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-   -   Europe to South-America early 2015 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/europe-south-america-early-2015-a-74339)

djosmann 29 Jan 2014 08:37

South-America !!! early 2015

we are planning a trip early 2015 from Germany to South America. :scooter:
The plan is to leave after Xmas 2014 and ship the bikes beforehand
to Rio and start from there. The plan of the order of the countries is still for discussion. We are 2 guys on 2 bikes and looking for another participant.
The plan is to travel for about 6 months to max. 1 year.

Anyone interested to join the trip of a lifetime ?


Geert van den Elsen 1 Feb 2014 14:45

Hello Djos,

Sounds great! I am thinking for a while for a trip from south to north, ore likewise to make. But what are your plans exactly, ore is it as much as open at this time?

Enjoy your weekend, and like to hear more of your story.

Kind regards,

djosmann 4 Feb 2014 17:01

South America
Hi Geert,

as far as now we know that we going to start in Rio, end of January.
I'll be going from Germany and my buddy is coming from New Zealand.
He probably join for 6 months or so and I planned for a year.
The route is totally still open with no obligations.
How about your plans ?

c-m 6 Feb 2014 14:39

I was meant to go well now, but finances didn't permit.

I'm planning to go next year (early 2015) too, but more like mid-january or early February.

I'm not sure about shipping to Brazil. Don't they have the worst customs?

I've had quotes for shipping form Hamburg to Buenos Aries, and to Quito, but they were far too high at €1700 one-way.

I've heard reports of some people shipping from Rotterdam to Suriname for less than €1000 including all fees. That's more my price :-)

I'll keep in touch via this thread.

djosmann 8 Feb 2014 08:28

Hi there,

I meant January 2015 as well. Still have to earn some more
pesetas first.
Good input with Brasil. Need to collect more infos.
However we have the chance to go on a cruise which arrives on Rio on
25th Jan 15. This is a good opportunity.
Lets keep in touch ..

ewiontour 12 Feb 2014 22:32

South-America !!! early 2015
Hello there,
I'm also in the first planing steps of my South America Trip spending about two month starting in January 2015 and maybe a second part of another two months starting round October 2015. At this time I don't know if the start will be in Chile oder in Argentina.

The cheapest shipping method I think will be to share a container if you get enough people to fill it up ;)

If you want to share anything like trip details, transport offers or other good adresses, ... we can keep in touch in this thread.

Kind regards from Austria

djosmann 7 Apr 2014 15:30

South America
Hi Ewi,

got a couple of proposals for shipping the bike and
its recommended NOT to ship the bike to Brazil or Argentina.
Best place seem to be Valpariso. Costs 699 Euro.
I have a passage already with a cruise ship to Americas, early Jan.
Please let me know if u still interested and we can share phone nr.

Bets rgds

c-m 7 Apr 2014 15:33

That is a really good price.

What do you mean that you have passage already with a cruise ship? I didn't think that there were any passenger ships from Europe to America.

Are you personally (not the bike) not flying to South America?

ddebono 11 Apr 2014 16:17

Sa 2015
Hi All,

I will be out of work at the end of this year and will be able to take about 6 months and was planning a South American Trip from January.

I am based in the UK and was going to ship from here using James Cargo by Air to Buenos Aires as its a good route to take at that time of the year (from a weather perspective). The price is about 1500 Euros all inclusive (that's one way).

Route wise was thinking something along the lines of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Columbia, then I could potentially ship over to Panama but its really a loose plan and will change once on the road. The idea is to continue as much as I can until I need to come back and get back into work :)

Happy to share / join discuss in more detail



djosmann 11 May 2014 08:40

Dear all,

the trip is still far ahead but time starts running. Here the update:

Since I have been working for a cruise line they will take me
and my girlfriend from Europe to South America. Arrival in Santiago is around
28.January 2015.
The bike goes separately as they do not allow to carry the bike.
All forums recommended Valparaiso / Chike as the best and most reliable port when shipping the bike by sea.
NOT Buenos Aires nor Montevideo.
I have an offer for my bike for about 700 Euros from Hamburg.
Perhaps anyone wants to share or has an alternate offer.
From Santiago where I have a chilean friend living who also has a bike and wants to join for 2 weeks I have no further plans made.

Looking forward hearing from you.

Greetings from Bangkok !

Djimny 11 May 2014 13:22

Hi Guys,
Some one mentioned to ship to Suriname. From Rotterdam (koemar shipping) you can ship your bike to Suriname. They put it in their container. Once a week they send a container to Suriname. Transport takes 2-3 weeks. The costs depending the meaures, but will be around 600-700€. I live in Suriname and in The Netherlands. Made last year also a tour in mid and south America. Start in oct 2014 a new tour in South America. If you need info email me djinsital@gmail.com

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