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-   -   China crossing September 2018 (Mongolia to Laos) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/china-crossing-september-2018-mongolia-94153)

fru69 6 Feb 2018 19:57

China crossing September 2018 (Mongolia to Laos)
Hello travellers,
I plan to travel by motorbike from Ulan Bator (Mongolia) to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
For the section through China I´m looking for other travellers (by motorbike, car or camper) to share the costs for the compulsory guide.
The border crossing points in China will be Erenhot in the north and Mohan in the south west for entering Laos.
The ride through China via Xian and Chengdu will take approximately 28 days and shall be completed the 28th of September 2018 at the latest, as afterwards the Golden Week Holiday will start in China, which means, that all tourist highlights and hotels are crowded.
I´m 48 years old, live in Germany and I do such a travel by motorbike every year in another part of the globe.

MEZ 6 Feb 2018 20:59

Hi Uwe, just looking at China myself for a later intended trip. You used the word 'compulsary' with reference to a guide..?? Please have a look through posts on here (HU) because travellers have transited China unaccompanied although a travel agency was used for entry and exit. From what i have researched i cannot find any good experiences coming from tour guide help through China. Perhaps the folk who have done this unaided might chime in here and give you (and me) some further words of wisdom...!!!

All the best and good luck...


fru69 7 Feb 2018 18:26

Hi Mez,
there are few stories existing in the internet dated before year 2016, which report from self-driven travels through China on motorbikes registered in foreign countries.
Probably there was a period in the past when this was possible, but I did not find any organisation so far, which is willing to procure a Chinese license plate, insurance and a temporary driving license for me and let me drive on my own without a guide through the country.
I´m used to travel alone and I would prefer this, but if this option is not available I have form a group for sharing the costs of the guide which is obviously compulsory.

Finally there seems to be the requirement on the desk, that a customs deposit for the motorbike shall be paid, when you enter China, as a Carnet de Passage is not accepted. But if you enter China at another border point as you leave the country there is one reason more to involve a supporting organisation to insure a reliable money transfer of the deposit in both directions.

If you know somebody or an organisation which is willing to provide the services listed above and let me drive by my own without a guide, please let me know.

best regards

EstelleJérôme 14 Feb 2018 20:47

Hi Uwe,

We are looking for the same trip in china, from Mongolia to Laos, in the same periode.
We are french and we travel in a campervan.
We are also looking to share the cost.
Is your trip still planed ?

talk to you soon


Nuff Said 15 Feb 2018 01:56


a Carnet de Passage is not accepted
I think you will find there are accepted and you need to research this matter a bit more.
As to touring with bikes and car together, I strongly advise against. this in China.

lesmacax 16 Feb 2018 23:14

Hello EstelleJerome!
We are looking to share the costs to cross China from Mongolia to Laos in September 2018. We are a family of 4 in a campervan. I think you are French (we are too).

fru69 19 Feb 2018 09:40

Dear Jérôme,
the only thing I planned to far, is the rough route and highlights which should be visited there.
Please see red markings in this google map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N1...V1&usp=sharing
What do you think about it ?
How many travellers are you in the camper ?
Best regards

EstelleJérôme 21 Feb 2018 20:18

Hi Uwe,

we are looking for a same itinerary,
We ask to CHINA EXPLORATION agency to make us a quote for this itinerary.
We are a family with to kids, we may have found an other family "lesmacax" (they wrote just above your answer) who are thinking about the same itinerary in the same periode.
talk to you soon

Jaaclarky 15 May 2018 20:42


I too am looking for a group to cross China, please get in touch if you have room for another. I will be travelling via motorcycle.

Best regards

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

fru69 16 May 2018 16:51

Hi james,
nice to read from you ...
To share the significant costs per day for the accompanying and compulsory guide, the best would to form a group of 4 or 5 other travellers and one of them should drive a car/camper and be willing to take the guide.
Up to now, this group could not be formed yet and as the needed time for formalities is long and September is coming soon, I afraid that I have to postpone my ride through China.
Best regards

Jaaclarky 16 May 2018 16:57


Please keep me updated if you find a group to go with, I'm flexible on my dates.

All the best

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

nomad.r 16 May 2018 19:49

Hi Uwe Jerome and marie we are currently looking at driving through iran pakistan towards india but it's looking more and more like we will not get PAKISTANI VISA because of my INDIAN background so i have to change my plans and hopefully go through CHINA on to to LAOS and Myanmarr

so if you have a place for 1 more vehicle(car) me and wifey would love to join your trip

please keep me informed regarding the itinerary

Thank you in Advance


shmalick 30 May 2018 10:49


Originally Posted by EstelleJérôme (Post 578962)
Hi Uwe,

we are looking for a same itinerary,

We ask to CHINA EXPLORATION agency to make us a quote for this itinerary.

We are a family with to kids, we may have found an other family "lesmacax" (they wrote just above your answer) who are thinking about the same itinerary in the same periode.

talk to you soon

Hi. I am looking to enter China from Tianjin in sept and goto Kunming. I would like to get in touch with you regarding cost, the agency you are using, and time frame. I am traveling in my motorcycle. My email address is shahzad.malick@icloud.com. Currently I am in Japan on my bike.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

wilsonjet 11 Jul 2018 13:38

Hello all,

Did this, or anyone involved in the thread, get anywhere further with their trips?

My wife and I are looking into a similar crossing in September/October by motorbike and similarly are looking to share costs etc.


John and Joanne

Weltenbummler 23 Jul 2018 02:21

Hello Uwe,
Now we want August 2018 from Mongolia to Laos. Did the group come together and are you still looking for passengers? My wife and I are traveling with a VW California and are currently in Uzbekistan.

Thank you,
Anne and Christian

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