Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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maja 24 Apr 2009 04:09

Cocktails in Vancouver BC
Greetings fellow travellers, I'm presently in southern Oregan bimbling north. I expect to get to Vancouver around 10 days time and will try to book into the Central YoHo, its cheap and has parking, while I get some gear and check on the weather further north. Anyone fancy joining me for beer and an info swap?
:Beach: This is a figment of my hypothermic imagination, I don't need a fridge to chill my beer, I just clasp my hands around the tin/bottle.
Ride safe.

maja 28 Apr 2009 23:47

Now arriving in Vancouver BC (downtown hostel) on the 4th May and expect to be there 'till the 10th May before carrying on north. Whilst I would like some face to face chat and drink with others who are going the same way or have been the same way, failing that some info via this means or a PM would also be nice.

Ride safe.

BlackBeast 29 Apr 2009 02:35

Hey Mike,
Send me a PM & we can hook up for drinks. Did the Alaska trip 2 summers ago.

Road Hog 1 May 2009 16:29

If you are coming up I-5 through SW Washington I have a RV at my shop you could stay in. One mile off of I-5 at exit 71. It is all set up as we will be pulling out to a job site in Oregon on the 4th. Also shop to work on bike if needed. Cell phone 360-508-0904, shop 360-266-0695

Bob :scooter:

maja 2 May 2009 04:30

Hi Bob, thanks very much; however, I'm being a touristo in Seattle this weekend and Vanvouver BC on Monday so I'm going to have to take a rain check on your kind offer, maybe the next time I'm passing. If you ever come to St Andrews in the summer, you have a bed. Ride safe.

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