Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   Colombia to Bolivia Starting January of 2017 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/colombia-bolivia-starting-january-2017-a-89394)

anm89 28 Oct 2016 00:30

Colombia to Bolivia Starting January of 2017
Going to Medellin on December 28th and hoping to be on the road within two weeks to la paz.

The basic idea is to head through colombia and ecuador stopping at towns along the way then spend time exploring cities, towns and wilderness throughout Peru. After that I'm going to decide if I want to setup camp in la paz or keep riding but I still plan on at least making it to Uyuni (the salt flats) and to the death road in Bolivia.

Hopefully riding with one other person but interested in hearing from anyone else who's going to be riding through the area around the time. For reference I am a 28 year old male.

anm89 25 Dec 2016 07:10

Bump! Heading out for Medellin in 4 days. Would love to find some more people to ride with.

octopusenvy 27 Dec 2016 01:30

Good plan...timing though

I'm heading south from Bogota or Medellin for Ushuaia, and would be happy to ride along for some part of that with you, as you have similar ideas for locations but I'm not arriving for several weeks yet. I have to get my bike from cdmx to bogota, and just sorting out airfreight. If you delay or want to try and get together along the way, I'm riding from mid feb to june on a g650x midweight bike that goes anywhere. Bien viaje!

anm89 7 Jan 2017 03:52

Sent a pm. Sill interested to hear from anyone else who is traveling around these parts. Still in Medellin but heading out south in a couple days.

anm89 3 Feb 2017 22:50

bumping again from Popayan southern colombia.

Will be heading to quito soon and then quito to bolivia in early march. Very interested to find people to ride with!

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