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-   -   Belgium to Cape Town 2014 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/belgium-to-cape-town-2014-a-73450)

Koenraad 3 Dec 2013 19:45

Belgium to Cape Town 2014

I'm planning my trip to Cape Town. Is anyone interested to join during my trip. I will leave my home town Brussels the first of August.



Brian Dublin 3 Dec 2013 22:45

1 Attachment(s)
hi. Ive been thinking of this trip for a while and replied to a few posts here but not managed to get dates that work. August next year would be possible for me.
Im Irish, based in Dublin, reasonably experienced overlander riding BMW 1200 GSA. how much planning have you done? Ive looked at the classic route in a bit of detail and it seems the most obvious but interested in your thoughts

elBarto 5 Dec 2013 12:39

Hi guys,

I am going to take off around middle of March, from Antwerp, Belgium also heading to Cape Town.

Together with a friend from Argentina.

On a KLR and a Yamaha Tenere from 1990.

If you decide to go earlier, keep me posted.

wr, Bart

samueleuk 28 Dec 2013 10:02

Hi guys

I am also looking into doing London to Cape Town in the second half of 2014, so an August departure is fine with me. How much time do you have?

I have done some research, and the most tricky bit at the moment seems to get to Egypt without going through Lybia. I know there is a ferry from Turkey. However, we should also consider boarding a cargo ship. I have done it across the Caspian Sea in May, and it is not so bad. Actually I quite enjoyed the experience. Here is the link:

Grimaldi Group

Basically, it is a six day "cruise" from Salerno (Italy) to Alexandria (Egypt) stopping at Piraeus (Greece) and Izmir (Turkey) on the way.

Let me know what you think.



Brian Dublin 30 Dec 2013 03:54

Time wasting fool
Why did this fool start a thread, get earnest replies from people then not bother answering. Time waster who will never do a proper adventure trip and certainly, judged by his history here , ever find a good travel companion
I've seen this kind of stuff a few times on here and my advise to the moderator is to ban anyone who does similar

samueleuk 30 Dec 2013 10:16


Originally Posted by Brian Dublin (Post 448422)
Why did this fool start a thread, get earnest replies from people then not bother answering. Time waster who will never do a proper adventure trip and certainly, judged by his history here , ever find a good travel companion
I've seen this kind of stuff a few times on here and my advise to the moderator is to ban anyone who does similar

Hi Brian

you are right. However, it could serve the purpose of other people meeting up. I am still interested in doing this trip. If you are, we can start our own discussion. Although I may end up doing this trip solo, I think pairing up would be safer in Africa especially if we decide to get off the "tourist track" were roads may be very bad/absent and very little assistance around.

The tricky bit is to get to Egypt without going through Lybia or Iraq which means taking a boat of some sort. Apparently there are still ferries from Turkey. However, I found an Italian cargo company (Grimaldi) that does host people on their cargo ships. We could take on in Salerno (Southern Italy) and get to Alexandria in few days. I took a cargo ship to get across the Caspian sea last May, and it was actually a very good experience.



Brian Dublin 1 Jan 2014 13:47


Originally Posted by samueleuk (Post 448445)
Hi Brian

you are right. However, it could serve the purpose of other people meeting up. I am still interested in doing this trip. If you are, we can start our own discussion. Although I may end up doing this trip solo, I think pairing up would be safer in Africa especially if we decide to get off the "tourist track" were roads may be very bad/absent and very little assistance around.

The tricky bit is to get to Egypt without going through Lybia or Iraq which means taking a boat of some sort. Apparently there are still ferries from Turkey. However, I found an Italian cargo company (Grimaldi) that does host people on their cargo ships. We could take on in Salerno (Southern Italy) and get to Alexandria in few days. I took a cargo ship to get across the Caspian sea last May, and it was actually a very good experience.




I'm on the bike in South America at the moment (in Chile heading north) so it's difficult to give a good response. I'm back in dublin early February so let's exchange thoughts then


samueleuk 1 Jan 2014 14:21


Originally Posted by Brian Dublin (Post 448742)

I'm on the bike in South America at the moment (in Chile heading north) so it's difficult to give a good response. I'm back in dublin early February so let's exchange thoughts then


New Year's Eve in Chile... you must have had a lot of fun !!! Let's get in touch when you are back. Have a nice trip north


petti67 16 Jan 2014 19:15

hey Bart
ik ben de peter en afkomstig van Ekeren
ik vertrek in oktober naar zuid Afrika zouden we eens kunnen afspreken in de ene of andere café om eens over de roette te spreken oe dat je gaat rijden enz..... voort
ben zelf al een keer tot in Tokio gereden laat eens iets weten
grt peter

limpopo 17 Jan 2014 12:18

Hi Guys
It sounds as if there is quite a bit of interest in a trip through Africa, North to South, for the second part of this year. I am also interested in doing this. How much research and planning have you guys done? Is it possible to do a "central planning" project? Even if nobody ends up going at the same time, if a trip like that can be planned, centrally so to speak, with input by everybody it has to be on interest? Any thoughts?
PS: Sorry, I don't want to hijack the thread, should we discuss it somewhere else?

samueleuk 23 Jan 2014 21:00


Originally Posted by limpopo (Post 450812)
Hi Guys
It sounds as if there is quite a bit of interest in a trip through Africa, North to South, for the second part of this year. I am also interested in doing this. How much research and planning have you guys done? Is it possible to do a "central planning" project? Even if nobody ends up going at the same time, if a trip like that can be planned, centrally so to speak, with input by everybody it has to be on interest? Any thoughts?
PS: Sorry, I don't want to hijack the thread, should we discuss it somewhere else?

Hi Etienne

I am not sure what you mean by "central planning project". But surely we could exchange information. For example, I already have some information about cargo ships from Italy to Africa,

loertle 24 Jan 2014 23:41


Originally Posted by elBarto (Post 445962)
Hi guys,

I am going to take off around middle of March, from Antwerp, Belgium also heading to Cape Town.

Together with a friend from Argentina.

On a KLR and a Yamaha Tenere from 1990.

If you decide to go earlier, keep me posted.

wr, Bart

Hi Bart

Which route are you going to take? Eastern or Western?
I will depart from Switzerland end of February on my Toyota Landcruiser 78.
I am planning to take the ferry between Turkey and Egypt and then drive south the classic eastern route.

Would appreciate your answer.


loertle 24 Jan 2014 23:44


Originally Posted by samueleuk (Post 448287)
I have done some research, and the most tricky bit at the moment seems to get to Egypt without going through Lybia. I know there is a ferry from Turkey.

Did you check out that one?
[url=http://www.unroro.com.tr/EN/LINES/default.asp]U.N-RORO Web Sitesine Ho

limpopo 25 Jan 2014 06:45


Originally Posted by samueleuk (Post 451565)
Hi Etienne

I am not sure what you mean by "central planning project". But surely we could exchange information. For example, I already have some information about cargo ships from Italy to Africa,

Hi Sam
There is so much information out there regarding this trip but it is spread over many sites and forums. It is really difficult and a huge amount of work trolling through all the sites trying to get the info needed.

I thought it would be really nice if we could create a site or even just a thread with as much info on as possible. Kind of like the definitive Cairo to Cape Town overland info thread. If a lot of guys contribute with the info that they have it would make it a lot easier for everybody. I know that things change very quickly in Africa and what is applicable now would not necessarily still be current in a few months time but it would at least help.

I am thinking of things like where to stay in various places. What hotels/camp sites to avoid (if any). What the procedure is to cross from Aswan to Wadi Halfa. Where to buy the tickets and what the time issues are. I recall somebody saying that they neglected to "register" when entering Sudan (I think) and had to back track 800km's to go back to do so. What is up with this? Any info on that? Just so many small (and some not so small) things that can make life on the road easier and safer.

Any thoughts?

Take care

catch22 25 Jan 2014 23:24

Lots of people going to CPT!

Did Brussels-Nairobi myself some 15 months ago,
and intend to do 2nd part somewhere Sept 2014.

@ Etienne Questions? go ahead.
@ Koenraad and all others: am living in Brussels and
happy to meet and talk about driving down south.
good driving to all!


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