Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Baja bound? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/baja-bound-973)

scorpion 10 Jan 2004 04:24

Baja bound?
Experienced Mexico traveller looking for riding partner(s) heading down the Baja pennisula anytime in February/March.
If you're heading further down south or Just want to see Baja lets hook up.

MoroCycler 13 Jan 2004 06:09

Hi Scorpion, Yes I will be in Baja in March. I will leave Guadalajara the 16th headding to mazatlan to take the ferry then up north way to Muleje area, camp a few days, then go to San Ignacio where I made reservations, they will take me in a VAN to the laguna to see & touch the whales. Maybe a friend in a Vstrom will come. Me in a BMW GS. Hope we can meet. Maybe you come with us to Guadalajara.


MoroCycler 13 Jan 2004 06:11

Forgot to tell you, February is not a so good month, will bee pretty crouded.


scorpion 14 Jan 2004 11:35

Que padre! Yo quero acampar con mi moto in baja sur.

keep me posted on your dates.

MoroCycler 28 Jan 2004 04:47

We will leave Guadalajara on March 16, la Paz on 17th. And Plan to be in San Ignacio on the 20th.

Life is the process of making known the unknown. MOROcycler

Moflow 29 Jan 2004 20:04

Hola Hmoro & Scorpion,
I am heading out and planning to be in Baja sometime near the end of Feb, or the beginnig of March. I should be on the road very soon where I will make my way towards L.A., San Diego, then Baja. My itenerary right now is very flexible, so there is a good chance we could cross paths. Keep your eyes out for a blue KLR with Quebec (Canada) plates. I'll be checking in with the HUBB along the way and hopefully we can hook up.

Hasta luego,

Mr.Toad 6 Feb 2004 07:52

A friend and I will be doing a San Francisco
to Baja route 3/10-3/25...Keep an eye out for a pair of KLR's. Would be happy to share notes etc.

Stinez 10 Mar 2004 23:07

I'm crossing the TJ border on the 20th and plan on returning to the US on the 30th or 31st. I'd be interested in hooking up if possible.

I was going with another rider but he's changed his plans to a dirt bike trip. So at this point I'm going solo. I'd rather hook-up with others if possible but I'm going either way.

I'm on a very well maintained V-Strom and I'm a capable wrench and rider.


ColoSabreRider 11 Mar 2004 21:06

I am in Cabos San Lucas and will be heading North to California soon. Anyone interested in hooking up let me know. I have no set itinerary.

Stinez 12 Mar 2004 21:00

When do you plan to start heading north? And are you going to tootle around or just stay on 1?

ColoSabreRider 14 Mar 2004 22:22

Looks like I will be in Cabo for another 2 weeks. I am open to the pace when I leave, but don't have an off road bike.

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