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j.lackhove 4 Dec 2015 06:04

Crossing China from Kirgizstan to Pakistan in August/September 2016
Hello to everyone,

I'm a German and I'll travel from Germany to Thailand by motorcicle.
I'm planning to cross China end of August beginning September 2016.

Currently it is only possible to cross China with Guide.

The costs for the Guide will be depend from the size of the group. I will create a group of 5 - 8 persons.
Entrance from Kirgizstan Torugart Pass or Irkishtam and exit on Tashkorgan -
Khunjerab Pass
Approximately 5 days time to ride across China.

I found following websides or contacts:
Navo tours

Everyone who is interested can write to my e-mail: j.lackhove@online.de

If there is already a group at this time, I would also like to join this.

update 2016/03/03: we fix the crossing now on pass Irkishtam

Jose Emilio Agote 10 Dec 2015 17:36

Hello, I'm going to do the same trip like you but at the beginning of August. I'm not sure if we are going to met at that time. Best regards.

j.lackhove 13 Dec 2015 07:43


Originally Posted by Jose Emilio Agote (Post 523598)
Hello, I'm going to do the same trip like you but at the beginning of August. I'm not sure if we are going to met at that time. Best regards.

Hello Jose,
I'm flexible and not fiexed on a date. Maybe I can also move the crossing one week. Currently I organize my visa and an offer of Navo. We can be in contact ... Josef

j.lackhove 22 Dec 2015 09:54

hello together,
currently, I found 2 Switzerland Motorcyclist and I decide, to follow their schedule.

We will cross China from 18.8.-24.8.2016.
It's a little earlier, but it fits for me. Somebody interessed?

The Guide Organization is Navo Tour
I'm in touch with paul.yang. If you are interessted or you need more information, you can contract him.

Jose Emilio Agote 23 Dec 2015 09:20

I am going to cross the Chinese's boxer around the 4th of August.

14 days is too much time in order for be waiting you.

We'll be in touch!.

Best regards.

Cwac 26 Dec 2015 16:55


Originally Posted by j.lackhove (Post 524631)
hello together,
currently, I found 2 Switzerland Motorcyclist and I decide, to follow their schedule.

We will cross China from 18.8.-24.8.2016.
It's a little earlier, but it's fit for me. Somebody interessed?

Hi, I was planning to do it slightly later but it's possible I could do these dates! Let me know how the plan progresses :D

j.lackhove 29 Dec 2015 07:30


Originally Posted by Cwac (Post 524956)
Hi, I was planning to do it slightly later but it's possible I could do these dates! Let me know how the plan progresses :D

ok, we will be in touch

j.lackhove 29 Dec 2015 07:33


Originally Posted by Jose Emilio Agote (Post 524716)
I am going to cross the Chinese's boxer around the 4th of August.

14 days is too much time in order for be waiting you.

We'll be in touch!.

Best regards.

ok, thanks for the short message

Ride Far 29 Dec 2015 13:57


Originally Posted by j.lackhove (Post 524631)
We will cross China from 18.8.-24.8.2016.
It's a little earlier, but it fits for me. Somebody interessed?

I am possibly interested but confused... why 10 days to travel from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan, it's like 1000 km across China I think... ?

j.lackhove 31 Jan 2016 11:15

Hi Ride Far
is not 10days, we crossing in 7 days!

Ride Far 8 Feb 2016 08:26

Hi again… I’ve been riding north through East Africa for four months, now in Ethiopia and awaiting visas to proceed through Sudan and Egypt.

From Egypt, I’m working on shipping my DR650 to Europe and proceeding to Tajikistan > Kyrgyzstan > China > Pakistan > India > Myanmar > Thailand.

My issue is timeframe. It’s hard to say when I can make it to Kyrgyzstan given inevitable delays of overland moto travel. For instance, my visa for Sudan should have been ready last week here in Addis Ababa but I am still waiting. Shipping out of Egypt is not likely to be quick and simple.

Upshot – I aim to join one of the three (?) groups riding Kyrgyzstan > China > Pakistan in either mid-June, early August and mid-August. Should have a better handle on timeframes by early April and will be in a position to sign on officially with a group then.

In the meantime, please feel free to PM me details or other info, and I’ll keep and eye on this and other Kyrgyzstan > China > Pakistan threads.

For what it’s worth, I’ve been in touch with Bing at Navo Tours a number of times since September 2015 on the China crossing, Bing has been very helpful and responsive.



machy 11 Feb 2016 23:02

Could i join you guys?

I am driving a 4x4 van Mitsubishi L300. I am looking for a group to join to cross China entering from Kyrgystan to enter Pakistan as I want to reach India.

Is it possible to join your team? What are the dates that you have in your plan at the moment?
Could we catch up on skype to discuss it? I am in Poland right now, leaving early May! Please respond here or via PM

j.lackhove 12 Feb 2016 13:41


j.lackhove 12 Feb 2016 13:42


Originally Posted by Ride Far (Post 529608)
Hi again… I’ve been riding north through East Africa for four months, now in Ethiopia and awaiting visas to proceed through Sudan and Egypt.

From Egypt, I’m working on shipping my DR650 to Europe and proceeding to Tajikistan > Kyrgyzstan > China > Pakistan > India > Myanmar > Thailand.

My issue is timeframe. It’s hard to say when I can make it to Kyrgyzstan given inevitable delays of overland moto travel. For instance, my visa for Sudan should have been ready last week here in Addis Ababa but I am still waiting. Shipping out of Egypt is not likely to be quick and simple.

Upshot – I aim to join one of the three (?) groups riding Kyrgyzstan > China > Pakistan in either mid-June, early August and mid-August. Should have a better handle on timeframes by early April and will be in a position to sign on officially with a group then.

In the meantime, please feel free to PM me details or other info, and I’ll keep and eye on this and other Kyrgyzstan > China > Pakistan threads.

For what it’s worth, I’ve been in touch with Bing at Navo Tours a number of times since September 2015 on the China crossing, Bing has been very helpful and responsive.




miaesper 3 Mar 2016 12:50

Kyrgystan-China-Pakistan (Karakoram) Oct/Nov 2016
Hi everyone bier
My boyfriend and I are planning to cross Kyrgystan-China-Pakistan via Karakoram in late Oct or early Nov 2016. I don't know if you'd be interested in teaming up to share the costs? We are already in touch with a tour operator through China (4 days) but have not made any fixed agreements yet. We are by Volkswagen van.
Best regards, Mia

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