Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   If You need a place to sleep in Belgium? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/if-you-need-place-sleep-33094)

jurgen1971 13 Feb 2008 18:52

If You need a place to sleep in Belgium?

If someone is passing Belgium and needs a place to sleep.
I live on 25min from Brussels, Gent and Antwerp.
5km from the highway A12 and 15km from the E17.
I can offer you a room, double bed and a bathroom, a drink and a meal.
It is possible to do your laundry.
And have a place to work on your bike.
I even have the space to store your bike if nessesary.
There are a few motorbikedealers with different brand, not far away.
If you need more information, just call, my number is 0032.477.23.03.06.
I speak Dutch, English, French and German.


Stephano 14 Feb 2008 05:27


Originally Posted by jurgen1971 (Post 174348)
If someone is passing Belgium and needs a place to sleep.

That's a very generous offer, Jurgen. I'm sure it'll be taken up and you'll meet some interesting travelers. The great thing about providing accommodation for travelers is that you build up a network of nice friends and you can visit them too later when it's your turn on the road. :thumbup1:

Nigel Marx 14 Feb 2008 09:16

I've been doing it for 8 years and it's always been fun.

I've even been visited by one European couple who only dropped in to meet "the crazy kiwi who lets any bike traveler stay" to see if it was true!!

Kind regards

Nigel in NZ

Gecko 14 Feb 2008 10:27

Hi Jurgen
Welcome to the HUBB. It would be good if you join the Belgium Cummunity group because from time to time travellers heading our way will send a message to a community asking for information ad sometimes accomodation. If you are part of the community you will be contacted and can decide if you can help as each case comes up.
Scroll down the page and on the left yuo will see the community section.
Ride safe and welcome to the Hubb

Caminando 14 Feb 2008 12:34

Dank u wel
Hi Jurgen

A kind offer - and Gecko is right- join the HUBB Community for some more security...

Bonne route!

jurgen1971 14 Feb 2008 19:44


Originally Posted by Stephano (Post 174410)
That's a very generous offer, Jurgen. I'm sure it'll be taken up and you'll meet some interesting travelers. The great thing about providing accommodation for travelers is that you build up a network of nice friends and you can visit them too later when it's your turn on the road. :thumbup1:

Hello Stephan,

I'll hope to meet some travelers here.
I know what it is like to be on the road and knowing there is a place where you are welkom.
But I won't travel this year, the old Duc needs a revision.
I want to go to Norway and Sweden next year.
Motorbikers are allways welcome.
And you can't have enough friends.

PaulM 14 Feb 2008 21:18

Kind offer
Hey Jurgen,
Thanks for the very kind offer. I am riding through Belgium in May on the way to The Stans but will arrive in Boulgne late evening and be into Germany by the following night.
If I am passing on my way back to UK, about August time, I would be glad of the offer of a bed and some beers at your local!
I shall email you on my return journey.
Cheers Jurgen

jurgen1971 16 Feb 2008 03:33

Hello Paul,

In august I will be home to so no problem.
Keep in contact.

KennyE 16 Feb 2008 05:11

Hey Jurgen I will be in Belgium sometime towards the end of May so will keep in touch. Would be good to catch up for a beer or two.

thanks for the offer too.


jurgen1971 16 Feb 2008 15:23

OK, kenny, we will keep in touch.
But in may, I can only be home from friday evening until sunday morning.

jurgen1971 18 Oct 2008 11:04

Finally the Duc is ready, I can travel again...

Hindu1936 18 Oct 2008 12:50

Thanks for the offer Jurgen. Might just be through there spring of 2010. Now if you need a place to stop in Oregon, my house will be open for any travelers from this forum as long as they smoke on the porch. We have a place in Lebanon, about 85 miles south of Portland and 8 miles off the freeway. bedroom, laundry, food, but only a carport for doing work. The housesitters know that there might be riders some day.

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