Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   London to India to Singapore (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/london-to-india-to-singapore-857)

Richard (Kiwi) 25 Jul 2003 21:12

London to India to Singapore
Currently myself and Peter Baird are in Turkey heading on to Iran Pakistan and India. Expect to be in Iran on or about 10 August for two weeks than Pakistan for two weeks.

If anyone else is on the road and wants to hook up feel free to send us an email at the following address

richieshine at yahoo.com

imadan 27 Jul 2003 21:05

I am in the U.K waiting for a Visa for Iran and pakistan ....the chances of which look very slim ... How did u guys get the visas ? Do you know if landing permits are still available in Pakistan ?


iris_trui 27 Jul 2003 23:12

Hello "imadan",
this topic, under "Trip Paperwork" tells you all: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb...ML/000349.html

Enjoy your journey,

Iris and Trui
2 belgian women, often travelling on motorbikes (now on DR650SE's)
2nd overland from home to Northern India and back, April-October 2002

chris 28 Jul 2003 03:51

might see you around manali/india if you're there at the same time as me.



Richard (Kiwi) 30 Jul 2003 23:36

Cheers Chris. We will try and get ýn touch wýth you nearer the time.

Imaden, we are travellýng on NZ passports. We got all the visas in London. Simply filled in the forms which we got from the net and dropped off the passports plus money.

We did it in a particular order which we heard was important. India first, then Pak, then Iran. We understood that Pak and Iran want to see evidence that you intend to leave before they grant the visa. Good luck.

Rik Blocksidge 1 Aug 2003 20:47

Hi Richard,

I'm in Rishikesh making for Manail / Leh than back to Nepal / Pokhara, than this time onto Thialand, because no more vase for Nepal & no carnet for India as I'v been here a year now!!

Drop me a mail, so we can meet up.

Ride free, Ride Safe, Ride one more mile,

Rik & Changeling (83 R80 BM)

bmwpd 6 Aug 2003 21:52

hi Richard
I`am in Iran now in Esferhan or so maybe we cab catch up somewhere.

And Rik are you still in Rishikesh ? I can`t belive it.
Ok save travels

Richard (Kiwi) 11 Aug 2003 01:44


We expect to be in Eshferhan around 20-25 Aug.


bmwpd 14 Aug 2003 00:59

will cross the border to Turky tomorrow and stay around Van on that lake there.
So maybe so yah around east Turky.

Kiwi Pete 18 Aug 2003 01:13

Hi Andre, sorry mate, we missed ya. We're currently in Esfahan and head on from here in a couple of days. Anyone else about?

We met a Japanses guy on an XT600 (Tomoy) in Doggy Biscuit last Thursday (12th) so you may see him on the road.

There is another bike parked out the front of our hostel here in Esfahan but we are yet to make contact though we suspect he's going the opposite way to us.

BTW, for anyone who doesn't know, fuel here is 7 US cents per litre, the people are friendly, the roads are great, but the drivers are suicidal!!!!!


Rik Blocksidge 20 Aug 2003 15:05

Hi Richard & Peter,

I sent a email to you richieshine@yahoo.com

But it keeps coming back to me!!!

I'm in Richikesh India, I'm in no rush!!

I plan to go Nepal & ship out to Thailand some time this year than make my way to New Zealand.

It would be grate to meet up with some more overlandards, you shold meet up with some people I have meet here & in Nepal!!

Ride Free, Ride Safe, Ride one more mile,

Rik & Changeling (83 R0oTic BM)


Originally posted by (Kiwi):
Currently myself and Baird are in Turkey heading on to Iran Pakistan and India. Expect to be in Iran on or about 10 August for two weeks than Pakistan for two weeks.

If anyone else is on the road and wants to hook up feel free to send us an email at the following address

richieshine at yahoo.com

Dalbir 22 Aug 2003 21:30

,Hý Rýchard,
Mýssed you at Esfahan, but had a chat wýth Peter, whýle you were sleepýng ý thýnk. I just got ýnto Turkey last nýght and ým stýll recoverýng from a hangover. Anyways have a good rýde and all the best.

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