Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Great ride from Austria to Australia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/great-ride-from-austria-australia-86207)

jojo1987 21 Feb 2016 19:28

Great ride from Austria to Australia
ey Guys,

i'm really glad to join this blog since i'm planning the trip from vienna austria to australia. My favourite route would be as followed:
Ship transfer from jakarta to australia

Nowadays i'm on research for good routes for this adventure.
So if there is anyone out there who has already experience i would be really thankful for some information in advance.
Also if anyone is interessted for this trip or is planning the same, i'm travelling by my own, so if there is someone who likes to share this adventure....pleasant welcome

Greetings Joe

Almisg 21 Feb 2016 20:41

Hi it's cool trip.When you think start whis trip?

Pheb 29 Feb 2016 10:47


waiting for more informations :mchappy:

RougeCub 1 Mar 2016 01:16

How are you planning to take care of the extortionate carnets for Iran, Pakistan and India? Its looking like 3000euro minimum.

Bobesz 11 Mar 2016 14:40

Warsaw to Jakarta Spring 2016
Hi Joe,
I'am planing very similar trip as a part of my RTW this year.
It starts 29 March from Warsaw. We can join the forces.
For more details fb RTW Express.

AT750 12 Mar 2016 05:44

I am on this your, already in Thailand, if you need any assistance don't hesitate to contact me.

LenFromOZ 12 Mar 2016 21:06

Hi Joe,

I am planning a very similar path, leaving from London in May. PM if you want to discuss riding together ;)

Adventurism 18 Mar 2016 21:22

Hi Guys,

I have a similar plan leaving from Holland end of April.
My plan is


If you are interested in riding together some parts, let me know!

Cheers, Nora

LenFromOZ 20 Mar 2016 18:51


Originally Posted by RougeCub (Post 532030)
How are you planning to take care of the extortionate carnets for Iran, Pakistan and India? Its looking like 3000euro minimum.

I will be paying this deposit using ADAC, I can't find any way around it. It is a deposit though, you get it back.

ew12ght 21 Mar 2016 17:55


I am setting off on my RTW trip from UK at the start/mid April 2016.

I am aiming to get to South East Asia.

Let me know your dates and I will see if they match my own. Maybe we can ride part of the trip together?


Horizonride 31 Mar 2016 08:13

Hey guys,

my gf and I are starting a similar trip in the end of may. We want to cross the balkans to Greece and Turkey, go on through Iran and then take the Pamir-Highway through Turkmenistan, Usbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia and either let the bikes be transportet via train from mongolia to vietnam, or ship them from vladivostok to thailand.

more information on us and our trip, can be seen on Cover Page - Horizonride - around the world with a XT660Z Ténéré! or Motorrad Weltreise - Horizonride - Immer Richtung Horizont! in German.

Cheers, Ben bier

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