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fredstr 7 Dec 2010 03:33

Central America Bound from BC

A friend and I are heading out on route to Panama at the end of December from Central BC. The plan is to pack the bikes to southern California and head out. We have till April to ride and explore.

No particular route planned but hope to get advise from folks on this site as we go.

So if anyone is interest in tagging along let me know and we can try and make something work. Short notice but there maybe someone out there geared to go.

Bill Shockley 7 Dec 2010 07:13

What kind of motorcycles will you be riding.

fredstr 7 Dec 2010 20:30

Hi Bill,

I guess I should have mentioned that originally. He will be riding KLR650s.

fastfreddy 8 Dec 2010 01:05

look me up in southern baja
Free camping at my place south of Todos Santos if I am there. Let me know if your doing the Baja.

Bill Shockley 8 Dec 2010 05:40

What route more or less?

fredstr 8 Dec 2010 06:23

Thanks for the offer Fastfreddy. Yes, we will be heading through the Baja and will see if the route we pick gets us your way. Any good exploring around your way?

fredstr 8 Dec 2010 06:28

Hey Bill,

We are heading down the Baja and crossing over on the ferry at La Paz. After at that point we will pick a route based on recommended things to see and border crossings. We are pretty easy on a route but will try to minimize any tracking back on the same route.

Bill Shockley 8 Dec 2010 07:09

Thanks for the reply, I will be coming in from the east headed for Chiapas and then GT/BZ but I am flexible. If you stick to the Pacific coast once you cross to the mainland of MX when I traveled it 4-5 ears ago I could only recommend Puerto Angel or Puerto Arista for beach towns.

The rest were heavily tourista influenced.

Hope we meet up on the road, I will hang out in the ruins area until I see them all. I will be riding a KTM 640 Adventure.

fredstr 13 Dec 2010 23:13

Hey Bill, I will posting here along the ride to see who might be around so we might just run into each other.

Thanks for the advice and have a good trip. Only 2 weeks to go and we are hitting the road. Hippee!!

Simonf8gs 14 Dec 2010 02:42

Hello Guys,

I am in Cancun right now and would like to meet other riders for going tru Central America. I want to spend Christmax with people... It's almost end of December already, almost. where are you guys? and let me know if anyone nearby would want to ride with me!


Tour des Ameriques

oh by the way, I drove here from Calgary.

oldguy 15 Dec 2010 17:01

many Mexican highlights
There are dozens of small beautiful beaches between Mazatlan and Acapulco, and further south. Most little ones are sand roads and are marked by some kind of "playa" sign. Usually at the water there will be a little hotel, maybe an open palapa restaurant and not much else. Very few actually are heavily touristed, except by Mexican tourists during Christmas and Easter. Really except for a few really popular places too many tourists is not a problem.

Think about doing the interior away from the coast too. Guanajuato, Patsquaro, Durango, Zacatecas, Taxco, Oaxaca, San Cristobal,even Guadalajara (a bit big, but wonderful old section)...cheap, good food, great history, fantastic roads. Everyone will suggest the "Devils Backbone" which is a great bike road, maybe hit it on the way back on an inland route.

oldguy 15 Dec 2010 17:03

By the way
By the way with regard to meeting up...my bike is in Tucson since Sept. and I will be picking it up mid Jan, crossing at Nogales and beating it to Mazatlan (enroute to South America) maybe see you when you come off the Baja later in January.

fredstr 16 Dec 2010 05:04

Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated. I hope to meet up and chat over a cold one.

By the way, any recommendations on where a guy can store a truck in either Arizona or California? Somewhere close to a reasonable border crossing so we can get an early start? I would rather cross where I can get all the paperwork required versus dealing with it in La Paz.

markharf 16 Dec 2010 05:47

Recent thread on ADVrider suggests that waiting until La Paz will earn you a hefty, but legitimate, fine. Do it at first opportunity.

Last year at this time I was in Colombia or Ecuador, heading south with 35,000 miles to go. This year I'm sitting at home thinking about how nice it will be to go skiing tomorrow. On the other hand, I'm also looking for a job. What the hell did you guys do to the economy while I was away?

Safe journeys.


oldguy 17 Dec 2010 02:49

suggestions re: border crossing
Thats right, get your paperwork at the border or you will have problems en route or at the La Paz ferry. Since the Baja is a free zone you won't get stopped for it when you leave the US, but go to the border on the Mexican side and ask to get your vehicle permit and visa. Be sure and take all your ORIGINAL paperwork, not copies. Going down the Baja, Tecate is a good crossing spot.

When I have taken a truck I have always left it at a storage place in the US. For a short trip (a few months) they are plentiful, cheap and secure, maybe $35-50/month.

Hope to see you somewhere between Mazatlan and Guatemala.beerchug

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