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Pirelli 5 Feb 2005 05:34

Alaska to Argentina
Looking for riders to take all or any of this journey with me. Hope to leave this coming June 05', but would be able to move dates w/in a few weeks.

Preparing for the journey was like living a paradox.
-Ted Simon

Big Red 5 Feb 2005 11:52

I'll be leaving Los Angeles in early July, heading south, so probably a bit ahead of you by the time you go to Alaska and back. There's two of us, both on 1150GS's.
How long are you planning for the entire trip?

Bilou 5 Feb 2005 12:54

We are a few people preparing the same trip. We can add you to the mailing list and share info.

Pirelli 5 Feb 2005 23:11


Originally posted by Big Red:
I'll be leaving Los Angeles in early July, heading south, so probably a bit ahead of you by the time you go to Alaska and back. There's two of us, both on 1150GS's.
How long are you planning for the entire trip?

Well I would consider moving my trip up by a couple of weeks to ride with others. My only concern being weather in Alask/Canada. I'll have to do some research.

Are you guys LA Locals? Would love to pick your brains about your plans?

Pirelli 5 Feb 2005 23:13

No sure who Ted is but I'm game for connecting with you and trying to hook up for some portion of your trip.

I haven't set any dates yet, but would love to begin discussions on date/route planning with you if thats something you're interested in.

Pirelli 5 Feb 2005 23:16


Originally posted by Big Red:
I'll be leaving Los Angeles in early July, heading south, so probably a bit ahead of you by the time you go to Alaska and back. There's two of us, both on 1150GS's.
How long are you planning for the entire trip?

Oh- forgot to respond to your question. I can be gone for as long as it takes. I was anticipating 6mo or longer. I want to take in the sights and meet the people. Hard to put limitations on that. I think it'll be my bank account that brings me back!

Pirelli 5 Feb 2005 23:17


Originally posted by Pirelli:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="">quote:</font><HR><font face="" size="2">Originally posted by Big Red:
I'll be leaving Los Angeles in early July, heading south, so probably a bit ahead of you by the time you go to Alaska and back. There's two of us, both on 1150GS's.
How long are you planning for the entire trip?

Well I would consider moving my trip up by a couple of weeks to ride with others. My only concern being weather in Alask/Canada. I'll have to do some research.

When will you be coming over from Oz?
Would love to pick your brains about your plans?

sigoodacre 6 Feb 2005 03:51

Leaving Calgary about 12th July in same direction as yourself over 6 months.Could get in touch nearer the time if you want to meet up for part of the journey.


Big Red 6 Feb 2005 12:21

As you deduced, we're both Aussies, and will be flying the bikes into LA. Planning on a six month trip, through Baja, then across to the mainland from La Paz, up to Creel, back down the Pacific Coast all the way to Panama. We're surfers, and will be hopefully, begging borrowing or renting boards wherever possible, hanging out wherever we find good waves. We both work in the surfing industry, so will be doing some business stuff enroute.
After Panama, boat to the top end of Colombia, then ride through Venezuela and to Manaus. Riverboat back to the coast, and follow the ocean all the way down to Buenos Aires. Then through to Ushaia and back up to Santiago for the flight home. That's the theory, anyway. Email me for more details if you'd like.



Pirelli 7 Feb 2005 23:38


I don't seem to read very well these days. Just emailed you with questions that you answer clearly in your post here. So forgive me. As I said though, do email/call anytime. Love to talk to fellow riders/travellers and will make every effort to cross paths somewhere along the way.

As I live in LA, anyone who needs a local resource for anything local here is welcome to hit me up.

Homer Susan 13 Feb 2005 06:03

Hiya Grant,
Looks like I will be in the LA area around the first of July getting ready to cross into Baja. Maybe we could meet up for a time. I am on a faster schedule than you folks but perhaps we ride for a bit. Also, when you get to Venezuela, look me up. I live and work in beautiful Pueto La Cruz, the jumping off place to Margarita Island.

Pirelli, I think you were asking about weather conditions in the North in the spring right? I rode up from LA a few years back and the weather was fantastic for most of the trip until I hit -4 celcius in the middle of BC. It was cold but gorgeous! At every single gas station, restaurant, hotel, (no campgrounds open) I stopped at (I stopped at them all.) people told me about how hot it had been the week before. So you just can't tell.

Happy Planning,


Big Red 14 Feb 2005 02:03

G'Day Susan,
Cool, I'll email as the time gets closer. Will you be travelling with Anne's group (Bilou?) What will you be riding?
A visit in Venezuela would be great, thanks.

G'Day Pirelli,
I didn't actually receive your email, but I'll contact you as the time gets closer, too.

We may not all be riding together at the same time or pace, but it would be great if we all met somewhere, all at once.


Pirelli 15 Feb 2005 22:00

Hello All,

Right now looks like I'm going to try to connect with Bilous group somewhere btwn San Francisco and Alaska and ride south. Looks like most people are trying to start the journey around the second week of June with a secondary goal of entering Mexico about the first week of July. I'm putting together a list of people traveling and their aprox. departure dates and can send that to anyone who is interested...

Please also feel free to contact me via email.

Lastly, thanks to all who have replied to this posting. I cant wait to meet you!

Homero 25 Feb 2005 21:09

Hi Ted.
My name is Homero, and I live in Florida, near Fort Lauderdale. I am planning to drive alone down to Rio de Janeiro around July August. Please include my name in your list. Just bought a new R1200 GS for the trip. Now have to install all the Touratech extras.

BklynDakar 25 Feb 2005 22:24

I just want to throw my hat in here. I am planning on leaving from NYC sometime late Summer, sometime between June and August. If I leave on the early side I will go to Alaska first then down the coast and head for Burningman festival the last week of August before heading south. I may skip Buriningman if I decide it will prevent me from reaching Tierra del Fuego by Dec 31.

Brooklyn Dakar

[This message has been edited by JSherm (edited 25 February 2005).]

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