Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   Germany, Regensburg to Russia, Wladiwostok (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/germany-regensburg-to-russia-wladiwostok-42068)

crammarc 10 Apr 2009 14:50

Germany, Regensburg to Russia, Wladiwostok
Hi There!

Anyone on the road heading east from germany to russia this summer?
I will start my world trip at 25.05.2009 in Germany.

First Milestone: Moscow (probably arriving 31.05.2009)
This far i get company from two good friends. But they turn around and will go back to work.

Then i will contuinue alone (as for now)...

Second Milestone: Lake Baikal (probably arriving 24.06.2009)

Third Milestone: Wladiwostok (probably arriving 20.07.2009)

From there I will try to get a transfer...

August 2009: Going to North America
Seattle, USA
... and continue to San Francisco and finally Miami. (probably arriving 30.09.2009)

I would be very happy if someone joins along the route. Please contact me if you are in this area...

Kind of travel:
I do not have lots of money = tent ;-)

Some more trip information:
World Trip 2009
(german site with google translator)

mcinally 12 Apr 2009 19:09

Hi Check out transglobemoto. Will be in Germany 14th may. onward poland czech rep slovakia hungary (Budapest 0n 25th for 5 days.

fabiofredduzzi 13 Apr 2009 13:19

Your travel is my dream.
I thought to cross the Baltic Republic, then keeping as north as possible to limits kms and then reach Kamchatka. Cross the ocean and then Alaska-Canada (or USA) and jump to Europe (Portugal).
In this way we need only the authorizations from RUSSIA, USA and CANADA. The rest is EU. But the problem is named "Siberia":funmeterno:.

I would like to know more about your travel. If you have "ready to read" info in English I will appreciate. But don't spent time with me. I can't start now for various problem.


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