Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   indonesia to cambodia from 25/07 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/indonesia-to-cambodia-25-07-a-36483)

mathiasknecht 13 Jul 2008 07:28

indonesia to cambodia from 25/07
i will start my trip around the 25th somewhere in indonesia and travel slowly (up north is still rain season) over malaysia, thailand, laos to cambodia in no particular order or time, if someone is in that region around that time, post me a message:welcome:

Globetrotter 20 Jul 2008 14:42

Aus Penang (Malaysia)
Hi there

Are u travelling by bike and where exactly are you starting your journey?

Regards from Penang (Malaysia)


beddhist 21 Jul 2008 03:37


I'm Thailand intending to set off about October, first around N Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, then will head the other direction (about Mar,I guess).

I'll wave when I pass you.

skip 27 Jul 2008 10:31

In Bali at the moment will be heading into Java at the end of next week, e.mail if your in the area Skip

AussieNat 27 Jul 2008 16:18

On Java heading North.
Hey Skip.
My girl and I are just ahead of you.
We are staying at the Bromo View Hotel in Probolinggo tonight. Its got free WIFI and room discounts on weekends.
We are heading in the same direction but there is no way we could keep up with you.
When you see a 6ft aussie and a 5ft japanese crammed on this thing, give us a wave when you go past us! we do have to get a riggle on though. Only got 23days left on our visas...

Nathan and Akiko

skip 2 Aug 2008 12:07

Animal or Bike
Is there a bike under all that, looks great, i will keep an eye open for you, i kinda got stuck on a beach for a bit longer than expected so may be your in front of me now.
Have fun Skip

Worldbees 6 Aug 2008 05:16

From Malaysia to Indonesia
Hi all,
After five years on a RTW (started from France), at last I am in Malaysia. I came from Thailand border. Before I was on the roads of Cambodia, Laos and China (including Tibet, yes, yes!)
I just spent one week in the North-West of Penang Island.
Now (6 August 2008), I am planning to visit all the rest of the country during one month before returning back to Penang.
Beginning of September 2008, I plan to leave my motorbike for few months (visit by plane to my family in France), then come back for a boat trip between Butterworth (front of Georgetown) and Belawan (close to Medan).
I expect to stay 2+1 months in Indonesia before shipping my BMW Adventure from Kupung (West Timor) or Dili (East Timor) to Darwin in Australia.
Anybody doing same thing at the same period?
You can see my itinerary on my website Worldbees - Beekeeping Globetrotter - Globe-trotter Apicole
Take care,


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