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TinoCamino 29 Jun 2008 22:18

iran to pakiatan
hey fellers
unfortunatelly i'm still in europe, but my visa for iran is only valid till the 7th of september:( so for sure i will leave befor.
if somebody will join me for crossing the iranian - pakistanian border just tell me.
even for spending some time in iran or turkey....give me message

cheers tino

topher 2 Jul 2008 09:18

Hi Tino,

I am still planning to leave Rosenheim at the beginning of August. I will be in Istanbul until about the 19th August, then intend to ride relatively quickly along the Black Sea coast and then down to Lake Van, crossing into Iran at the end of August. I plan to cross Iran in about 10 - 14 days then enter Pakistan in the middle of September. I reckon on a week to cross from Taftan to Lahore then will take a break in India before heading for Nepal.

If the above fits with your own plans and you are interested in riding some of it together let me know - I think you have my email address.

I have obtained the important "number" from Tehran to get my Iranian Visa and am still waiting for my Pakistani Visa from Frankfurt (they have already issued it once, but for the wrong dates - unfortunately it will expire before I leave Europe!!). Did you get your Pakistani visa from Frankfurt and if so how was your experience?? Otherwise almost everything is going according to plan.

Hope to hear from you.



andypettitt62 6 Jul 2008 10:17

I will be crossing from Turkey to Iran around the end of August.I stillhave to get my Iranian visa, which I will hopefully be able to get in Erzerum.I have a Pakistan and Indian visa already.Let me know if you fancy meeting up.Andy

JDOTJAYDOT 6 Jul 2008 11:45

Hi Im travelling across Turkey in august, currently in Athens getting Indian Visa, will hit Iran mid august and Pakistan early september, then on east. Am travelling RTW without planes only boats for charity, check out my site if your interested EarthTrek and let me know if you fancy catching up, be nice to hear some stories, blessings. Jonny

wandermoto 7 Jul 2008 21:17


I am one of at least 2 UK riders currently touring Turkey that will be crossing into Iran in August.

Approximate date for crossing is the 15th.



topher 8 Jul 2008 11:00

Hi Andy (Pettitt),

I would certainly be interested in meeting up either in eastern Turkey or western Iran towards the end of August. I met Tino yesterday evening (we live not far from each other in southern Germany) - he is also likely to be in Iran around this time. Lets keep in touch and see if we can work something out.



beddhist 8 Jul 2008 16:11


Originally Posted by JDOTJAYDOT (Post 197352)
Hi Im travelling across Turkey in august, currently in Athens getting Indian Visa, will hit Iran mid august and Pakistan early september, then on east.

Hi Johnny,

I hope you are aware that Indian visas are valid for at most 6 months from date of issue and you must leave at that date. Tourist visas are *not* extendable.


andypettitt62 9 Jul 2008 08:38

Hi all, I am leaving tomorrow morning,with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.I would like to meet up with some of you guys in Turkey in August,and maybe on to Iran.We'll have to arrange meeting points nearer the time.Andy

topher 9 Jul 2008 11:44

Hi Andy,

Have a good trip, take care and keep in touch through this thread. I'll post again nearer the time.


andypettitt62 22 Jul 2008 10:02

I'm in Patra,Greece in a bike shop getting some new tyres and chain put on the Bonny.The trip has been interesting already.Stayed with Jenny and her partner in France,then at a buddhist retreat that Jenny recommended,lovely people and great setting.After that I got my skates on and blasted through france, and did 700k across Italy in a day.Slowed down a bit down the Adriatic coast.Croatia was lovely, with great scenery and fantastic biking roads.Got caught at the Montenegro border, not having a green card.10 euros bought me some dodgy bit of paper that meant I was insured there.Right!On to Allbania.i am sorry if any Albanians are reading this, but its a country that I couldnt find anything positive about.Easily Europes worst roads and drivers.It was such a relief to reach the Greek border.I will be having a ride round the Pelopenese then heading north to stay with friends in Bulgaria.After, its on to Turkey, with the main priority getting my Iranain visa sorted.After that its a ride alongh the Med coast, and hopefully meeting up with some fellow Hubbers cross Iran with.

MikeS 22 Jul 2008 10:58

Hope to meet some of you at some point, though I'll b coming from the other direction. I'm in Agra at the moment but should be in Pakistan in a couple of weeks followed by Iran.

TinoCamino 2 Aug 2008 14:38

hey guys

i'm in sofia right now. nice town....
the plan is to leave the day after tomorrow and go direct to turkey.
unfortunately i've got not that much time in turkey, may a week or two.
anyway, tell me where u are and may we can catch up.

cheers tino:scooter:

KennyE 2 Aug 2008 19:03

Hey Tino,

I'm in Turkey at the moment staying at a campground in a village called Kilyos, about 30km north of Istanbul. The plan is to catch a bus into Istanbul on Monday and try for my Iran visa. They are only open for 3 hours in the morning so shall have to leave early.

The campsite is on the Black Sea and is quite pleasant. Maybe we can catch up when you get to Istanbul


TinoCamino 3 Aug 2008 10:42

hey kenny

i will cross tomorrow morning the border and drive to Kilyos. is there only one campground in that village????
chris told me that these 90 days of visa are the time when u can enter iran.
its not that u have to leave the country in this period. u can enter close to the end of these 90 days and stay for another 30 days.
I'm writing really complicated. hope that u understand my question.
if u check your visa, please ask them.

see u soon

andypettitt62 3 Aug 2008 14:07

Hı Hubbers,I,m ın the freaky town of Goreme,Capadocıa at the moment (Sunday 3rd August)I,ll be here for another day or so,then I,m headıng to Ankara to sort out the dreaded Iranıan vısa,I,ll be stayıng at a campsıte 35km out of Ankara by a lake.I can stay there tıll you guys head thıs way,and we could sort out who,se goıng where and when.I,ve got pretty much all month ın Turkey,as my carnet doesn,t start tıll 1st Serptember.The alternatıve ıs to try and blag ıt across the Iranıan border and hope they don,t suss out the date on ıt.If they rumble me I,ll just have to waıt a few more weeks .Send me a prıvate messaghe and I can gıve you my mobıle number.çLookıng forward to sınkıng a few cold Efes wıth you guys.

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