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BenMen 8 Aug 2008 13:37

Iceland summer 2009
Hi, I'm looking for a mate (or 2?) for a trip around Iceland during summer 2009 (3 or 4 weeks (sailing included!)). I'll start from Belgium, via Denmark or Scotland. I ride a 1200GS Adv and I'd like to stay in cheap accommodation with occasional camps.
So if anyone is interested in joining, don't hesitate to contact me.


decatett 21 Sep 2008 09:23

i am interested to go in iceland next summer (jul-aug) maybe we meet :mchappy:

orrin 21 Sep 2008 12:28

Cheap accommodation??
Good luck on finding cheap accommodation. be prepared to camp a little more to save cash.
Iceland is worth every penny!!

BenMen 21 Sep 2008 21:16

Thank you for the advice, Orrin. That's what I heard, concerning the accomodation.
Decatett, tell me if you go when you know. Where are you from?

twin-rider 22 Sep 2008 23:34

It sounds like an interesting trip, have you any idea when you will be leaving and the costs involved for the ferry. If the timings and the cost are fine, I may join you on your Scottish leg.
I ride a Africa Twin, (done Morroco & Northkapp) or a Ural Combo (done Ireland)


BenMen 23 Sep 2008 17:39

Hi PaulM,
I'll be leaving the first week of august 2009 (but nothing definitive yet). August is known to be the best month for Iceland, most roads/tracks are opened (the snow melts).
The ferry costs between 400 and 500 euros (return), depending if you choose a couchette or a cabin. These are the smyril line prices (maybe we can find cheaper).
The ferry leaves from Scrabster, Scotland, to Seydisfjordur, Iceland (with a 2 day stop at the Faroe islands). That's what I know for the moment. More info to come.
What do you think?

Jupiter 3 Oct 2008 10:33

Interested in Iceland
Hi Ben,

I would be interested in the trip as well - it may just be me, or a friend might join - obviously its all a long way off at this point. I've been thinking about Iceland for a while, so its good to see a few other people interested. I read a good article in a Bicycle magazine - stick with me! :-) - about a chap who took his family around iceland camping - he mentions around £7-10 per night for campsites in towns, and outside towns they just camped wild - for your own info it was the August-September 2008 edition of CTC 'Cycle', althugh the route is not the same, it has a few interesting insights and info.

I also noticed your starting point as Scrabster, is this a better bet / Cheaper than the route I was looking at - Aberdeen to Lerwick to Torshavin to Seydisfjordur?

'J' :scooter:

Fritz 3 Oct 2008 10:56

Faroes stop-over
If there are a few of you staying in the Faroes on stop-over I can heartily recommend using Green Gate Incoming to advance book an apartment to share. If you can team up it's the best cost solution. if the weather is typically faroese you'll be glad you did ;)

BenMen 4 Oct 2008 00:06

Hi Jupiter.
Indeed, I'm not in a hurry, but i'm impatient to be there. Iceland looks terrific.
I'm afraid I won't be able to find 'cycle magazine' in Belgium. Thanks for the info anyway.
I never heard about the Aberdeen/Lerwick/Torshavn/Seydisfjordur route. Do you have more details about it? (company name, price...).
Concerning Scrabster/Torshavn/Seydisfjordur, this is the "classic" Smyril Line route (national ferry company). In fact, contrary to what I said in a previous post, there's no long stop in the Faroe on the way to go, but on the way back, you have a 3 and half days stop there (I'll probably ride back to Belgium via Hanstholm, Denmark, to avoid that). But if there's a better solution, can be interesting!
Anyway, I'm happy you're possibly interested in that trip.


Jupiter 4 Oct 2008 21:42

Hi Ben
Aaahhhh - yes I'd be travelling up from England, hence the Aberdeen - Lerwick route - although, it would be more interesting for me to make my over to you and do the trip from your end, since I've yet to visit Belgium.....hmmm I might think about that.

Well, yes I am interested, and will watch this thread and contribute as I find out anything useful :-)

J :scooter:

BenMen 12 Oct 2008 20:50

Hey Jupiter. Fine, I'll keep you posted as soon as I have something new.
I found this link on HU: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/forwood/iceland1.shtml
Interesting. They made it on a Harley!
By the way: what bike do you ride?

weaklinks 13 Oct 2008 22:25

Ben--would you be doing mostly camping or more of the B&B and motel thing?

BenMen 16 Oct 2008 07:52

Re: Camping?
I'll adapt to meteorological/ground conditions. If B&B are not too expensive (which is not really the case apparently), I'll try to alternate one night under the tent, and one night in a good confortable bed. But there's no forseen plan: it will be an "everyday issue".

AliBaba 16 Oct 2008 09:48

Hotels are expensive, but a lot of the hotels have” sleepingbag- accommodation”.
It’s usually a big room with some beds where you have access to toilettes, shower and maybe a kitchen. The prize is around 6-20€, and it’s a nice opportunity to dry your clothes and get a beer.

orrin 16 Oct 2008 19:47

my two pence worth!
First bit of advice is to go straight to smyril line and book your ticket! you will never regret this trip.
As for Faroe Island, rather go to Denmark on the return and ride back to uk.
3 Days in the Faroe islands would be fantastic if they were on the way to iceland, but after iceland they seem very dull. When I spent 3 days there I rode around( it looks very much the same!) but most people stayed at the campsite in the pissing rain playing musical chairs in the kitchen area, talking bout either missing their partners or how great iceland was.
I wouldnt leave this trip much longer as there are huge machines throwing down tar on as many roads as possible!
The ring road in my opinion gets 7/10 but the interior gets 11/10!

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