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-   -   Africa fall 2008: Morocco to Cape Town & beyond (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/africa-fall-2008-morocco-cape-32831)

petcul 15 Sep 2008 10:15

Hi Migo,

Good idea. I've pm'd you.


mikeb 22 Sep 2008 07:16


Originally Posted by linz (Post 204944)
Hi All,

I am so jealous, My Husband and myself traveled through West Africa last year but we were thwarted in Brazzaville due to issues with access to DRC in Feb 2008 and had to return home.
I will be following your progress this year I hope if you make it to Angola you can call in, we are now living in Luanda, although we can't really help with the visa issues we would be happy to help with a hot shower, obviously a cold beer and any route info!

Good luck to you all


Dear Linz,
I'd be glad to meet you in Luanda (to make you even more jealous).
But of course not intentionally.:cool4:
I will leave Germany (Frankfurt) by November 27th and plan to depart approx. 1st December from Libreville (Gabon) via the Congos,
Point-Noire, Cabinda to meet you in Luanda. Hopefully entering in
Soyo with a double entry visa in my Passport.

I still don't have company, all the guys seem to leave later than me.:(

petcul 22 Sep 2008 22:53

Finally booked Portsmouth to Bilbao 01 Oct so on my way next week. Looking forward to seeing some/all of you on the road.

Safe biking.

Jupiter 3 Oct 2008 14:55

Africa on very little money or prep
Hey guys,

just saw this thread today - soooo wish I'd picked up on it ages ago, got back from a Namibia trip a few months ago, and thinking that if I can manage to pay for the carnet for my old xt, get all the shots, buy the ferry tickets across into Morocco - I would then be surviving on very little plus the kindness of strangers.... soooo, was just wondering if anyone has done this sort of thing - that is - flying by the seat of your pants with very little prep or money? Or is this not to be recommended? I reckon, by the time I get all of the above sorted, I'll probably be good to go december / january - any other late stragglers out there who can join me (and are possibly better prepared)? Bonus for me would be if you're good with bike mechanics (not my strong point), I'll be over the moon!!!

J :scooter:

migo 4 Oct 2008 19:38

Hi Jupiter,

I suppose your are not Ted and above seventy? Why Jupìter?
Anyway sounds a bit short on notiz your wish to accomany us :). I am quite sure there will be others doing the same next year or some other time. Why not start a thread yourself :).

good travels,

Jupiter 4 Oct 2008 21:53

Hey Migo
Nope sorry - not Ted or over 70 (although some days it feels like it!)

Yes, I think starting a thread of my own will be a good idea, but might help if I at least get the Carnet sorted first!!

If you're off soon - have an awesome trip, and I'll keep an eye on this thread for the rest of you.

J :scooter:

silvie 12 Nov 2008 16:47

For those that have just started travelling. Good luck! We're going November '09. Can't wait! Try and get some info about your various trips onto the web.


Ride Far 13 Nov 2008 18:31

Hey Silvie, good luck with the planning & prep. Africa is terrific (at least so far), the people have been wonderful. I'm a little south of Timbuktu and should be there in a couple of days.

Some pics, videos, and reports at RIDE FAR | Mark Hammond.


petcul 16 Nov 2008 21:03


Originally Posted by silvie (Post 215043)
For those that have just started travelling. Good luck! We're going November '09. Can't wait! Try and get some info about your various trips onto the web.


Left the others heading south and am now on my way back to the UK through Mali, Mauritania and Morocco over the next 10days. Might meet up somewhere if you're interested.

If not, enjoy yourself:thumbup1:

Supervaca 19 Nov 2008 10:49

We are currently in Nimaey leaving friday for Abuja, if you want to meet up send us an sms on +4526808005


Daros 26 Nov 2008 09:16

Hey all,

we´re trying to ride two 90´s teneres south from Holland to Cape Town along the western route, and back up again along the east side.

Left home the 16th of november and we´ll probably cross over to morocco later this week.

If anyone is in the area, or has some advice not posted somewhere else feel free to PM or even SMS at 0031621682371

Daan and Chris


johnlahiffe 26 Nov 2008 21:11

[quote=Ride Far;172591]Any adventure riders up for Africa in fall 2008 into winter 2009?

We’re two guys heading into Morocco great trip lads There is a trip planned from dublin to darwin planed in oct next year and i am hoping to join so if yous can give me any info on your travels it would be great thanks John

petcul 27 Nov 2008 16:13

John, Hi,

I'm in Bilbao waiting for the ferry tomorrow and will be back in the UK Sunday. If you want any specific information I can fill you in as far as Mali. My travel blog is

petcul | peter cullen | Travel Blog

just to get you started.

I am usually in Ireland/Dublin (birth place and family) a few times each year so keep in touch and maybe we could meet. Peter

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