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Ireland/uk To India........and Beyond!
Hello folks and :welcome:
OK, here's the story so far........ I will be leaving home (Northern Ireland) in late August / early September 2008 for a bike trip to India. Why India? I really don't know, I've been looking at maps and the internet and it looks like an interesting place to see....... so why not! When I get to India I may turn around and come home or I may decide to go a bit further to Oz or NZ. I'll make that decision when it is relevant. To date my biking adventures have been European only, with trips to France, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. I know these journeys are not a wild expression of adventure but they have given me the enthusiasm, desire and interest to push myself a bit further. Hence the idea for this trip. My initial idea is to go via France, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan......then India. There may be 100 reasons why this is not a good route, and if that's the case then it can be changed to suit. And should the good Lord get me to India safely then the "do I go further or do I return home" dilemma may just present itself. How Long For? I have no idea. I'm reckoning on around 4 or 5 months in total. Basically I'm going to quit my job at the time and head off, I can worry about a new job when I get home and I would love to make this trip with no time restriction. What Bike? Again I have no idea. It's not that important today but I reckon something like an Africa Twin or Yamaha Tenere would be good enough. A decent one can be bought for c.£2000. Sadly I will have to dispose of my beloved 2003 Triumph Trophy 1200 but isn't it a small price to pay for a real adventure?:thumbup1: My Plans So Far? I am right at the very start of the beginning of the idea.........but to me the most important decision has been made, and that is the decision to go! As far as costs are concerned.....well, I ain't a rich boy :( so I'm gonna have to do this on the cheap(ish) side and if it means I have to stop along the way and work for a few weeks to get a few quid then that's what I will do. I have some bar work experience so this might increase my options should the need arise. Obviously I will camp when the weather is good and it feels right. About me: I'm a 41 year old guy with the enthusiasm and determination of a 21 year old. I'm physically and mentally fit, someone who loves the craziness of this idea, I love getting drunk on occasions, I don't do drugs, I don't have a criminal record, I'm sensible when I have to be, I'm damned easy to get along with and I have an unbreakable enthusiasm for the things in life that interest me. I sure as hell intend to have a ball on this trip and I'm certainly not a shrinking violet when it comes to meeting people (even if I don't speak their lingo!). My friends think I am bonkers to want to do this trip and I can understand their thoughts quite easily...........They are all married with kids and none of them has ever owned a bike! So......here's the question! Are you crazy enough to join me on my quest??? Hope to hear from you soon! Chris PS........If for whatever reason this is not your idea of an adventure then I would offer only one piece of advice......plan a different one, but most important of all, make the decision to do it and go! |
Wait a Year??
Cant help you with next year but my brother and I (19 and 22) are from Saintfield and planning ride round Africa on two XT660's leaving June-Oct 2009 (no clue as to exact times yet as we're even ealrier in the planning than you!) if you fancy waiting you're welcome to come (Might have an understandable accent between the three of us!) Otherwise good luck:thumbup1: and give me a shout if you ever round our way!! Ash :mchappy: |
Hi Ash
Thank you for your reply. For some reason Africa has never held much appeal for me. Don't ask me why, I simply don't know. I was in Kenya in 1999 for a few weeks and whilst it was fine for a holiday (in comfort) it just doesn't grab me by the geraniums as far as going back is concerned.
2009 isn't really going to suit me either Ash. I've made this decision about late 2008 and once I get an idea in my mind about travelling I generally have to roll with it unfortunately(give or take a few weeks or a month)! Yes, you are right.....an understandable accent is a great bonus and it can be reassuring at times. I hope you and your brother have a great time with your plan and I am sure it will be a wonderful adventure for both of you. Chris |
Good Luck
Was only really an opportunity to say good luck to a fellow country man
I'll be keeping track of your journey on here!! Good Luck again! Ash:mchappy: |
Go for it
Hi Mate
With your attitude you can't go wrong. I did my first epic overland trip in 1995. I rode from Cheshire to Bombay in 24 days. Ok, of course I would of liked longer, but my employer would only give me 31 days leave. Do I regret only having that amount of time?, do I hell, it was still a wonderful trip. Never mind about your previous adventures, if you want to succeed, you will. The main thing is to enjoy yourself. You will meet other overlanders at border's etc, and will have ample opportunity to share a beer ect. I did my Uk-India trip on the trusted BMW R 100 GS, it did the job. I now own a Honda African 750 twin, its a wonderful machine and God willing, I will travel to Cape Town on it next year. As for not being rich, once you cross into Asia, you will be surprised how far your finances will last. As for planning, yeah, do your best, but don't get too hung up onit, after all you are embarking on an adventure. If you want things to run near perfectly then join one of the organised overland trips, but I can assure you, you won't feel the same buzz at the end of it, having not carried it off yourself. Anyway, goodluck, you won't regret it. OK, here's the story so far........ I will be leaving home (Northern Ireland) in late August / early September 2008 for a bike trip to India. Why India? I really don't know, I've been looking at maps and the internet and it looks like an interesting place to see....... so why not! When I get to India I may turn around and come home or I may decide to go a bit further to Oz or NZ. I'll make that decision when it is relevant. To date my biking adventures have been European only, with trips to France, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. I know these journeys are not a wild expression of adventure but they have given me the enthusiasm, desire and interest to push myself a bit further. Hence the idea for this trip. My initial idea is to go via France, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan......then India. There may be 100 reasons why this is not a good route, and if that's the case then it can be changed to suit. And should the good Lord get me to India safely then the "do I go further or do I return home" dilemma may just present itself. How Long For? I have no idea. I'm reckoning on around 4 or 5 months in total. Basically I'm going to quit my job at the time and head off, I can worry about a new job when I get home and I would love to make this trip with no time restriction. What Bike? Again I have no idea. It's not that important today but I reckon something like an Africa Twin or Yamaha Tenere would be good enough. A decent one can be bought for c.£2000. Sadly I will have to dispose of my beloved 2003 Triumph Trophy 1200 but isn't it a small price to pay for a real adventure?:thumbup1: My Plans So Far? I am right at the very start of the beginning of the idea.........but to me the most important decision has been made, and that is the decision to go! As far as costs are concerned.....well, I ain't a rich boy :( so I'm gonna have to do this on the cheap(ish) side and if it means I have to stop along the way and work for a few weeks to get a few quid then that's what I will do. I have some bar work experience so this might increase my options should the need arise. Obviously I will camp when the weather is good and it feels right. About me: I'm a 41 year old guy with the enthusiasm and determination of a 21 year old. I'm physically and mentally fit, someone who loves the craziness of this idea, I love getting drunk on occasions, I don't do drugs, I don't have a criminal record, I'm sensible when I have to be, I'm damned easy to get along with and I have an unbreakable enthusiasm for the things in life that interest me. I sure as hell intend to have a ball on this trip and I'm certainly not a shrinking violet when it comes to meeting people (even if I don't speak their lingo!). My friends think I am bonkers to want to do this trip and I can understand their thoughts quite easily...........They are all married with kids and none of them has ever owned a bike! So......here's the question! Are you crazy enough to join me on my quest??? Hope to hear from you soon! Chris PS........If for whatever reason this is not your idea of an adventure then I would offer only one piece of advice......plan a different one, but most important of all, make the decision to do it and go! [/quote] |
Hey Man, from a fellow Irishman doing the Pan American at the moment somewhere in Mexico, I say go for it! you will have a blast! and you will always meet other riders! this forum is great, also check the regional ones! i set out from New York about seven weeks ago, and went via Canada, to my current location of La Paz Baja Sur, and have spent a few days alone!
I too quit my job and it so was the best decision ever! in fact bumped into two Irish the other day, Paul and Maeve also en route to Ushuaia .. we are all on R1200GS's So good luck!! or Buen Suerte as they say here! |
Hey Chris,
Sounds GREAT!! I am looking to do something similar - maybe UK to Australia - but don't know if I can hold out a whole year before I ditch the job!! I don't have many plans at this stage but I really like your attitude of not planning too hard - I think there is a lot to be said for winging it on the way! Good luck with your plans and I'll keep track of how you are going here. Cheers, Jules.:clap: |
By the way folks.......
......I keep hearing about carnets when people are planning long trips. Based on the route I mentioned in my original post, do any of you know if I am going to need one? If so, how do I get it and how much will it cost???
Chris |
Hi Chris,
Milk the information that is here already:- 1. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tripplan/paper 2. Stick key words into the search facility on the HUBB (e.g. Carnet) and you will get lots more info. Cheers, |
hey bud ,
Hey bud,
I'm doing the same trip in 4 weeks time but in the opposite direction, originally from Cork an it's time to get back for a visit,I'm sick of flying so I'm on a gs 650, starting in Australia, south east Asia, Nepal ,Tibet, India and all the others you mentioned, should have 4 months to do it all. so I'll see ya on the road somewhere for sure,following are a list of countries you need a carnet for. Countries in Which the Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD) is Required (1) Africa (2) Benin, Bophuthatswana, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, Ciskei, Comoros, Congo, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Mauritania, Namibia, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe. America Argentina, Brazil (3) ,Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dutch Antilles, Ecuador, Jamaica, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela. Asia & Middle East Bahrain, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq (5) , Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. Europe (4) Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey. Oceania Australia, New Zealand. |
Hi Chris
If you need to keep your cost & im not working away at the time there is a spare bed a my place for you if your passing through kent im only 20m from Dover & 10m from the Channel Tunnel . Pm me & i will send you my tel number. Kev |
Hi Chris,
I think your planned trip is fantastic, and to be honest I could be very tempted but if things go to plan I will be competing on the Mongol Rally at the time of your departure and even if I am back in the UK in time I think it would all be a bit too much. But for your info, a mate of one of the guys at work did a similar trip to the on you're planning and I thought you might be interested to read about his experiences. Have a look at the following link ShapeUpWorldTour Best of luck fella. :thumbup1: |
Hi Chris
Shame you not going this year as I'm planning (although the emphasis is of the plan is to have no plan as per Jacqui L and her 7 year wander) to do similar leaving Sept this year, starting off with a gently troll around Europe and once into the swing of things riding to NZ and then states subject to money, women, bike issues etc :-) How about joining me this year instead?! paul |
Hey there..
Hows it going!
I'm doing the pan america starting july 2008.... going to toronto , then to nova scotia, then to anchorage, then to prudhoe bay for the mandatory dip in the arctic! ... and then the whole way down to Ushuaia in argentina..back up to Buenos Aires for a week of sleeping!! and home... about 5-6months is the length of time I'm bugeting.. back from xmas 08... if your up for altering your trip let me know.......... think the pan america is a lot easier on the bowels from what I hear! take it easy Oisin |
I head for India on the 20th sept 07, i am up in Belfast at the moment, leave for Dublin again on Friday, if you want to meet up send me a ph No, I done south America three years ago on the same bike that i am taking to India. regards joe |
Hi the Celt,
what route your planning to take? Me&my girlfriend, on 1 bike, will be headed the same way at the end of September. Plan to get to Turkey first, then Iran, Pakistan, and from near Lahore to India. Wouldnt mind to have some company along the way, especially in Pakistan as the news havent been all good, but surely why not elsewhere, too. Were not very tight on our schedule, I figure we might be crossing the border to Turkey about 5th or 6th of October, then spend at least a week crossing Turkey, so roughly mid-October when crossing into Iran.. but thats hopefully flexible both ways. If Iran turns out to be nice, we might spend 1-2 weeks there. With the elections coming up in November and all, we´ll then have to see how the situation is in Pakistan, at the moment we plan to take the quickest route possible, and there might be police escorts in some areas. |
Hi Pecha,
Yeah sounds good, I should be hitting Turkey around those dates, will keep you posted. regards joe |
:welcome: guys,
if you guys happened to be in Malaysia just email me! Glad to help my fellow biker....:D |
Hey Chris
My Name is steve I'm 32 ,South African (living in uk)and ride a super tenere ,planning the same trip as you and at the same time but am going all the way to new zealand.Could you give me some details of your route as I'm keen for some company especially Iran , Pakistan and India.If your up for some company get in touch. Regards Steve |
I see that this is a fairly old thread but I am also in the planning stages of a similar trip leaving the uk in Aug or Sep this year. My plans so far include spending some time in Eastern Europe, Iran, Pakistan, India, getting the bike shipped to Bangkok and spending some time in Thailand before checking if my funds will allow me to get the bike shipped from Singapore to Cairns then down the east coast of Australia. Traded the gsxr1000 for a Transalp :eek3: (never thought that would happen) and am pretty much on track for leaving sometime between Aug and Sep. Not posted on the site but have not been off it for a few months getting as much info as possible. I have got some basic route plans for each of the countries but would be good to hear some of the plans that you have in place, what length of time you are thinking about travelling over etc. Would be good to get some company along the way Cheers |
I'll be in India in July for an unknown period of time. I'll either be going to SE Asia afterwards or make an attempt at getting to Europe. I only have a USA passport so that might make it difficult for me. I wish California had its own passport. I hope to see you there and I might ride part of your trip with you. Although I'll be on a much slower bike.
--Dave |
Carnets needed for Europe?
Hi, just wanted to double check something.
KevOK wrote about carnets which included these countries: "Europe (4) Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey." However the info on this site and on the video (in which Grant talks about it) says you do not need a carnet for Europe: "USA, Canada, Mexico and European countries do not require duty, Customs bond or Carnet to import personally-owned 'tourist' vehicles as long as they are re-exported within liberal time frames, usually 6-12 months." This is of some importance to me as I am starting a trip round Europe in July, which begins with a ferry trip from the UK to Denmark and includes Finland, & possibly Italy. I had no intention of getting a carnet for this trip. Can anyone clear up this discrepancy? I would hate the trip to end in Denmark on day 2! Chris, In regard to the trip my mate and I should be in Eastern Europe August-Sept and further south late Sept-Oct. Our trip is intentionally not detailed as regards route but we are intending to head south from Scandinavia Via The Baltic states (and hopefully Russia depending on visas), Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and back through Serbia, B&H, Croatia, Slovenia, (maybe Italy), and back through France and wherever else depending on time. Would be keen to catch up on the road somewhere if we can organise it. Will keep in touch. Cheers & good luck, Damien |
Nope you won't need a carnet. That segment you mentioned only applies to commercial vehicles.
Cheers Kenny
Yeah, that's what I thought. Thanks for your contributions to my various questions!
Cheers, Damien |
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