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arkiboys 25 Jul 2008 21:36

Driving from UK to Iran
I have been searching the internet for a few days to find information regading this very topic.
We live in UK and we have decided to drive to Iran one summer perhaps in 2-3 years time. You may say this is too early to look into this at present. But I am getting to know about the journey slowly slowly...
We will probably get the motorail train from either France (Which means driving to France first) or Austria (Which means driving to Austria first) and then to Turkey, drive through Turkey and then to Iran.

1) Has anyone done this before?
2) Are there any sites you can refer me to, to get more information about our drive.

Many thanks

Simon Kennedy 26 Jul 2008 07:35

You drive through Europe; then through Turkey. Then you are, well, there. That's all there is to it.

Apologies for being cute, but that drive is a straightforwards and pleasant one. Summer is hot, but you know that - put on the a/c.

Have a nice trip.


andyb43 26 Jul 2008 08:24

Have a look at our site. there are loads of us out there.

beddhist 26 Jul 2008 17:04

In fact, this site right here is where you can start your reading. On your left you will see a menu. Scroll down to 'Blogs', then click on 'Travellers Stories'. Happy reading. (oh yes, my own humble page, too, see below)

Matt Cartney 28 Jul 2008 11:38

It's on the standard route to India. Fairly simple to do. This is about the best site out there to ask questions. Your biggest issue will be getting a carnet.

Matt :)

wanderingscotsman 28 Jul 2008 12:09

The Man in Seat Sixty-One... will give you train info if you really want it.

arkiboys 14 Aug 2008 15:29

Hi, I have checked the man in sixty one previously...
It seems we can board the train (Optima-Tour) with the car from Austria to Edrine - Turkey. From there we have to drive to Iran.

kentfallen 14 Aug 2008 17:53

Better hurry up before the WAR!!!!!!!!!
My advice is simple - Hurry up before World War III which I suspect will be embarked upon within the next 3 or 4 years!

Alternatively keep your heads down and continue onwards on a wing and a prayer... :helpsmilie:

Seriously, I wish you well. :mchappy:

Stay SAFE!

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