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Marty Kay 7 Jun 2016 20:20

Crossing China and Tibet from Kyrgyzstan to Laos/Vietnam; June 2017
Hello fellow Overlanders

We’re two Swiss guys in their 30ies riding two Africa Twins RD04 searching for travelling companions to cross China and Tibet.

The plan for now is to cross China and Tibet from Kyrgyzstan to Laos or Vietnam in June 2017.
As hiring a guide seems to be unavoidable, we’d like to share the cost for that ~30 day trip. That would be some 250km per day average with some off-days in between. This plan is not fixed. We could go faster if needed but we’re not in a hurry. Totally it’s roughly 6000km. Camping whenever possible.
We could also imagine leaving in May 2017 (in July/August the weather seems unnecessary harsh). Doesn’t matter if you ride two or four wheels.
We’re in contact with a tour company and have first rough quotes.
Any reply would be welcome!

[Edit: We'll be crossing into China from Kyrgisztan aroung May 18th.]



robertos 10 Jun 2016 18:04

crossing China Laos
Ciao Martin,
I am Roberto from Turin Italy,and I like very much your future tour.
I am intersted and I ask you to keep informed me, please.For the date Iam very flexible but May is the best choice. I will ride a moto(BMW 80 gs or Honda Transalp).
Do you think to ship back the bikes?
I know Thailand because my son lives in Bangkok and it is one of the reason I want to go .I need time to decide due my mother health .
We have time to decide but please stay in touch.I will follow your idea
Ciao grazie Roberto

Marty Kay 13 Jun 2016 17:15

Ciao Roberto

Of course I'll keep you informed, as for now, nothing changed. We're still looking for company. It would be great to have you with us.
We think about to shorten the trip to maybe 25 or even 20 days, that would be more than 300km per day. Where do you think is your limit?

Yes we plan to ship the bikes back to Switzerland from Bangkok, but have not spent too much planning on it. Do you know how it works or have contacts already?
Hope your Mother gets well soon.


Horserider 14 Jun 2016 03:23


Originally Posted by Marty Kay (Post 540824)
Hello fellow Overlanders

We’re two Swiss guys in their 30ies riding two Africa Twins RD04 searching for travelling companions to cross China and Tibet.

The plan for now is to cross China and Tibet from Kyrgyzstan to Laos or Vietnam in June 2017.
As hiring a guide seems to be unavoidable, we’d like to share the cost for that ~30 day trip. That would be some 250km per day average with some off-days in between. This plan is not fixed. We could go faster if needed but we’re not in a hurry. Totally it’s roughly 6000km. Camping whenever possible.
We could also imagine leaving in May 2017 (in July/August the weather seems unnecessary harsh). Doesn’t matter if you ride two or four wheels.
We’re in contact with a tour company and have first rough quotes.
Any reply would be welcome!



Hi Martin,

Considering this trip as one of the options as well, do you have already any idea of the costs. I read several experiences that this trip might be not interesting due to only driving and no time for visiting anything. How to avoid that? Thanks

robertos 14 Jun 2016 11:18

Ciao Martin,
thanks for your answer,
for shipping cost it depend on the mode and how many bikes will be shipped,I mean that 6 bikes is cheaper ship into 20'container,otherwise single box is better.
Yes I know 2 shippers in BKK and I have used one to clear custom in arriving .
Last time I travelled with 3 friends of mine from BKK to Turin but from EAU ,Iran ecc..
I am really interested to go crossing Kirgy,China ,Tibet and entering in Thailand from Laos.
Indocina area is very very nice to ride ,easy and very cheap.From Italy we need have Carnet de passage an douane for bike ,it means it is not possible to sell in Thailand .
How many guys would you like collect?
I like ride for long time every days,300km? depends road condition and wheater,check point ecc maybe less or more .I have never been in CHINA but chinese agency they know how long time need .
Ciao Roberto

Marty Kay 14 Jun 2016 12:39

Thanks for your reply Horsemen.

Yeah the cost are a downside to this route.
The prices are different, depending on the tour company you choose to talk to.

This is what I calculated so far for 30 day trip / 6000km Kashgar to Laos:
If we are just two bikes It will be around 6.5k US$ per Person. (food and lodging not included)
If we find a third biker (like you ;) ): 4.6k pP
Plus a fourth (like Roberto ;) ): 3.7k pP
If we find a 4x4 to join us, prices would drop again, because the (mandatory) guide can sit in the car.

Tibetmoto have quite open books online. Check their Overlander section for Prices. Overland Transit China & Tibet with own vehicle | Tibetmoto
What’s not quoted on their homepage is the 4x4 the guide travels in, which will be around 0.65$/km…

Tibet is a stunning country, just watching the Himalaya ridge or the endless plains gave me deep satisfaction. It’s a place like nothing else on earth. But it’s rather riding than visiting tourist attraction, you are right there.
But that’s why we planned 30 days for 6000k. Gives you plenty off days, like hiking Mt. Kailash, see nice monasteries and lakes, spend some time in Lhasa, Tiger leaping gore and whatever we and you feel like visiting. Nothing is fixed by now.
Here’s their standard trip:
Overlander Transit Group Travel: From Kyrgizstan through China and Tibet to Laos | Tibetmoto

We have a Carnet de Passage as well, as we plan to cross Iran. Actually I think four bikes would be nice, maybe a 4x4, I don’t know yet, will see. We’re quite flexible in terms of group size, but maybe not more than 8-10 I guess.. What do you guys think?



robertos 15 Jun 2016 14:14

Hi Martin & friends
I have red info to drive bikes in China,I am 60, and 60 moto driver are not allowed .
Than I written to a famous tour Chinese agency .
If you want red the answer please send me your email address and if you like I could a price.I know they are not so cheap but sure they have great experience.
My email is robsimonetti@virgilio.it
Ciao Roberto

daimler 19 Jun 2016 10:08

I am Hans from salzburg (just retourn from Oman) and looking for a tour 2017
starting may about 6-8weeks. riding a 690 ktm.

Starting Kirgistan (Osh muztoo has container from switzerland) and
back bangkok is a great idea.

so we keep in touch! Hans

asidsoul 28 Jun 2016 05:36

Hello there

I returned (with 6 others) early last month after a ride to ShangriLa from Singapore. We spent 12 days in Yunnan, China (with a guide surely).

I am thinking of May 2017, also to start from Bishkek>Torugart pass>Kashgar>Karakorum highway>Kashgar>Tibet>EBC>Lhasa..

However, as we have done ShangriLa, we would probably make a reverse from Lhasa into Kathmandu and ship the bikes home from there. I think it should be about 18-21 days days (with 1 or 2 days ride free days) from Bishkek.

I don't know if it's possible to combine for 90% of the trip (Torugart pass>Lhasa part) and then, split ways at Lhasa. But if it's possible, why not.

Marty Kay 15 Jul 2016 13:51

Hello fellow overlanders
@Roberto: That's a terrible rule! You should be king of the road riding through Tibet with 60 instead of be banned!
@Hans: Welcome! Yes let's keep in touch. Well be crossing China around in June, would that fit your schedule?
@Asidsoul: Welcome too! I think this should be possible, they will find a way to get another gide in Lhasa to bring you back to Katmandu. Be sure though the road to Katmandu is open again. I heard different stories. Would June work for you?
Let's stay in contact! We'll ride for sure.


motokoerier 31 Jul 2016 01:08


I am Pascal from belgium riding an AT 750
I was planning the four day trip from Kirgistan to Kashgar to the KKH and then going via mymar to the south east but if the price is dropping i would consider travelling with you guys to laos.
I will driving all the way to kirgistan.
hopefully we find more people who are interested

PetraMattia 7 Aug 2016 10:53

Carnet de passage
Hallo Martin,
wir sind ein Paar aus St. Gallen und und wir wollen nach Südostasien mit dem Wohnmobil. Euer Plan für Juni 2017 ist Interessant, die gleiche Strecke haben wir auch mit Tibetmoto überlegt (Wir haben auch einen Roller dabei und mit den Tibet Extrakosten würde uns etwa wie 9550,- USD kosten).
Wir möchten aber etwas früher durch fahren..aber mal schauen..wir sind momentan auf Tour in Skandinavien und eine feste Route haben wir noch nicht.
Ueberlegt haben wir uns auch durch Iran zu Reisen und dann über Dubai nach Indien und so weiter.

Wo habt ihr das Carnet de passage gemacht ? wie läuft das genau ?

Petra's Onkel (aus dem Iran, und wohnend in Deutschland)wenn er nach Iran fährt, macht den Carnet beim ADAC. Wir würden dort als Kaution vermutlich etwa wie 15 000 Euro hinterlegen.

Lasst uns wissen,

Grüsse aus Stockholm,

Petra und Mattia

Marty Kay 11 Aug 2016 09:17

Hello Pascal Petra and Mattia. Welcome!
@Pascal: Both sounds like good plans. There are still some seven months to go and we already have quite a contact list.
Right now I would bet we bring a group of at least six together (4 bikes, 1 4x4), which would drop the price as low as 2.5k US per bike and around 5k US per car (IF the guide can drive in the car). Right now it looks like we’re crossing into China mid May 2017. I’ll keep you posted. Let’s keep in touch!

@Petra and Mattia. Nice! Hoi zäme!
Geiler Trip! Was den für ein Wohnmobil? Hätte da noch ein Guide drin Platz? Dann sinken Eure genannten Kosten gleich auf 50%, wenn wir noch weitere Motorradfahrer finden könnten. (Preise müsste mann zur Sicherheit aber noch bei Tibetmoto anfragen)

Also für den Iran braucht ihr sicher ein Carnet. Ich hab das auch noch nicht gemacht, werde das aber über den TCS machen, kostet CHF330.- für Nichtmitglieder. Da wir sehr billige Bikes fahren werden wir nur den Mindestbetrag von CHF3k hinterlegen müssen. Den Antrag kannst du online machen, dann einzahlen und fertig. Scheint recht unkompliziert. Hier der Link:
Hoffe das hilft.
Lass uns in Kontakt bleiben, ich informiere auf diesem Kanal bei News.


motokoerier 11 Aug 2016 14:27

Hello Martin

Sounds great, awaiting your post


PetraMattia 11 Aug 2016 21:10

Hoi Martin,

Wir fahren ein Euramobil vom Jahr 2005 Alkoven (Schnell so wie eure Motorräder fährt es natürlich nicht).
Der Guide könnte mit uns schon fahren aber natürlich nicht drin schlafen.
Wie gesagt haben wir keine festen Pläne. Schön wäre für uns gewesen noch dieses Jahr durch China zu kommen, aber wir haben auch noch keine Mitfahrer gefunden bis jetzt, die Zeit vergeht und es wird kalt...
Wieviele Leute bzw. Fahrzeuge gibt es schon bis jetzt für Mai oder Juni 2017?

Danke sehr für die Infos bezüglich Carnet.

Bleiben wir in Kontakt..vielleicht machen wir ein Winterpäuschen und dann fahren wir zusammen in 2017.
(Unsere e-mail: mattiapetra@mail.com)

Schöne Grüsse aus Lulea (Schweden).

Petra und Mattia.

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