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nick490_2003 10 Jan 2005 05:28

I am heading too Beliz during the second week of may. I plan on traviling through mexico alone, but that is only because i can not convince anybody else to partake of this great journy. For the past year i have been outfitting my 1978 Honda CB 750 and feel that she is ready to go. Even if you are not looking for a travel partner, any advice you have will be greatly appriciated.
Thanks a-lot,
Nick West

buggs 17 Jan 2005 08:16

I am planning a trip to Yucatan the early part of May, got a 2004 Goldwing, so I will stay mainly in road. Third trip. Maybe we can hook up?
This is the url for the trip in 2004:

[This message has been edited by buggs (edited 17 January 2005).]

nick490_2003 17 Jan 2005 08:49

I would love to meet with you guys, i figure after driving in mexico for so long, anybody that i can speak english with will be a relif. I still plan to leave on may nineth and just finished installing crash bars on my bike. I am getting pretty excited. Let me know,
Nick WEst

buggs 28 Jan 2005 08:47

Well so far I am the only rider, my riding buddies will be doing other rides in the US during that time, but I am firm for a ride in May to Mexico, so maybe I can plan for the same departing dates in May. Will like to reach at least Yucatan and back. Not sure on the route.

Willl be leaving from Albuquerque NM.

[This message has been edited by buggs (edited 28 January 2005).]

Mr. Ron 28 Jan 2005 11:26

Hello Nick. Here's some good advice, do a search on the paperwork you need when you cross the Mexican border. This will save you lots of time for sure. People can get held up for hours if they don't have the right coppies and docs. .My entry last October only took about 20 min, the lady seemed amazed i had all the required paperwork ready to go.
Good luck!

mcdarbyfeast 28 Jan 2005 21:59

When you get to Belize look up Chris and Liz Smith. They left the UK last year and rode their Africa Twin from Miami to Alaska then down through Central America. Their now working in a wildlife reserve.

Andy750K4 30 Jan 2005 05:08

Hey Nick,
Great bike for a great trip. I rode from Boston to San Franciso then down Baja and over to Mazatlan on my 1974 CB750 in Sept 2001. From Mazatlan take the famous Devils Highway to Durango and head down to the silver town of Zacatera (great empty roads) - Guadeljara is also coolo place to stop (email me for accomdation with parking! lots of places I went to in Mexico allowed you to park the bike in the lobby)...I rode all over Mexico - down the pacific coast to Aculpulco to Oaxca - to San Cristobal, Tulum, Yucutan etc etc before heading back to Boston - 2 months, 16,000 miles - I can send you my diary of the trip if you wish - lists bike problems, accomadation etc...you`ll have a great time! Just take some inner tubes with you - I got 6 punctures - cheap fix though - so many tire shops at the side of the road. And there are loads of speed humps!! Good luck! Andy in Boston
CB750K4 x2

nick490_2003 31 Jan 2005 08:18

Thank you so much for your help guys, i am almost done with all my preperations, all i have to do now is wait for may to come. Keep the advice coming, anything you have to say will be very appriciated.


Chris Smith 1 Feb 2005 02:42

As mcderbyfeast (Bob) says, we're here in Belize doing a little volunteer work for a conservation organisation (called Wildtracks) I don't know how long we'll be in the neck of the woods but if anyone is passing drop us an email and we'll see what we can do in the way of hospitality. We're based in Sarteneja, in the northeast of Belize on the coast. Nice spot and plenty to do for a few days.

Bob- cheers for putting the post on. We'll catch up soon. Promise.
Grant - we'll give you the full details of WIldtracks etc when we get a moment AND we'll update our blog. Promise, promise!!


DWright 6 Feb 2005 01:03

hey nick...maybe you oughta go it alone...im here in belize now...got that bike stored at a place calle Old Belize..five miles outside of belize proper...guy named cisco let me store my bike at the cucumber marina free of charge so that i may enjoy the day without worrying about it...you never know....day was crappy as the weather tends to be...but it was worth seeing...i will travel north in the am toward cancun and then head from there along the coast to lorado tx and head tgo sf...4 weeks is a long time on a klr 650 have fun and watch out for big ass trucks......ratman

Originally posted by nick490_2003:
I am heading too Beliz during the second week of may. I plan on traviling through mexico alone, but that is only because i can not convince anybody else to partake of this great journy. For the past year i have been outfitting my 1978 Honda CB 750 and feel that she is ready to go. Even if you are not looking for a travel partner, any advice you have will be greatly appriciated.
Thanks a-lot,
Nick West

buggs 17 Feb 2005 08:08

I will definetly be making my departure the first of May. I don't have a definate route, but I have a general idea. Might make my presence at the "Fiestas de San Marcos," in Aguascalientes. I have my sights on Yucatan.

brecchi 14 Apr 2005 17:34

hey guys, i am also gonna be in mexico/belize/guatemala at some point in may on my 98 suzuki katana 750. would like to hook up and hang out at some point.-ben

sohrakoff 27 Apr 2005 04:57

I hope you guys like to sweat. I´d recommend getting some free-flow mesh riding gear, like the Joe Rocket Phoenix jacket, for example. It's so hot and humid in the Yucatan-Belize in May that it can be uncomfortable in just a pair of shorts, and riding gear is downright infernal.

2001 KLR650
Cozumel, Mexico

FREEFLOW 28 Apr 2005 01:59

go and have a good time.....we ran KLR from Wisconsin to Honduras in 8 days...blasted thru the area...I wish my riding buddy had more time....we parked the bikes on Roatan for the winter then in mArch rode em back to Texas

just kick back...follow the basics...do not travel at night....don;t get ripped off at gas stops....don;t forget to cancel your temporary vehicle permit when you leave Mexico....if you are gonna over stay the timeframe...

check out www.advrider.com for much more... here is my ride report for leg 2


Turtlevet 3 May 2005 09:04

I will be heading down to belize from dallas the first week of June.
Anybody wants to ride along?


saker 14 May 2005 05:56

I'll probly breing crossing the border into belize right around 2 week of June. so if you see white F650 its probly me.


brecchi 16 May 2005 11:06

hey guys, where are you at now? i'll be in dallas this week and plan on crossing the border soon after. maybe we can meet and talk while i am there.

transmike 16 May 2005 23:20


Originally posted by nick490_2003:
I am heading too Beliz during the second week of may. I plan on traviling through mexico alone, but that is only because i can not convince anybody else to partake of this great journy. For the past year i have been outfitting my 1978 Honda CB 750 and feel that she is ready to go. Even if you are not looking for a travel partner, any advice you have will be greatly appriciated.
Thanks a-lot,
Nick West

Hi Nick,getting ready myself too head down too Mexico.I ride a XR500 and will be leaving Flagstaff AZ beginning of June,maybe we can hook up.

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