Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   Anyone flying UK-Argentina late this year ?? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/anyone-flying-uk-argentina-late-28763)

*Touring Ted* 12 Aug 2007 07:28

Anyone flying UK-Argentina late this year ??
If you are and interested in sharing a crate and maybe some Argentinian exploring on arrival then please drop me a PM.

My plan is to get to Argentina in November time (best time), meet up with a friend who lives in BA, do the HU rally in viedma before heading to Tierra del fuego and ushiaia for xmas and new year. After that, heading north into the great unknown.

This was planned for November 2008 but I just cant wait so Im bringing my trip forward by 12 months so looking for possible riding companions.

Please drop me a PM or Email if this is something you would like to consider.

Cheers and safe riding


desert dweller 12 Aug 2007 20:12

no te beso el culo, but we might want to share a crate with you later this year.

*Touring Ted* 12 Aug 2007 20:42


Originally Posted by desert dweller (Post 146987)
no te beso el culo, but we might want to share a crate with you later this year.

Well you would be very welcome (to share a crate that is, not kiss my arse :innocent: )

There is already another guy very interested in jumping in too.

The more the merrier and more importantly, the more the CHEAPER !! :D

IsleOf 14 Aug 2007 20:44

Hey Ted

When do you think you will know for definate you are doing the trip this year?

Im waiting to find out if i was successful in a job interview last week. If im not then as you know im going travelling without the bike to SE Asia then Australia. However id much rather do a trip like yours. I should hopefully find out this or next week if i was successful. If I am there is still the possibility of not taking it. It will just be a harder decision as its more dosh and i will be get the chance to back to Uni.
I actually hope i dont get it as then my decision is made:cool4:

*Touring Ted* 14 Aug 2007 23:14


Originally Posted by IsleOf (Post 147239)
Hey Ted

When do you think you will know for definate you are doing the trip this year?

Im waiting to find out if i was successful in a job interview last week. If im not then as you know im going travelling without the bike to SE Asia then Australia. However id much rather do a trip like yours. I should hopefully find out this or next week if i was successful. If I am there is still the possibility of not taking it. It will just be a harder decision as its more dosh and i will be get the chance to back to Uni.
I actually hope i dont get it as then my decision is made:cool4:

OK.. Im DEFINATELY going THIS year. I have the money, the bike and all the gear. All I need to do is book flights and shipping.

I've have had 2 shipping quotes.

1st one from 'Dynamic' going by ship quotes £615 plus about £400 in port fees and paperwork. Thats EVERYTHING. They quote air frieght at about £2k

'JCS cargo' quoted £1400 for air freight including all fees etc.

Flights for yourself to Buenos aires are about £550.

All these companys seem to quote one bike per crate so sharing a crate doesnt seem to be an option anymore.

Im happy to go over with or without people. It would be cool to go over with a few people though :)

IsleOf 14 Aug 2007 23:54

Good for you.:thumbup1:

I will let you know if i get the job this week or next week. If i dont get it then i will definetely come along. Maybe not at exactly the same time as i have to sell the house, exchange the bike, and get the bike and myself equipped. It should be doable in that time though.

If i do get the job then im back to square one with making the decision to go. Its a really good job but i think id rather go the trip. Ill cross this bridge when it comes to it. Ive got butterflies just thinking about it. Ive been reading Mike Skinners blog all night in work. The decision will be made pretty quick for this as well as obviously ive got to tell the company if im accepting the job or not.

*Touring Ted* 15 Aug 2007 09:09


Originally Posted by IsleOf (Post 147260)
Good for you.:thumbup1:

I will let you know if i get the job this week or next week. If i don't get it then i will definitely come along. Maybe not at exactly the same time as i have to sell the house, exchange the bike, and get the bike and myself equipped. It should be doable in that time though.

If i do get the job then I'm back to square one with making the decision to go. Its a really good job but i think id rather go the trip. Ill cross this bridge when it comes to it. Ive got butterflies just thinking about it. Ive been reading Mike Skinners blog all night in work. The decision will be made pretty quick for this as well as obviously I've got to tell the company if I'm accepting the job or not.

I know how you feel fella. I just started my dream job 2 weeks ago. I sell motorcycles in a large dealership and they pay me VERY well to do it.

To most people, I would be crazy to pack it in and leave but instead iv seen it as an opportunity to work for 3 months at silly money and disappear with the cash :D

Mick O'Malley 15 Aug 2007 09:13


Originally Posted by tedmagnum
All these companies seem to quote one bike per crate so sharing a crate doesn't seem to be an option anymore.

Hi Ted

As long as the crate fits in the aircraft, and the contents are safe (i.e. petrol drained and battery disconnected), the company is only concerned with the weight and volume, whichever they can charge more for!

FWIW, I shared a crate the first time I sent the bike to Bs As but the saving was minimal. My guess at the difference in weight between one two bike crate and two one bike crates is at most 20 kilos. The total weight of our two GS's plus luggage plus crate was > 600 kilos!

I'm sailing this time by Grimaldi. I'm retired, so the 24 day passage doesn't worry me and it's much greener, competitively priced, the food is great, you see so much, and (allegedly!) it's simpler getting the bike released by Aduana.

Regards, Mick

IsleOf 24 Aug 2007 07:55

Well ive landed myself the job. Still waiting on the contract and details etc.

Im going to have to take it. Even if i try it out until next year. I cant believe i landed it now. I used to work for the company 6 years ago and ever since ive left ive tried to get back in and been unsuccessful. And now 6 years later when i had given up hope and going to jet off to far off lands they give me a better job.

Anyways it will give me more time to prepare for such a trip if i go next year.

*Touring Ted* 10 Sep 2007 20:22

Me and another hubber are touching down in Buenos Aires on the 14th November.

Anyone about for a beer or 10 ?

The_gypsy 11 Sep 2007 16:57


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 147300)
I'm sailing this time by Grimaldi. I'm retired, so the 24 day passage doesn't worry me and it's much greener, competitively priced, the food is great, you see so much, and (allegedly!) it's simpler getting the bike released by Aduana.

Regards, Mick

I have tried to book with Grimaldi for March 2008 but they are still awaiting sailing dates.
But I WILL be going then.
I thought the sailing was 34 days from London? Have I got it wrong?
It sounds as if you have been before. Any advice welcomed.
I am hoping to organise a visa, as I was told you need a ticket out as well as in and I am hoping of doing the whole of South America.
How long is your trip for?
I spoke with someone on the docks in London. He recommends that whenever the ship docks, go stand by your bike. Read a book, talk to the deck guys, whatever. Nothing will happen to it if you are there.

*Touring Ted* 11 Sep 2007 19:32


Originally Posted by The_gypsy (Post 150132)
I have tried to book with Grimaldi for March 2008 but they are still awaiting sailing dates.
But I WILL be going then.
I thought the sailing was 34 days from London? Have I got it wrong?
It sounds as if you have been before. Any advice welcomed.
I am hoping to organise a visa, as I was told you need a ticket out as well as in and I am hoping of doing the whole of South America.
How long is your trip for?
I spoke with someone on the docks in London. He recommends that whenever the ship docks, go stand by your bike. Read a book, talk to the deck guys, whatever. Nothing will happen to it if you are there.

We are going with Dynamic-internatial.

They have boats going direct to buenos aires every week. Its 19 days sailing from the UK.

You just get a visa on arrival. The bike is securely crated by the company before hand.

Costing £750 quid.

Im planning on being in South America for about 4-6 months.

IsleOf 13 Sep 2007 04:03

You keeping a blog Ted. Would quite like to read what im missing out on:thumbup1:

*Touring Ted* 13 Sep 2007 07:29


Originally Posted by IsleOf (Post 150343)
You keeping a blog Ted. Would quite like to read what im missing out on:thumbup1:

yup, should be.

www.touringted.com !

No content yet as i've just bought it. Keep you eyes peeled.

Danquart 13 Sep 2007 08:42

Spiritually with You.
Hi Ted,:thumbup1:
Gaw· blin me, You lucky son ..of a... tch!:oops2:
How I envy You !:(
You·re in for a great experience. Wish I could could go with You!:mchappy:
If You meet any 32 - 33 year old, blond, blue eyed guys or gals with a scandinavian accent (lol) more or less anywhere in SA, say hello from ol· uncle Danny:wheelchair: (could have my genes)? and leave some of Yours behind! You·re a real nice guy, so that would·nt make the world a worse place for sure!:thumbup:
I·ll be in Your web page every day to "be with You" wherever You may be, during Your ride, mate.:punk:
Lots of all the best, :clover:
Dan :tongue_smilie:

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