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-   -   any one for west africa nov to feb ? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/any-one-west-africa-nov-72258)

yvestt39 16 Sep 2013 11:40

any one for west africa nov to feb ?
since Pakistan is a no go (no way to get visa in France/for me) i can't ride a Istanbul to Katmandu
so i'm looking south again, starting mid oct, not loosing to much time in Moroco and heading to Benin (not further) and back to europe for the next step
anyone interested ?
i'm 45, 25 years of bike traveling, ride a slow (and f... heavy 1150gs43), being a nurse, physio and free mind cooker

Tenere Traveller Mike 16 Sep 2013 15:47

Hi Yves,

I am leaving UK on 1st October on XT660Z. Heading to South Africa down the west coast. I am in no rush and want to explore Morocco some but maybe will catch up somewhere along the way.


yvestt39 17 Sep 2013 14:22

I have no planning and i'm not tied to any schedule
Could you tell me when you want to be in the Ghana Togo Benin area ?
Do you intend to cross sierra leone liberia cote d'ivoire ? or just south mali ?
I don't care since i will have to choose two paths, one in and one out

Titbird 17 Sep 2013 15:51

I will be on the road too, not with the bike this time unfortunately. Maybe we can meet up somewhere?
Watch the video on here for more info
Project Sierra Leone

yvestt39 22 Sep 2013 22:12

just a few news
we will be a least 2 french riders ; 1150GS43 and F800GSADV
i will start from Paris by the 14/18 oct
my friend will be in Portugal, we won't ride much in Morocco, riding straight south
from Mauritania we will head for Kayes / Bamako / Dogon country / Bobo / Cotonou / lomé / Accra
way back by the atlantic states as much as possible)
no hurry, back in europe by march

PS : Titbird ; i'm quiet impressed by your experiences, we might meet you o the way back north
Mike ; enjoy morocco, but drive carefully and never by night
drive light too, you will find everything there, see you along the way

Titbird 23 Sep 2013 07:44


Originally Posted by yvestt39 (Post 437443)
from Mauritania we will head for Kayes / Bamako / Dogon country / Bobo / Cotonou / lomé / Accra

Are you going to do the Kiffa - Kayes route? I would be very interested in recent info about that piste, cause it's not that easy. Here's a document with lots of great info from the Boedapest-Bamako rally

Hope to meet you on the way backbier

rosewood43 25 Sep 2013 15:09

I am heading overland solo during this time period. Hope to meet fellow travelers. Maybe at the Sleeping Camel. Have to get a Malian visa in Nouakchott. Shouldn't take too many days.

Good luck and bon voyage to all.


yvestt39 19 Oct 2013 20:40

sorry but i can't quit my job as easily this winter, i'm f....
maybe next year

Cam Johnson 3 Nov 2013 10:47

Hi guys, will anybody be in Sierra Leone in January? I'm looking to team up with bikers interested in heading south from there and crossing over to eastern Africa via DRC. I'm riding a KLR 650.

Tenere Traveller Mike 4 Nov 2013 11:35

Jan in Sierra Leone
Hi CJ,

Think I might be around that area in Jan. I am in Malaga area at the moment. Just waiting for documents and get a final service. I have no real time scale but should be there or there abouts in Jan.


Globetrotter 4 Nov 2013 13:21

Crossing to the East via DRC

where exactly u wanna cross over to the east?



Cam Johnson 5 Nov 2013 13:07

I was thinking of crossing from Kinshasa to Lubumbashi if possible then up through Zambia until Kenya. Of course that idea will be reassessed according to the situation at the time.

I was going to try and catch up with the guys already on the road (see Africa Anyone thread), but I won't be available until January not November as I'd originally hoped.

I was thinking of following the coast more or less until turning East and moving at a reasonable pace. My bike is already in Freetown.
Cheers CJ.

Globetrotter 5 Nov 2013 14:26

Kin - Lubumbashi
Well, I'm here in Kinshasa till July 2014. So If you pass by let me know.
Not sure if that is a good idea to cross from here to Lubumbashi... had the same idea in my backhead but to be honest, in the meantime I couldn't be bothered less...



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