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-   -   Anyone going to Bolivia? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/anyone-going-to-bolivia-27278)

Annette 24 May 2007 17:55

Anyone going to Bolivia?
At the moment I'm stuck in Formosa with mechanical problems, but I'm heading towards Salta and then Bolivia, Peru etc. Is there anybody out there who's also riding north and would like to meet up for a couple of days?

Annette :scooter:

ready2ride 25 May 2007 16:48

hi ,
how far north are you planning to head.
i am in costa rica, planning to head north, my schedule is flexible.
trying to find someone to ride with all the way to the usa on route 1

Annette 25 May 2007 17:24

LA - California. That's the plan, anyway. But still stuck in Formosa in the northeastern part Argentina. It'll probably take me a couple of months to get to Central America.


ready2ride 25 May 2007 19:12

sounds good,
keep in touch, i am in san jose and looking to meet up with someone to ride.

Annette 27 May 2007 14:17

Great - I'll post a thread when I'm in the area!

Annette 28 May 2007 00:20


thanks for your mail - can't reply though.


Ilya R100GS 28 May 2007 00:49

Heading south

Im in La Paz at the moment and heading out probably in 3 days or so. My route ismaybe down to Potosi, Sucre and then the salar into Chile. I planning to be in Chile in around 2 weeks. If you are gonna be in the area let me know and even though im going the other way we could do a side trip or something.

Take it easy,

guy c 28 May 2007 12:45


You must be the same Annette I met with Roberto and Sonia from MotoAventura at the Esturion Hotel in Puerto Iguacu. You rode with us as far as Posadas on (I think it was) 16th May.

Hope you have dried out by now and found some more waterproof clothing, especially boots!,

We finished th e rest of the tour without any incident and I am now at home looking at the next trip with Motoaventura, hopefully back to Argentina and Peru in 2008.

Sounds like you have not yet made it to Asuncion. Hope the mechanical trouble is not severe and good luck with the rest of your trip

Best Wishes


Annette 29 May 2007 00:07


A side trip sounds nice. I'll probably be in the Potosi/Sucre area in about 10 days - maybe less. All depends on when I'll be able to leave Formosa - got caught up in Argentinian bureaucracy of astronomical dimensions..... scary stuff! :thumbdown:


Annette 29 May 2007 00:18


Great to hear from you! Glad to hear that the rest of your trip went smoothly. Hope you enjoyed Bs As.

I did make it to Paraguay, crossing the border in Encarnation (on the other side of Posadas) and rode north to Asuncion. Really nice. Have managed to avoid the rain, but ran in to mechanical problems (oil leak) on the way back from Paraguay. Should be on teh road again Wednesday!

Sounds nice with trip in 2008 with Roberto and Sonia!


Ilya R100GS 30 May 2007 02:18

Hey Annette,

Ok Ill keep you posted on where I am. Right now in La Paz still waiting for a new tyre. From what Ive heard I will probably need it for the Uyuni to San pedro route!

Have a good one,

Annette 1 Jun 2007 22:32

Ok, I'm Salta now - should be in Potosi in about a week.

Ilya R100GS 3 Jun 2007 22:48

Hi Annette,

Im in Sucre now for one or two days - awesome place. Ill then be heading for Potosi for anothers 2 days or so before hitting the salar. Let me know if you are around!


quastdog 26 Jun 2007 01:59

By now I suspect you've closed in on La Paz.

How's the road conditions, the weather treating you?

I'm having some old-ass arthritis sort of problems - the hands especially are getting wacked by the cold here in Peru. The knees are giving me problems walking around Cusco today after the ride up from Nazca. And Bolivia is probably worse this time of year.

I might have to seek warmer climes.

Annette 30 Jun 2007 23:16

Oops - haven't checked the HUBB for some weeks. Boilivia has been a lot of enduro fun!! I'm in La Paz now moving on to Lago Titikaka on Monday - if everything goes according to plan. Bolivia hasn't been that cold - when the sun is out it's actually quite warm. Perhaps we can meet up in Peru somewhere?


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