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vincent danna 2 Feb 2002 00:20

from france to asia
i'm leaving in april/may direction asia, whether from northern europe direction russia then south to asia, whether through turkey, iran, irak, pakistan, india ...

if you have the same plan, we can talk about it
cheers, vincent

vincent danna 4 Feb 2002 23:43

... then oz, nz and americas (patagonia to canada)
i guess the most difficult part for paperwork and which countries to go through is from here to asia

mmaarten 5 Feb 2002 12:35

Hai Vincent,

I leave in august. I'll be crusing Turkye, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh (fly to Bangkok) Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Maleisie, (take boat to) Indonesie, (fly to Darwin) Australie, (fly to) New zealand, (fly to) Argentinie..etc..etc..etc.. to Alaska (fly to Africa) etc.. etc...

Ofcourse.. this is only my plan... lots can change on the way ;-)

I'll be driving an Africa Twin.

So... I'll probably see you on the road somewhere...


Spud 5 Feb 2002 22:13

Hey Vincent,

I am leaving the UK around beginning of May. I shall go to Venice to grab the ferry to Greece and then ride through to Turkey then Iran, Pakistan and India. I shall be going quite quickly but would be good to meet up.

After India I don't knwo where I'm going yet but I shall be in India for a while I suspect.
I shall be on a Honda Dommie.


Cameron 6 Feb 2002 22:57

Hi Vincent,Spud, Maarten,

We will be landing in london, early May, to travel through Europe to Turkey and Iran by October. Shipping the bike to Malaysia in November, then on to Australia by end of January and back to Canada by May 2003. We are skipping Pakistan and India this trip, more because of time restaints than problems there. I would like to ride the KKH but November would be too late, so next time.

Hope to meet you on the road somewhere, stay in touch...

ps. we will be in Paris early June, do you know of a hotel that is bike freindly with secure parking?


vincent danna 8 Feb 2002 23:20

hi mates,
thanks for your answers
great ! so many people going :-)
well, here's my plan, not the easiest route !
but should be so great, i've been in some of those countries backpacking
i'm leaving beginning of april direction russia to mongolia then kazakhstan, kirghizistan, ouzbekistan, turkmenistan.
it seems quite hard for visas and entering the bike in those countries, you need invitations, etc ...
from turkmenistan, iran
once in iran direction india, via pakistan or with the boat
india then nepal direction thailand via bangladesh, burma (if possible) or with the boat
stay a bit in south east asia don't know about china, it costs a lot from what i understood to enter the bike
maybe korea, japan
then oz, nz and americas (from patagonia to canada) i don't know a lot about boats from oz/nz to patagonia

i'll tell you how it goes for visas, entering the bike, etc ... i wrote to embassies etc ...

take care, have fun preparing your route(s)

nb : i'm going on a r100gs pd

buenaonda 10 Feb 2002 04:11

hi vincent, nice plan you have; I do too, although throught a different itinerary, but it's for next year.
check out my web site and tell me what you think, maybe you want to be in the group.
> www.buenaonda.com

vincent danna 11 Feb 2002 23:13

it sounds nice (although my italian is limited) + you have time to prepare
and it does take time to prepare correctly,

good luck, i'll be leaving in april this year

are you doing it on Vespas ?

Grasshopper 17 Feb 2002 22:29


We will be leaving 1 May (perhaps end of April) UK to Australia via Europe, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India.

Perhaps we'll see you on route?

Good luck


vincent danna 19 Feb 2002 01:02

i'm sure we can catch up somewhere on the road

no one wants to go through ex-ussr ?
don't worry, it should be ok :-)

if it fails, i'll go like most of you, south of europe.

safe travels

Spud 24 Feb 2002 22:34

I will also be leaving the UK early May (6th) heading east. Hope to see you guys on the way.

GS George 4 Mar 2002 22:34

Spud, Vincent,

I plan to overland to India, leaving mid-April or so. I've only just decided on that right now so I have some work to do (decision was forced by my employer, not me!)! I'm thinking of going via Turkey/Iran/Pakistan. I'll be riding a modified GS1150. I'll be in touch shortly...

vincent danna 4 Mar 2002 23:10

yeah, it could be great to meet on the road
i don't know how to contact you
i just had a website :
there's my email on it

i'm going through ex-ussr
got my ouzbek visa easily with a french travel agent (invitation 45 euros or voucher is needed) + 72 euros for the visa
kirghize visa with the embassy in belgium : no invitation needed, visa for 55 euros
kazake visa en route : invitation needed 65 euros, visa 107 euros
turkmene : some problems to get a decent price for invitation (over 100 usd for the moment), they ask to book hotels ...
russia : invitation is needed, you can go on ryh.ru : 50 usd with one night
iran : like turkmenistan,+ they would not deliver a visa in france if after we go to pakistan ??? in your countries, is it the same for iran visa (watch out!)?

thanks, safe travels

Goose 15 Mar 2002 14:47

Flipping 'eck, this is turning into a bit of a Middle East party. We're currently in Nairobi and planning to meet Spud & GS George in Iran mid May. It'd be great for the purpose of getting through Pakistan and generally having a laugh if we could get a group together.

We're aiming to be in Tehran on the 20 May, what think you all?

Goose & Lucy

Spud 15 Mar 2002 16:44

Just put in for my Iranian visa. We'll see what they say about the fact that we are going through Pakistan afterwards. The guy at the Consular looked concerned that I may want to go to Afghanistan but ok when I said Pakstan. Just needed to know I had a visa for Pakistan. We'll see....
Take a few weeks apparently so I shall hear then and let you guys know.

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