Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Kyrgyzstan - China - Nepal - India - Myanmar, Laos, September 2016 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/kyrgyzstan-china-nepal-india-myanmar-87953)

Mr.Andrixon 12 Jun 2016 11:42

Kyrgyzstan - China - Nepal - India - Myanmar, Laos, September 2016
Good Day Dear All, expecting to perform flowing moto-tour:

From Riga Latvia to Phuket Thailand, expecting to start in the end of the summer 2016, second part of August in order to be at Torugat pass in the beginig of September, may try earlier or later.

Will cross China border from Torugat pass - Kashgar - than route G219 to Lhasa, than back till Chawuxiang and than to Nepal Kathmandu road G318.

Than from Nepal east direction to India, than I have to cross Myanmar to reach the Thailand.

But just received information from that guys "kashgarsilkroad" agency
that China - Nepal border is closed, and no idea when it will be open again.

They offered me to travel via Laos or Myanmar.

Anybody want's to join in order to share the China passing expenses?
And do You have any information abt border China-Nepal? is it still really closed?

Many thanks Yours!
Best Regards
Yury Andrixon

Mr.Andrixon 12 Jun 2016 12:32

Maybe the north route to India from China via Pakistan is also workable?
It may be not so long, just abt 500-600 km

Visorhead_Tim 14 Jun 2016 16:38

Hey Jurij!
We are two guys originally from Latvia (now live in London) and we're going from London to Vietnam in August. We are crossing China into Pakistan around 5th October (according to our estimate) and we are desperately looking for people to join us, it would be great if you could join us! :)

Our website: visorhead
you can contact us here or or FB (https://www.facebook.com/timursozuns or https://www.facebook.com/KAKANON)

Adventurism 20 Nov 2016 15:20

Any of you looking to cross Myanmar around January 2017?

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