Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Cape Town to Kenya maybe Ethiopia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/cape-town-kenya-maybe-ethiopia-73447)

larrysimpson 3 Dec 2013 18:28

Cape Town to Kenya maybe Ethiopia
My son and I bought a couple BMW 650 gs's in Cape Town, got them registered in our own names, and set out for Kenya on east side, planning to loop around Lake Vic. and return to CT by west side by end of Feb (unless we extend).

Lesotho was a blast as was Zimbabwe. Got lost in Lesotho when we took a wrong turn to Thaba Seka and ended up on the old road which is like a donkey trail, much more challenging than Sani Pass where we started. Then in Zim. a cop tried to give me a fine when he saw me peeing in the woods but I declined and when he asked if I would like to go to court I said yes!

Anyway, we are now headed into Mozambique but only crossing to Malawi. Canadians pay $75 for Zim. visa and Moz. visa is even worse at $120 just for crossing a bit into Malawi. Unfortunately we don't have much time for Moz. to get our moneys worth out of the visa.
So we will spend some time in Malawi then head up to Dar. Anyone around those parts? Mombasa?

We might need new rear tires by time we get to Nairobi, my sons bike maybe sooner as his Mitas E07 endure tire is already showing cracks by the center tread after only 5000+ km even though the tires were highly recommended in CT. Anyone know what tires are available in Dar? Don't think there would be much in Malawi...

Watch out for us on the road.

Larry and Mike

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