Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Broken Down in Vientiane, Laos, Anyone for Beer with TravellingStrom? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/broken-down-vientiane-laos-anyone-67761)

TravellingStrom 9 Dec 2012 02:23

Broken Down in Vientiane, Laos, Anyone for Beer with TravellingStrom?
As it says, my bike is broke and I am waiting on parts

I will be here for the next 10 days or hopefully a little less, before heading to Cambodia in a rush

If anyone wants a beer or a chat, drop on by, I am staying at the Villa Lao Hotel

N17 58.289 E102 35.782

There is very cheap rum in this country, along with cheap food so I not unhappy to break down here


Pumbaa 9 Dec 2012 16:07

Not in Laos at the moment, but entered Cambodia today(obviously no good for you now).

Traveling on bicycles so might still be around when you arrive here.

Good luck with the parts!

Pirate63 9 Dec 2012 19:47

not the worst place to be broken down:thumbup1:
whats up with bike Rich?
were starting to go in panic mode here ,3 weeks before blast off for us.
Did you get any rabies or japanese epv injections before you left?
cheers for now Clive and Chris

TravellingStrom 10 Dec 2012 02:25

@Pumbaa Once I get my bike back on the road I will be blasting through southern Laos to get into Cambodia ASAP

@Pirate63 The cam chain tensioner on the front pot stuck and the chain slappped around and the camshafts jumped a few teeth and went out of timing. The new chains and tensioners are on order

I did not get any special injections that I can recall, except for th eflue shot, not sure on Rabies though, I will have to check my little yellow book when I see it next

Good luck on the next three weeks, fun eh! :)


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