012
Notes: Looking for someone to do the KKH with and possibly Pamir highway too. Looking into doing Iran rather than Russia, if so would also be looking for someone to share the cost of a guid.
Links: The Art of Misadventure | London to Nepal by Motorcycle 2015
China Guid Share - KKH - Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August / September / October 2015

Start / Finish: Germany - Siberia - Germany
User: Beyond
Rout: Germany - Turkey - Stans incl. Pamir - Altai - Mongolia - BAM - back: Train to Moscow and ride home or fly back from UB
Main Dates: June 2015 - August 2015 (around 90 days)
Vehicle: KTM 690 Enduro
Notes: Did similar trip in 2012. Want to do more offroad this time. Already in contact with DrWolle to do some miles together.
Links: roadstomongolia.com/

Start / Finish: Europe round east back to Europe
User: Gsswede
Rout: Turkey, Iran, Stan, Mongolia, if it´s possible through China, North Korea over to South Korea /yes for the moment it is possible/, Vietnam, laos, Kambodja, Tahiland, Malaysia, Singapore, (Indonesia) Australia, N Zeeland, Chile and up to Alaska again, over to the east coast and back to Europe
Main Dates: June 15th
Vehicle: GS1200-11
Notes: 12-14 month

Start / Finish: Vienna - Stans - Mongolia - Vienna
User: klausmong1
Route:Vienna - Hungary - Serbia - Bulgaria - Turkey - Georgia - Russia - Kazhakstan - Uzbekistan - Kirgistan - Kazhakstan - Russia - Mongolia ( Northern Route ) Russia - Latvia - Lithuania - Poland - Czech - Vienna
Main Dates: Leaving 29th June trying to get in Mongolia 16 - 20 July- Return Vienna End of August
Vehicle:Honda Transalp 600
Notes: happy to meet on the roadside, maybe some route together.
I like to hurry up a bit because I need to stay in Mongolia with my wifes family. But still a want to see a lot and stop for pictures.
Links: Infos on Klaus Reisepage - AKTUELLES / NEWS 2015

Start / Finish: UK to Thailand
User: drewafrica, Male, 27
Rout: Europe to Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Nepal, India, Burma, Thailand (route might change but somewhere along this route)
Main Dates: Mid 2015 for 3 months
Vehicle: BMW 650GS 2002

Start / Finish: Germany to Australia
User: taylor-chapman, Male, 28, Australian, 2up with girlfriend Nat, Australian, 27.
Rout: Europe, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, (Tajikistan), Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indo, Australia.
Main Dates: Late June 2015 - KKH September - Burma October
Vehicle: 2005 Honda Transalp
Notes: Looking to split guide costs for KKH and Burma, as well as team up for any other part of the trip!
Links: China Guid Share - KKH - Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August / September / October 2015


Start / Finish: Klagenfurt (Austria) - and back.
User: pheb
Rout: take the car-carrying-train to Istanbul (already rode down there 2 years ago) -> Iran -> Turkmenistan -> Uzbekistan -> Kazakhstan -> Russia -> Ukraine -> Hungary -> Austria.
Main Dates: July, august, september
Vehicle: Honda Transalp 600 1994
Notes: right now my plan is very vague. did not check any routes so far, just a rough idea of what i want to do. i got like three months of time (july, august, september).
-> got some offroad experience.

Start / Finish: The Netherlands / The Netherlands
User: Diekooi
Rout: Europe-Turkey-Azerbejan-Georgia-Russia-Kazakhstan-Turkmeniestan-oezbekistan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan-kazachstan-Russia-Mongalia-Russia-Europe.
Main Dates: 17-7 / 16-8
Vehicle: Honda XRV 750
Notes:figuring out visas. and satellite communication. and open for everything. my first trip was to Austria and Italy. and in Istanbul I turned around to get home in time. so my planning isn't very good.
Start / Finish: London/Vlaivostok
User: stubdetoe
Rout: Turkey, south of Black Sea, North of Caspian, 'Stans, Pamir Hwy, Mongolia, Russia
Main Dates: July 19 for two months
Vehicle: BMW 1200GS LC, 1200 GSAs, 800 GS
Notes: Special permission to compete in the Mongol Rally

Start / Finish: Zürich/Irkutsk
User: RLG_660
Rout: Zurich to Turkey/Iran/Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan/Tajikistan/Kyrgyzstan/Kazakhstan/Russia/Mongolia/Russia
Main Dates: Departure mid July
Vehicle: Yamaha XT660Z
Notes: Have to return to work by end of August start of September. Route is open to some change. Travelling solo but happy to meet up with people on the way for part of the journey. Mongolia - would like to do northern route if not alone, otherwise some southern/central route if solo.
Some off road experience.
Flying back from Irkutsk, bike to be returned by freight forwarder.

Start / Finish: Austria to Nepal and hopefully on to Thailand
User: Atta
Route: Austria, balkans, greece, turkey, georgia, turkey, iran, pakistan, india, nepal (maybe on to: myanmar, thailand) fly back to Austria.
Main Dates: Start from Vienna end of July (about 25th). Nepal in November-ish
Vehicle: Honda Transalp 600V PD06 from 1997
Notes: Considering taking a ferry from iran to india instead of crossing Pakistan depending on security situation, but ideally I would ride all the way. 2up for the first section/month of the trip. Will be doing a lot of camping to save some money. Happy to meet fellow travellers on the way

Start / Finish: France to Singapore
User: Sinky57 +1, British
Rout: France, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, India, Nepal, India, Mynmar, Thialand, Laos, Cambodia, Thialand, Singapore
Main Dates: Depart July 2015, China September
Vehicle: 1 Africa Twin & 1 XL 600
Links: China Guid Share - KKH - Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August / September / October 2015

Start / Finish: Belgium - Mongolia (UB)
User: Pdegroote, 54
Rout: Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Russia to Mongolia (off road where feasible)
Main Dates: Depart beginning of July 2015, 3 month trip
Vehicle: Suzuki DR 350
Notes: Son may come along (24 yr, also on a dr350), Both having moderate off-road experience. Accompanied by third person on WR250.
Start / Finish: Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) to Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) (shipping bikes with ADV Factory)
User: Wildman & Modman, UK
Rout: Northern route through Mongolia into the Altai, down through Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan and if there's time, Tajikistan to ride the Pamir Highway/Bartang Valley before heading back up to Bishkek
Main Dates: leave Irkutsk 12 July, arrive Bishkek 31 July 2015
Vehicle: G650X-Country & F800GS
Notes: Modman and I met up to ride Iceland in 2013 (http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...dic-saga-71950) Anyone wanting to join in, drop one of us a line.

Start / Finish: UK to Vladivostok
User: hi ho silver, Kent Anderson
Rout: Through Russia and Mongolia to end in Vladivostok
Main Dates: Depart Europe Mid July arrive Vladivostok August or early Sept
Vehicle: BMW 1200 GSA 2007
Notes: Will be traveling around UK, Europe with partner until Mid July then Solo to Vladivostok. Might be a good thing to travel with at least one other. Easy happy moto traveler from San Francisco.

Start / Finish: Germany to Iran
User: flh80
Daniel, Male 51
Annette, Female, 46
Manfred, Male, 57
Rout: Frankfurt - Austria - Italy - Ferry (Minoan) from Ancona - Igoumenitsa - Turkey - Istanbul - Black Sea Coast - Coastal Mountains - Eastern Central Turkey - Iran - Tehran
Main Dates: 21st July:Frankfurt - 23rd July: Ferry (Minoan) - 26th July: Turkey - 4nd August: Iran - 7th August: Tehran
Vehicle: Yamaha TT600R, Ducati M 750, Triumph Tiger 955i

User: Brendanhall
Start / Finish: Salford, UK to Mumbai
Rout: Under review! but thinking of: England, France, Belgium (want to stop at war grave for a couple of hours), Germany (want to see Nuremberg), Austria (want to see Vienna), Hungary, Romania (want to see Transfagarasan pass & Ploiesti), Bulgaria, Turkey (want to see Istanbul, Anzac bay & ancient cave houses), Iran (want to see Kerman, Persepolis), Pakistan, India
Main Dates: July & August 2015 (1 Month)
Vehicle: Possibly a K75.
Notes: Might have a pillion! - Hoping to cros Iran/Pak border at Pishin not Taftan - See post for more info.


Start/Finish UK - AUS then maybe RTW
User: BeeeeJ, Male, AUS / UK , 45
Route: London-Turkey-Stans-Pamir-KKH-Nepal-Thailand-Indonesia-Oz
Main Dates: Leave UK AUG 2015
Vehicle: KTM690R Enduro
Notes: Hoping to share costs for the following:
China/KKH Sep/Oct 2015 (depending on safety advice nearer the time)
OR Stans/China/Tibet/Laos Sep/Oct 2015.
Route is flexible and company welcome

Start / Finish: Sweden to Thailand
User: Channey, 57 year old male, Australia
Rout: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam.
Main Dates: Start August 2015
Vehicle: 2011 BMW F800GS
Notes: We are a group of 2 or 3 riders wishing to form a group to share cost to enter Myanmar in October 2015.

Start / Finish: Uk - China and on
User: thelliwell (4 of us)
Rout: UK - Europe - Turkey - Russia - Stans - Mongolia - China .....
Main Dates: August 2015Wildman
Vehicle: Converted Landrover ambulance.
Notes: The last bit is a bit up in the air as we need to find someone else to go with through China to share costs! We are willing to be flexible with our route through China if necessary but at the moment probably either ship out of China or Laos.

Start / Finish: UK to Thailand
User: jcee, male, 55
Rout: Flexible but thinking UK-France-Belgium-Germany-Czech-Austria-Hungary-Romania-Ukraine-Russia-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyrstan-China-Laos-Thailand
Main Dates: August 2015 - China Early September - Finish October
Vehicle: TBC probably Tiger 800
Notes: Currently living in Thailand & working in Asia/Africa for 12 years - relocating to UK July 2015. Was going to ride back but less traffic that direction so will get the move done & then ride back here as a final farewell.


Start / Finish: Bishkek or Almaty through China to Mohan, Laos in Sep/Oct 2015
User: paulmoody
Route:Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan , China, Laos
Main Dates: Leaving mid September from Bishkek
Vehicle:Toyota Hilux 4wd
Notes: We are on our way to Australia driving in 2-4 week stages. We park up the 4wd then have to go home for spells to work & make money!
In March we reached Istanbul and in May we will be into Bishkek or Almaty.
We have already done one rtw trip in the same car and we are now on the second!
Crossing China is so expensive so we have sorted out a guide less itinerary and are looking for one other car to transit in no more than 18 days.
We are two long term Brit buddies called Paul based in Gibraltar.

Please call if you are interested on paulmoody2@gmail.com

Start / Finish: Germany / Malaysia / (back to Germany)
User: pat80637
Rout: Germany>Austria>Hungary>Romania>Bulgaria>Turkey>Ir an>Turk menistan>Uzbekistan>Kyrgyzstan>China>Laos>Thailand >Malaysia>Cambodia>Laos>China>Mongolia>Russia>Esto nia>Latvi a>Lithuania>Poland>Germany
Main Dates: Start - Early Sept. 2015 / Kyrgyzstan-China-Border late October 2015 / End - Sept. 2016
Vehicle: LandRover - Defender 110
Notes: Still Planning and want to share the costs of travelingl through China in Oktober 2015 (Route: Kyrgyzstan – China - Laos); My wife and me (37)

Start / Finish: start : Mongolia and finish: Laos
User: laroche christian & mireille
Rout: China
Main Dates: September or October 2015
Vehicle: sidecar URAL
Notes: we are 1 French couple with 1 sidecar and we want to meet other bikers and 4x4 to share the crossing of China

Start / Finish: UK to Thailand
User: Drewafrica
Rout: Europe to Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, India, Burma, Thailand
Main Dates: Sep/Oct 2015 for 3 months
Vehicle: BMW 650GS
Notes: Planing on meeting a group to cross Burma in Sep/Oct !!


Start / Finish: Newcastle upon Tyne, round Black Sea and return
User: Steve Barratt Old Father Tyne, Male, British, 52
Rout: tbc
Main Dates: Depart summer 2015 (to complete within 1 month)
Vehicle: F650GS Dakar 2002
Notes: Vague idea so far. Possibly meet up with my brother as he rides back from Australia - unfortunately I can't afford the time off work to do the same trip as him.

Start / Finish: London/Bangkok
User: Wuming
Rout: Europe to Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China/Tibet, Nepal, India, Burma, Thailand.
Main Dates: Mid to late 2015 for 3 to 4 months
Vehicle: Yamaha XT660Z Tenere
Notes: This is my ideal route which will probably be modified as the realities of the carnet, Chinese and Burmese guides stack up.

Start / Finish: Sunderland- magadan- fly Moscow-ride back to northeast
User: lowrider1263
Rout: Undecided
Main Dates: 2015 looking to take about 70-100 days
Vehicle: 400-1200 bike undecided
Notes: Only at planing so open to discussion with anyone interested

Start / Finish: UK to Magadan/Vladivostok
User: Touring Ted , UK
Rout: Undecided - Probably E.Europe, Turkey, Kaz, Uz, Mongolia
Main Dates: 2015 5-6 months
Vehicle: XR650L
Notes: Professional Motorcycle Mechanic. Love to travel with others. Laid back.

Start / Finish: London to India?
User: jessecollett, Jesse, 26, man, London
Rout: To India via the stans and ship back (or anything better)
Main Dates: any time spring/summer 2015
Vehicle: XR650L (2005)
Notes: I have a few flakey mates that i've done similar trips with before. I'm not sure if any of them will definitely be able to do the trip. Need more like minded people to join the gang! Three's the magic number.

Start / Finish: Madrid(Spain) - RTW
User: jimmyjei
Rout: Madrid---->East----->KKH---->India--->Nepal---->Thai, Laos, Cambodia, Malasya,Australia----->Brasil/Argentina----->North to Alaska---->Africa...
Main Dates: Not any in special
Vehicle: 1200GSA
Notes: Happy to team up with others for KKH between Kyrgyztan&Pakistan

Start / Finish: England finish Thailand
User: paul15
Rout: not finalised but looking at via Russia then a organised 25 day tour through China into Laos, once in Thailand to base myself in Chaing Mai and explore Laos ,Vietnham, Cambodia, Malaysia and Burma at length.
Main Dates: as late as I can leave and do the trip in 2015 until March 2016
Vehicle: KTM 1190 Adventure ( very Orange)
Notes: on my own would appreciate ideas as how best to do it.Happy to meet others.


The other way

Start / Finish: Mumbai to London
User: shiv
Rout: India, Nepal, China, Russia, Europe ending in UK
Main Dates: leaving april 2015, 60 days+
Vehicle: Probably a KTM 390 modded to touring. even considering a Royal Enfield 500
Notes: looking at more people interested in joining in.. Costs of getting through China being a consideration

Antrax 25 Sep 2013 12:36

Heading to Pakistan and back

I am hoping to be heading from the UK to pakistan sometime in 2015. Planning is in the real early stages as yet.


User: David, Male, British, 48
Start / Finish: Cheshire to Pakistan
Rout: Europe, Iran, Pakistan and back.
Main Dates: Depart 2015
Vehicle: Motorcycle to be decided
Notes: Looking for someone to do the Iran and Pakistan leg. Have a home in Pakistan.

kim 25 Sep 2013 13:22

Sounds great David, have added you to the list.

Let me know when you have more details.

Old Father Tyne 27 Sep 2013 16:02

Newcastle round the Black Sea and back
User: Steve Barratt, Male, British, 52
Start / Finish: Newcastle upon Tyne, round Black Sea and return
Rout: tbc
Main Dates: Depart summer 2015 (to complete within 1 month)
Vehicle: F650GS Dakar 2002
Notes: Vague idea so far. Possibly meet up with my brother as he rides back from Australia - unfortunately I can't afford the time off work to do the same trip as him.

Gsswede 10 Oct 2013 18:04

Going East
My goal 2015 is from Sweden to Mongolia/China
Leaving fr Panama the 25th okt.-13 to South America

phazael 12 Oct 2013 08:20


great thread

I am planning riding my v strom 650 back to nz in 2015 , beginning late April early May.

Route is probably through Iran, Pakistan, india, nepal then airfreight to thailand. But open to suggestions.

Would be happy to join with riders. I am a 64 year old kiwi and have done solo in Morocco, turkey, europe for consecutive three month tours. Heading for central America next month for three month "small" bike tour.

Happy to meet up when I return to or in my travels in Europe next year.



pdegroote 15 Oct 2013 13:15

eastbound from belgium
Current plan is to make a 3 month trip going from belgium to mongolia and back.

Timing: departure june/july 2015. Upon arrival in mongolia I would park the bike, go to china by train. Returning to mongolia after one month (china visum expires), then return through Siberia to Belgium.

Bikes: Suzuki DR 350, in the process of refurbishing...

purpose: travel offroad where feasible. ie limit asfalt to the bare minimum.
route: through ukraine, russia, kazakhstan and russia to mongolia.

maybe my son will come along (24 yr, on a dr350) and myself (54 yr, dr350)
Both having moderate off-road experience.

kim 16 Oct 2013 13:34

Thanks for contributing everyone.

Would make my life a bit easier if people could include their information in the following format.

Start / Finish:
Main Dates:

A couple of questions.


Originally Posted by Gsswede (Post 439691)
My goal 2015 is from Sweden to Mongolia/China
Leaving fr Panama the 25th okt.-13 to South America

Can you give me some more details, I don't quite understand?


Originally Posted by pdegroote (Post 440201)
Current plan is to make a 3 month trip going from belgium to mongolia and back.

Is that 3 months there, a month in China and 3 months back Or 3 months round trip?

Gsswede 31 Oct 2013 05:23

Going east
Just arrived Columbia. Travelling around in Southamerica until
beginning of feb next year
Next Year, 2014 late july I ll go back up to Alaska and from there
Go south, crossing Canada over to New Foundland down to New York
And ship my bike back to Sweden.
Summer 2015 I plan to leave Sweden for Mongolia and if possible China
Planing to leave in june. Est time 3 month ,one way.
After that I dont know. Either ship my bike to Sweden or
store it somewhere and com back later and ride to Australia

Lowrider1263 3 Nov 2013 08:23

User lowrider1263
Start / Finish: Sunderland- magadan- fly Moscow-ride back to northeast
Rout: undecided
Main Dates: 2015 looking to take about 70-100 days
Vehicle: 400-1200 undecided
Notes:only at planing so open to discussion with anyone interested

kim 9 Nov 2013 21:23


*Touring Ted* 31 Dec 2013 15:47

Great idea....

Start: UK
Finish: Magadan/Vladivostok
Duration: 5-6 months
Route: Undecided - Probably E.Europe, Turkey, Kaz, Uz, Mongolia
Vehicle: XR650L

Notes: Professional Motorcycle Mechanic. Love to travel with others. Laid back. :smartass:

DrWolle 31 Dec 2013 15:57

User: DrWolle
Start / Finish: Hamburg-> Magadan-> Hamburg
Route: Hamburg-Mongolia-BAM-RoB-Magadan and back, mostly offroad following this track: Sibirsky Extreme 2012 - The Toughest Ride of Them All - ADVrider
Main Dates: About 90 to 100 Days, Departure mid/end of May 2015
Vehicle: XT660R
Notes: Like to ride with others

Jervig 1 Jan 2014 11:33

User: jervig
Start / Finish: Holland/Holland
Rout: Germany, Poland, Slowakia, Hungaria, Romania, Bulgaria, Turky, Gerogia, Armenia, Gerogia, Russia, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kirgizstan, Kazakstan, Russia (Altai), Mongolia, Vladivostok, Fly to Kamchatka for 1 week hike tour, Vladivostok, Magadan, Myrny, Baikal, Ural mountains, Back home.
Main Dates: dep: 15/03 Arr: 01/10 2014
Vehicle:MAN 4x4 truck

Ride Far 13 Jan 2014 14:36

User: Mark Hammond, U.S., Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB - Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB
Start / Finish: Western Europe location TBD
Route: Flexible. Thinking Turkey or Ukraine to Russia Kazakhstan to Mongolia, then backtracking (thru Tibet?) Kyrgyzstan Tajikstan Pakistan India Nepal Bangladesh Burma Thailand. From there may think about getting bike to South Africa and riding north thru East Africa.
Main Dates: Start ~April 2015
Vehicle: Suzuki DR650
Notes: Happy to team up with others. Route and timing is flexible. Previous rides: South America circuit, Morocco to Cape Town. Ride Far | Mark Hammond

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