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maja 4 Mar 2005 21:40

Cusco and the north
I hope to be in Cusco around the 7th Mar for a few days before carrying on north and if possible staying high. Anybody got any info or reccomendations on routes and moto friendly hotels/bars in Cusco? Will trade for info on river Xings and mud baths in Bolivia. Ride safe, Mike.

Albert Hoermann 5 Mar 2005 21:22

Hi Mike!

The Hostel in Cusco is Estrellita, as i remember right it is in Tullumayo 454, very small sign on the wall on the right hand side when you drive uphill!Cheep and good (kitchen, free tee & coffee, breakfast includet, 8 month ago it costed 12,- Pesos($4,-)! Great dirt roads Abancay - Ayacucho, Via Santa Ines - Huancavelica -Huancayo, Huanuco - La Union than paved to Huaraz, Caraz - Huallanca - Chao (this one is amacing).

Wish you good luck Appie!

maja 6 Mar 2005 04:57

Thanks Appie it sounds good. The last couple of days have been rain free and I´m hoping that the dryer "winter" weather has started and as a bonus the moto is staying cleaner longer. Ride safe, Mike

cummings3949 9 Mar 2005 19:56

hi..i just came south at altitude..the mt. were cold and wet but as you know that could change..but that is the general trend..i came down to the coast to get some sun and make time to chile..im in nazca now..hope things go well..chc

MAXVERT 16 Jan 2007 17:14

Safe Moto Parking in Cuzco
Hostal El Saphi 155 Saphi 3 blks off Plaza de Armas has good parking and reasonable rates. Hostal Loreto has safe parking but is more expensive. Bike parking was not easy to find. Max

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