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Alaska - Argentina 2005
I am planning to drive my bike from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego next year. I would start in June in Alaska and would arrive for New Year's Eve in Ushuaia. Drop me a line if you are interested in joining me. Anne. |
Hi Anne,
I am too planning a trip from AK to South America this comming summer. I plan on leaving Anchorage about the 7th of June for Venezuela. I have to be back in Venezuela 2nd week in August for work. That is where I am now. So our schedules might just work out for at least a part of the ride. I am on a 97 BMW F650 and my spanish is pretty good. Hope to hear from you, Susan [This message has been edited by Homer Susan (edited 05 December 2004).] |
Hi Susan,
I will be arriving in Anchorage Thursday June 9th, by the boat coming from Juneau. Then I am planning to drive to Prudhoe Bay (up North) to see the midnight sun. From Prudhoe Bay, I will start the long trek South. May be we can do the beginning together. It seems that you will go faster than me. I am planning to fly to Caracas sometimes in September. We will see in the coming months how we can handle our schedule. My Spanish is ok... When I am stuck, I take my French and apply the Spanish prononciation... It kind of works!! Thanks for your answer. It sounds good. Anne. |
Hi Anne,
Your trip sounds great and we might just meet somewhere on the road. Maybe right when you enter AK. I plan to head south directly, as I don't have alot of time and I've ridden to Deadhorse already. You are right that I am on a faster schedule than you. It's that work thing. I am happy to hear that you'll be heading into Caracas at some point. We can meet up here for sure. I live in beautiful Puerto la Cruz about 4 hours east of Caracas on the Caribbean. Take care and happy planning. Susan ps Get really good tires for the haul road. |
Hi Anne and Susan,
My name is Brad, a Kiwi on tour.... I am looking to ride from Alaska south to wherever I end up from the beginning of June to early August 2005. I'm currently in Dallas and able to ship my bike to Anchorage and ride north to Prudhoe from there, before the big trek south. Would love to hook up with companion(s) for the trip. Have traveled overland 25 countries this year so far and hanging to hit the road again. Looking forward to your reply. Brad |
Hi Anne,
I'm taking my first trip in the next month or so to Mexico, in fact just placed a post. However, I've been researching something longer and would enjoy keeping in touch. I've got a flexible schedule, writer/photographer/own business. I grew up riding and racing and then took a hiatus for the most part. Currently putting some miles on a 650 Dakar. |
Hi Anne, nice talking to u in SanFran. We are waiting in South America, I wanted to say hurry up, but better take ur time, there is so much to see up there. Have a great trip
Martin |
Hi all,
Sorry for not answering earlier, I was visiting my family in France for the holidays. Brad ans Vrsatil. We definitely need to keep in touch. I will send you the details of my trips in a separate email. Susan, yes, let's try to meet when I arrive in AK and before you head South. And we need to keep Caracas in mind. Your place looks like a little paradise. Martin, Katja and Frankie. Yeah, too many things to see in this world. Let's keep in mind a meeting in Patagonia!! That night in San Francisco was lot of fun. Bises a tous, Anne. |
Hi Anne,
we are planning to our start our third stage of the trip from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego in October 2005. (Alaska in '03, Central America in '04). We have not yet decided on where to ship our GS1150 Adv. How do you plan to continue on from Caracas? Maybe we can meet for part of the trip. Paul and Yolanda SoCal http://www.natureseeker.com |
Paul and Yolanda, thanks for your info. I just sent you a separate email with my itinerary.
Brad, is it possible to have your email so that I can send my itinerary to you? Thanks in advance. Anne |
My girlfriend and I are also looking to make a similar trip {Alaska-Tierra del Fuego} around June.No time limit.Would love to part-share some of the trip.Appreciate any feedback.Thank You! |
DId you get my email? Brad [This message has been edited by Revolucion (edited 11 January 2005).] |
Hi Anne,
Your going to do my dream. I have been to a HU meeting talking to world bike travellers and it's in my blood.... I'm just setting up my R1200GS with all the necessity's to do the job, lot's of Touratech stuff. I'm a well seasoned back-packer and also have done Mexico twice on my past F650GS. Cheers John B.C. Canada |
I am driving a F650GS and I love this bike. I choosed it because I have short legs and BMW offered the best "low butt" option compared to other bikes!! I am planning to start the trip from my home in San Francisco in June. First take a boat that starts in Seattle and arrives in Anchorage June 9th. Then drive to Prudhoe Bay and arrive for the summer solstice. Drive South. Be in Phoenix around end-July. Be in Panama mid-September. Normally fly ly to Caracas (but depending on timing, companions and political situation will fly to Quito). Arrive in Ushuaia for New Year's Eve. Then up to Santiago or Buenos Aires and finally fly back in San Francisco. I have a long list of equipment, place to stay, things to see, people to meet all along the road. Let me know if you want the details. A bientot, Anne. |
Someone wrote me an email about going to Alaska this summer. I miserabely deleted the email and therefore cannot reply, SORRY!! All I remember is that this person is 63 years old...
If you see this post, please email me back as I would like to have a chat with you. Thanks. Anne. |
ANNE That was 63 years young! LOL
Have sent an email. Norm ------------------ norm 04/F650GS 03/Yamaha Venture Calgary, Alberta |
I don't have the dates carved in stone just yet; but, since I have the next 2-3 years off to travel I will definatley be doing the Alaska - Argentina ride. I believe I will be headed to Alaska from Pennsylvania on or around May 27 ro 28 (anyone interested - we could meet where the Alaska Highway begins in Dawson Creek, in northeastern British Columbia). I ride a BMW R1150GS Adventure.
Let me know. -Michael- www.mikesworldtour.com |
Good to hear about your plans!! We are a few people who are interested in driving together. The meeting will be in Alaska around June 18th... June 21st/22nd in Prudhoe Bay. From there, it will be all the way south to Tierra del Fuego. We are a mix of F650GS, GSAdventure, KLR... I will send you all my info via email. Cheers, Anne. |
I hope you're all planning to get to the "Western USA, First Annual Meeting, Colorado, July 7-10, 2005"
(See the meetings link on left) You'll learn a lot, and have a great time! If you're not travelling fast, get to the "Copper Canyon, Creel, Mexico, MID-week - Oct 11 - 14, 2005" meeting. Have a great trip, and think about doing a multi-person blog on HU - see Travellers Stories link on left for details on getting a blog. ------------------ Grant Johnson Seek, and ye shall find. ------------------------ One world, Two wheels. www.HorizonsUnlimited.com |
You bet!!! The CO meeting is marked on my calendar since Chris sent me the dates.
Unfortunately, I will miss Copper Canyon 'cause I will have to be out of the US by mid-August (visa issue). Merci pour tout, Anne |
Hello everybody!
Would it be possible for someone to e mail me an itinerary of your trip?As I have said before,it is a trip I would like to make but due to work commitments I don't know when I will be able to arrive in AK.Ultimately I'd like to do the full trip but it looks like you will be leaving perhaps a month or so before me.It sounds like there are quite a number of you now and it would be great to join you.If it is at all possible I shall try and work in with your plans,if that is okay.At the very least I shall try tomeet some of somewhere.Fingers crossed.Take Care,and look forwaed to receiving an itinerary. Best wishes,Rob |
Nice to hear about your plans. I just sent you an email with the info I got so far. Keep in touch. Anne |
Hi Anne...
I read your tread and it seems that I'll be departing a few weeks later than you and your group, but I'll be following (at least initially) part of the same route. I plan to depart going up to Alaska by early August, crossing the US-Mexico border (on the way back) by early September trying to reach Panama around mid October. From there plan to fly to Venezuela then south to Manaus then(by boat)to Porto Velho entering southern Peru, then Bolivia and finally reaching Argentina by the end of December. So include me in your mailing list to be in touch and I might be catching up with some of you guys somewhere down the road. Fabio [This message has been edited by Diablo (edited 09 May 2005).] |
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