Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Belgium to Cape Town 2014 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/belgium-to-cape-town-2014-a-73450)

Brynja 7 May 2014 15:56

Hej Sam

We can deffinetely look into that, I am just starting to plan the route and must sees along the the way, I am thinking 4 months as I want to visit Uganda and Rwanda as well, I have been to Uganda and the country is for a very good reason called "the pearl of Africa" it is stunning! I hope I will be able to make it August 2015, I will see how fast the planning will progress and get an estimation of how much the adventure will cost so I will make a full committment at the end of the summer wheather it will be 2015 or 2016! Lets stay in thouch

El Topherino 7 May 2014 17:13

Hey Guys,

great to hear more and more people are planing similar trips!

@ Nick: Our plan is still to leave Germany during the first week of August and then go fairly quick to Turkey. We will spent at least a week in Israel and then head on to Egypt. It would be great if could team up, especially in northern Africa.
We plan to get back as you said. Ship the bikes from South Africa and fly the riders ;)

Just PM me for more details.

All the best,


Ruulio 19 May 2014 07:39

ok it seems that a whole bunch of people try to get to CapeTown. We are doing a Zurich to CapeTown starting on 1stof Octobre with our three AfricaTwins so at least 7 AT's are heading south. :D

Lybia just had some fighting action yesterday, so it is at the moment not our primar option. That Grimaldi Boat sounds interesting. If anyone has a good idea how to get to Egypt without traveling into Lybia or Israel please let us know.

I will search for a solution as well.

El Topherino 19 May 2014 13:04

I love how many AT's rolling south soon :scooter: !

@ruulio: great homepage! reminds me that i really should get our page together...

we will attend the HUBB meeting in germany end of may, just in case any one of you guys is around!

loertle 20 May 2014 23:17

Into Egypt
Hi guys,

I am on my Zurich to Cape Town trip, currently in Addis Ababa. You find my blog with useful information on how to get into Egypt here:

Cruise The Planet | Von Zürich nach Kapstadt

Click on "Info for travellers"

I have crossed from Iskendurun to Damietta in March 2014.


TwoTwins2Capetown 26 May 2014 20:55

Hi Lukas,
I enjoyed reading your stories. Makes me wanna leave the Netherlands and head for Africa today. Unfortunately we have to wait untill octobre. We planned to go through Libya but the current situation made us change our plans. Now we are probably taking the Iskenderun-Damietta ferry. Enjoy the rest of your trip and keep writing!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Dutch XRV750 27 May 2014 21:09

new in the game
Hi Everybody,

Great to here everybody is gearing op for travel. My current situation has changed and therefore decided tot ride far away. Capetown is my destination! The eastern Route

I am new to this forum, and to motorcycle travel, but not less committed! I'm planning to leave in August/september, but that's flexible. I'm planning to do it in 3 to 7 months, but thats also flexible:) and i'm planning on goin' solo, but indeed, that's also flexible

I'm looking to (1) team-up in Northern Africa (or more) and (2) i'm looking for info on reaching Egypt. (3) visa information regarding the rest of the route.

Does anyone already made plans to Team-up from this Thread?

El Tpherino: like to get in touch with you, teaming up in Egypt. I hope your stamps work out ;)

Samueleuk: Are you still planning to go and august still feasible? Like to get in touch with you and maybe we can team up.

I'd love to hear from you all, and i shall chek the thread often.

TwoTwins2Capetown 27 May 2014 22:54

We are leaving the Netherlands at the end of september. First plan was Libya but i think we'll have to change to turkey-egypt

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9505 met Tapatalk

Dutch XRV750 29 May 2014 10:12

So, twoTwinCapeTown, I assume that leaves the Grimaldi option open? Samueleuk, i have been looking at the Grimaldi option but on their information sheet, they don't say Alexandria is a disembarkation point. Or do you have other inforamtion? This is, imo, the most feasable option.

I was chekking over here..

TwoTwins2Capetown 31 May 2014 17:41

We are looking at UNRORO from Iskenderun to Damietta.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9505 met Tapatalk

TwoTwins2Capetown 2 Jun 2014 21:38

Anyone have any other possibilities for getting from europe to egypt???

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9505 met Tapatalk

TwoTwins2Capetown 2 Jun 2014 21:40


Originally Posted by Dutch XRV750 (Post 467926)
So, twoTwinCapeTown, I assume that leaves the Grimaldi option open? Samueleuk, i have been looking at the Grimaldi option but on their information sheet, they don't say Alexandria is a disembarkation point. Or do you have other inforamtion? This is, imo, the most feasable option.

I was chekking over here..

Do you have any information about gettung to Egypt with Grimaldi lines?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9505 met Tapatalk

samueleuk 2 Jun 2014 22:09

I am afraid you are right guys.

I checked, and Grimaldi stops but does no longer disembark in Alexandria. Damn it.

They disembark in Israel but, as many of you surely know, that it is likely to stop your trip at the border with Sudan.

My suggestion is to contact directly Grimaldi to see if they could disembark the bikes in Alexandria. They may agree to it, Italians are flexible :-)

TwoTwins2Capetown 3 Jun 2014 07:26

UNRORO also stopped the Iskenderun-Haifa-Damietta line. It is getting harder and harder to get into africa

El Topherino 3 Jun 2014 16:16

Dutch XRV750: Teaming up with you in Egypt would be great! I am just a bit puzzled of how to get there...?

With the ferry service from iskenderun canceled and the situation in Libia worsening only little alternatives are remaining. Our plan, as you know, was to go to Israel first. i've read of several travelers who crossed into Sudan with an Egyptian land boarder to Israel stamp with no a problem, but it can also be a show stopper. I'm afraid right now it's a risk we have to take.

We are looking for alternatives and trying to get more information. i might at some point even look into airfreight but i am highly unmotivated to pay all that money...

Samueleuk's idea seams promising. grimaldi might be flexible enough to disembark the bikes in Alex. in any case it's easy money for them if enough people are joining in.

fingers crossed we'll find a way!

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