Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   In COSTA RiICA now,leaving Jan 24 to Pamama then COLUMBIA to tdf (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/costa-riica-now-leaving-jan-32239)

fastfreddy 11 Jan 2008 14:38

In COSTA RiICA now,leaving Jan 24 to Pamama then COLUMBIA to tdf
After a few months of not riding I am ready jan 24 to get goin again. my familys been here with me. I am riding a bmw gsa,plan to get a quick hop to columbia on matbe jan 27,28 .If no ferry type boat will fly to Bogata,or Quito if solo.no camping this time,i have traveled lots , rode a long time now the 2 come together. Get by on spanish 101,have time to kill although i will probaly finish in mid april ,i may tghen lesve my bike in chile on argentina storage for a later trip.IF YOU ARE GETTING READY TO DO THE GAP LET ME KNOW ,maybe we can ride some miles , no bueno solo Columbia para me.

Stagbeetle 19 Jan 2008 20:57

Mi Gusta Amigo
Hi Fred,

I decided not to stay in Guatamala after all, and am now in La Union, El Salvador. I have a dose of flu at the moment, :((probably something in the water), but will be on the road on Monday to cross the border into Honduras, then into Nicaragua on Tuesday, and Costa Rica later on in the week.

I will need to fly home before going to Australia, so will also need a place to store my bike in Chile or Argentina

So maybe we can hook up if you want to.

Best regards to P & G

Stagbeetle (Derek)
I think Tical was one of the best moments on my trip so far:thumbup1:

fastfreddy 20 Jan 2008 03:13

meet in san jose or panama
Eh Buddy, Nice to know your in the area.Gaia and pao lien go home thursday from san jose. my friends are in managua tonite, may see them soon as well. i want to get going either thursday or by end of week.curtis is riding 2 up on a 1150 gs adventureand a friend with them has a buell.I am now at hotel isolina plya potrero guanacaste. may leave monday back to san jose . phone now 506 654 4333 room 32/in san jose 506 290 9321 under my name tuesday wedsday nites. will be checking email several times on tuesday wedsday. How long do you plan to stay in CR and panama. Iam ready for south america now. take care Fred

Stagbeetle 20 Jan 2008 19:36

If I miss you....
No plans to hang around either CR or Panama, if I want to make Argentina I gotta do it now otherwise hang around in Peru waiting for the weather in Arg to get better. So I expect I will catch you up in Panama, but dont wait around for me, but I will try and update you where I am through this thread.
I expect to be in CR by Thursday though.

I met a couple of Australian guys, Paul and Simon, in Antigua, one of them was looking for a winch, he plans to ride through the Darrian Gap :scared: :2guns::gun_bandana::gunsmilie::angel: Well my best wishes go with him, but not me!

Anyway, Good luck, safe riding amigo

tango six zero 20 Jan 2008 19:59

Hi, Im in Bogota, getting ready to ride S to TdF
Hi Stag / Fred
My name is Mike and Im on my way from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to TdF and after a break staying with a buddy who works here in Colombia, Im ready to get back on the road. Im on an R1150GS, travling alone, maybe we can get toghter and put on a few miles and a few beers.
My Espanol not so good but I get by, Im good with a wrench, and camping is fine with me, that being said Im finding truck stop motels very cheap and secure once I put the bike in the room with me.
Contact me if have any further questions.


fastfreddy 20 Jan 2008 23:10

gettin there
Startin to sound good knowing theres options. I may be in Panama A week from monday ,lookin for quick transit by air.I am from calgary on a1200 gsa. sounds like the weather is a factor i never thought of, one way or another it should be great ridin.T 60 and stag lets keep in touch here, I have 2 bikes ridin 2 up i am meeting in san jose,they are going same time or within a few days .

tango six zero 22 Jan 2008 16:40

Bogota, at very least, till Friday
Hi Fred/Stag
Weather here in Bogota is nice all year round, +18c right now (10:00h) In the low lands it's Hot/Muggy all the time, just above the equator.
I'm gonna be hanging out in and around Bogota till, at the earliest Friday.
I screwed up and didn't change my RBC bank card to a 4 digit pin. Luckily I left a power of attorney with an ex-army buddy of mine and he is sorting the issue for me on the Edmonchuck end and DHL'ing the "solution" to an other ex-army buddy of mine that works here in Bogota, nice.
The scenery here varies from desert to jungle and if you love the twisty mountain roads you will cream yourself here!!
People super nice, extremely curious about big bikes, police and army kinda professional, tons of private security.
Prices a bit on the expensive side, fuel being about $cad .90 per L and $cad 1.12 per L of super/extra. Hotels on the road vary, from 'bout 10 bucks up to near infinity. Food can be expensive at restaurants, that being said, grocery shopping 'bout the same as Canada and road/street stands cheap. See you on the road.


A person needs new experiences.
They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens.
The sleeper must awaken !

tango six zero 22 Jan 2008 16:43

Sorry 'bout the Font malfunction, someday I will figure out fonts/sizes.

fastfreddy 23 Jan 2008 15:13

leaving san jose soon
Hi All, my friends got in yesterday, one hit a pothole on buell.it needs work, i will no tonite if i leave tomorrow or friday for panama. there is a central american rally in san jose this weekend, they expect 400 bikes from all over.

fastfreddy 25 Jan 2008 15:45

carnival in panama
Hi ,last day to fly bikes next week is thursday.holidays feb 2 till 5th. next shipping feb 8 or 10.in san jose still, rally here sat, sunday la sabana,just on outskirts

Stagbeetle 25 Jan 2008 17:46

Now in San Jose, but...
Hi Fred,
I am now in San Jose, Hotel Torremolinos, but have a problem with bike.:confused1:

I got stuck in a long traffic jam and did not know it, but the screws had fallen out of my cooling fan and wedged it so that it was not working. The engine overheated and I did a quick roadside repair but engine temp is still in red. :censored: I had similar problem in Halifax where there was an airlock in the cooling system, so am now going across the road to the hotel car park and see if I can bleed it through. I´ve got your phone number and will try to make contact later when I will know if it worked ok. Also want to change oil etc. but first things first.

I have a feeling I may have to chase you down the length of South America, DO NOT wait for me, I gotta sort myself out and have no intention of spoiling it for others, but if we can touch base later I´d love to buy you a beer amigo.

Oh and T60, wish I could get my bike in this hotel room, but they don´t have a lift:wink3:

fastfreddy 25 Jan 2008 19:02

yellow fever shots now needed for columbia and equador
eh Stag, call me 290 9321 ,hotel irazu best western room 356 , get yellow fever shot at least 10 days before entry to columbia and equador . Shot available by appointment or slip in between appointments at hospital vacination central in san jose costa rica

fastfreddy 25 Jan 2008 19:10

san jose bmw
phone number290 9235

jeff akins 26 Jan 2008 13:28

arriving in Panama 1-26.08...
Hi Freddy,

I'm in Santiago, Panama at the moment and will arrive in Panama City in a few hours, if everything goes well. I plan on flying the bike inbto Bogota as well.
I'm looking for a good mechanic in PC. My KLR is beginning to 'knock' a bit when accelerating and going up steep hills, (valves?). I've read of an excellent mechanic named Antonio Cabaza but can't get his phone number or address, all I've got is that he's in the financial district, so I'll start from there.
Let me know your plans and perhaps we can hook-up for a bit of a ride and R&R.
Any info. on the mechanic would be greatly appreciated as I need to get this noise looked at.
All the best,
Jeff Akins.

tango six zero 27 Jan 2008 12:28

Bogota, Fn huge
Hi Stag+Fred
Ièm still hanging here in Bogota, Planning on leaving Monday (28Jan08) but as with all good plans, itès not set in stone, let me know if you need any thing and when you will be here. Weather south of here is, as always, altitude dependant, hot in the low-lands, cooler above 2000m.


fastfreddy 8 Feb 2008 16:33

Hi ,We had a delay 12 km north of pasto,on 25 south.There was a big slide, road opened last night. any significant rain and it will probably fall down again in the next week.should be in quito sunday .ANYONE AROUND RIDING TO PERU.

Stagbeetle 20 Feb 2008 17:02

Also slides in Equador
Just to add, there are many slides and water damaged roads in the mountains in southern Equador, rivers are very high here in nothern Peru, I expect the ford I went through yesterday is too deep for bikes today after continious rain last night, so plan your route carefully, this is the rainy season and it´s a bad one by all accounts with lots of flooding early in the season. A journey of 50 miles in the mountains can take 3 hrs, but only as long as they keep the road open, landslides can close them completely for hours or even days. It is still fun though.:cool4:

fastfreddy 20 Feb 2008 22:31

roads closed off and on in and out of cuzco,
more good news, the ride was great until we hit the first baracade of rocks and trees . the bus unloaded and negotiated, i paid my 10 soles to pass and the gate closed behind me . 6 trees later thanks to the bus and a pasture of friendly cows i got around a noisy mob of a hundred plus exited folks , that was enogh excitement for 1 day, i guess this has been going on for a while, tomorrow cuzco may be closed in ,they call it a para, is that a pirate word. anyway one guy who left early yesterday got the turn back or we will stone you, today he and two others left and at 4 pm , i assume they went by the way of the cows.weather is good, light showers for a few minutes a couple times a day, and just 2 hrs of a peak of blue,no snow in the forecast unless you go looking for it.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 10:00.
